GeoServer Beginner's Guide  
Table of Contents  
GeoServer Beginner's Guide  
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Time for action heading  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – heading  
Have a go hero – heading  
Reader feedback  
Customer support  
Downloading the example code  
Downloading the color images of this book  
. GIS Fundamentals  
What is GIS about?  
The foundation of any GIS spatial data  
Measuring the world  
Have a go hero – move around the planet with decimal degree coordinates  
Projecting a sphere on a plane  
Understanding coordinate systems  
Commonly used coordinate systems  
Universal Transverse Mercator system  
Web Mercator  
Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)  
Have a go hero – explore EPSG registry  
Representing geometrical shapes  
Modeling the real world with raster data  
Representing the world  
Time for action exploring OpenStreetMap  
What just happened?  
Adding more colors to your maps  
Choropleth maps  
Proportional maps  
Time for action making your thematic map  
What just happened?  
. Getting Started with GeoServer  
Installing Java  
Time for action checking the presence of Java on Windows  
What just happened?  
Time for action checking the presence of Java on Ubuntu  
What just happened?  
Time for action – installing JRE on Windows  
What just happened?  
Time for action installing JRE on Ubuntu  
What just happened?  
Installing Apache Tomcat  
Time for action – installing Apache Tomcat on Windows  
What just happened?  
Time for action installing Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu  
What just happened?  
Time for action configuring Tomcat as a service on Ubuntu  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – exploring the Tomcat web interface  
Pop quiz – setting up Java  
Installing GeoServer  
Time for action – deploying GeoServer on Tomcat  
What just happened?  
Implementing basic security  
Time for action improving security settings  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – GeoServer security  
. Exploring the Administrative Interface  
Understanding the interface  
About & Status  
Server Status  
Memory Usage  
JVM Version and fonts  
JAI usage and configurations  
Update Sequence  
Resource Cache  
Configuration and catalog  
GeoServer Logs  
Contact Information  
Time for action manually reloading configuration  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – exploring the bug tracker  
Layer Preview  
Time for action – OpenLayers preview  
What just happened?  
Time for action – KML preview  
What just happened?  
Time for action – creating a workspace  
What just happened?  
Layer groups  
Time for action limiting the SRS list from WMS  
What just happened?  
Verbose Reporting  
Enable Global Services  
Proxy Base URL  
Logging Profile  
Log to StdOut  
Log location  
Time for action changing your logging configuration  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – making your own logging level  
Tile Caching  
Users, Groups, and Roles  
Catalog security  
Services security  
Time for action exploring Demo requests  
What just happened?  
SRS List  
Time for action – filtering the projection list  
What just happened?  
4. Accessing Layers  
Layer types  
Time for action exploring OpenLayers options  
What just happened?  
Working with tiles  
Have a go hero – selecting a features subset with filters  
Exploring the Web Map Service output formats  
KML (Plain)  
KMZ (Compressed)  
Web Feature Service  
GML (plain text)  
GML2 (compressed GZIP)  
Time for action – parsing GeoJSON  
Extra output options  
GDAL and OGR output  
Time for action using the GetFeatureInfo freemarker template  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – changing another layer  
Using WMS Reflector  
Time for action using WMS Reflector  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – exploring the pdf Reflect option  
Pop quiz – accessing data  
5. Adding Your Data  
Configuring your data  
Configuring vector data sources  
Adding a properties file  
Configuring an external Web Feature Service  
Adding shapefiles  
Time for action – adding shapefiles  
What just happened?  
Using PostGIS  
Time for action installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS  
What just happened?  
Time for action – loading data in PostGIS and publishing them in GeoServer  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – filtering data  
Configuring raster data sources  
Configuring an external Web Map Service  
Pop quiz – adding data to GeoServer  
Exploring additional data sources  
Using Oracle  
Time for action – adding Oracle support in GeoServer  
What just happened?  
Using MySQL  
Time for action adding MySQL data source  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – adding data  
6. Styling Your Layers  
Understanding Styled Layer Descriptor  
Editing styles  
Exploring the standard structure of a style  
Time for action – viewing GeoServer bundled styles  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – SLD basic elements  
Loading data for styling  
Working with point symbols  
Time for action – creating a simple point style  
What just happened?  
Time for action – adding a stroke value  
What just happened?  
Time for action – dealing with angles and transparency  
What just happened?  
Time for action composing simple shapes  
What just happened?  
Time for action using external graphics  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – styling points  
Have a go hero – composing your symbol  
Linestring symbols  
Time for action – creating a simple line style  
What just happened?  
Time for action – adding a border and a centerline  
What just happened?  
Time for action using hatching  
What just happened?  
Time for action – using dashed lines  
What just happened?  
Time for action mixing dashing lines and markers  
What just happened?  
Working with polygon symbols  
Time for action – creating a simple polygon style  
What just happened?  
Time for action – using a graphic filling  
What just happened?  
Time for action using hatching with polygons  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz styling lines and polygons  
Adding labels  
Time for action – labeling points  
What just happened?  
Time for action – labeling lines  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – styling labels for lines  
Time for action – labeling polygons  
What just happened?  
Thematic mapping  
Time for action – classifying roads  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – styling labels for lines  
Setting visibility  
Time for action enhancing thematic roads map  
What just happened?  
Putting it all together  
Time for action grouping layers  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – composing a full map  
7. Creating Simple Maps  
Exploring Google Maps API  
Time for action – adding a GeoServer layer as overlay  
What just happened?  
Time for action – adding a GeoServer layer as a base layer  
What just happened?  
Using pre-calculated maps  
Time for action – adding a GeoServer cached layer as overlay  
What just happened?  
Time for action customizing Google basemap  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – creating a custom Google map layer  
Interacting with the user  
Time for action – intercepting the Click event  
What just happened?  
Using OpenLayers  
Time for action integrating GeoServer and OpenLayers  
What just happened?  
Time for action using GeoRSS with OpenLayers  
What just happened?  
Exploring Leaflet  
Time for action – using Leaflet with GeoServer layers  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – creating mapping apps  
8. Performance and Caching  
Exploring GeoWebCache  
Time for action configuring GeoWebCache storage  
What just happened?  
Time for action configuring Disk Quota  
What just happened?  
Setting caching defaults  
Direct integration  
TMS and WMTS  
Default layers options  
Default Cached Gridsets  
Configuring gridsets  
Time for action – creating a custom gridset  
What just happened?  
Configuring tile layers  
Time for action configuring layers and layer groups for caching  
What just happened?  
Time for action using tiles with OpenLayers  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – building a client for tiger county layer  
Time for action – seeding a layer  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – configuring integrated GeoWebCache  
Using an external GeoWebCache  
9. Automating Tasks: GeoServer REST Interface  
Introducing REST  
Using REST  
Time for action – installing the Requests library  
What just happened?  
Managing data  
Working with workspaces and namespaces  
Time for action managing workspaces  
What just happened?  
Using data stores  
Time for action managing data stores  
What just happened?  
Using feature types  
Time for action – adding a new shapefile  
What just happened?  
Time for action – adding a PostGIS table  
What just happened?  
Have a go hero – create a new shapefile  
Publishing data  
Working with styles  
Time for action adding a new style  
What just happened?  
Working with layers  
Time for action managing layers  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – reviewing REST operations  
0. Securing GeoServer Before Production  
Basic security settings  
Time for action enabling strong encryption  
What just happened?  
Time for action changing the master password  
What just happened?  
Defining users, groups, and roles  
User definition  
Group definition  
User/group services  
Roles definition  
Time for action creating users and groups  
What just happened?  
Time for action – defining roles  
What just happened?  
Accessing data and services  
Have a go hero – creating a new shapefile  
Time for action – securing layers  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – reviewing security  
1. Tuning GeoServer in a Production Environment  
Tuning Java  
Time for action configuring Java runtime parameters  
What just happened?  
Time for action – installing native JAI  
What just happened?  
Removing unused services  
Time for action – disabling unused services  
What just happened?  
Setting a proxy  
Time for action configuring a proxy  
What just happened?  
Avoiding service faults  
Time for action configuring a cluster  
What just happened?  
Pop quiz – production environment  
2. Going Further: Getting Help and Troubleshooting  
Going beyond maps  
Delivering vector data  
Time for action – retrieving vector data  
What just happened?  
Delivering raster data  
Time for action – retrieving raster data  
What just happened?  
Getting help  
Have a go hero – GeoServer needs you!  
Pop quiz - using WFS and WCS  
A. Pop Quiz Answers  
Chapter 2, Getting Started with GeoServer  
Pop quiz – setting up Java  
Pop quiz – GeoServer security  
Chapter 4, Accessing Layers  
Pop quiz – accessing data  
Chapter 5, Adding your Data  
Pop quiz – adding data to GeoServer  
Pop quiz – adding data  
Chapter 6, Styling your Layers  
Pop quiz – SLD basic elements  
Pop quiz – styling points  
Pop quiz styling lines and polygons  
Chapter 7, Creating Simple Maps  
Pop quiz – creating mapping apps  
Chapter 8, Performance and Caching  
Pop quiz – configuring integrated GeoWebCache  
Chapter 9, Automating Tasks: GeoServer REST Interface  
Pop quiz – reviewing REST operations  
Chapter 10, Securing GeoServer before Production  
Pop quiz – reviewing security  
Chapter 11, Tuning GeoServer in a Production Environment  
Pop quiz – production environment  
Chapter 12, Going Further: Getting Help and Troubleshooting  
Pop quiz using WFS and WCS  
GeoServer Beginner's Guide  
GeoServer Beginner's Guide  
Copyright © 2013 Packt Publishing  
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval  
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permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in  
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Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of  
the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold  
without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt  
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Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the  
companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals.  
However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.  
First published: February 2013  
Production Reference: 1110213  
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.  
Livery Place  
5 Livery Street  
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.  
ISBN 978-1-84951-668-6  
Cover Image by Brian Youngblood (<>)  
Stefano Iacovella  
Brian Youngblood  
Pablo Rodríguez Bustamante  
Daniela Cristiana DOCAN  
Brett Gaines  
Eric-Jan Groen  
Antonio Santiago  
Acquisition Editor  
Usha Iyer  
Lead Technical Editor  
Dayan Hyames  
Technical Editor  
Jalasha D'costa  
Copy Editors  
Aditya Nair  
Laxmi Subramanian  
Ruta Waghmare  
Project Coordinator  
Amey Sawant  
Aaron Nash  
Hemangini Bari  
Production Coordinator  
Shantanu Zagade  
Cover Work  
Shantanu Zagade  
About the Authors  
Stefano Iacovella is a long-time GIS developer and consultant living in Rome,  
Italy. He also works as a GIS course instructor.  
He has a Ph.D in Geology. Being a very curious person, he has developed a deep  
knowledge of IT technologies, mainly focused on GIS Software and related  
Starting his career as an ESRI employee, he was exposed to and became confiden  
with proprietary GIS Software, mainly the ESRI suite of products.  
For the last 10 years, he has been involved with open source software and also the  
task of integrating it with commercial software. He loves the open source approach,  
and really trusts in the collaboration and sharing of knowledge. He strongly  
believes in the concept of open source, and constantly strives to spread it, and not  
only in the GIS sector.  
He has been using GeoServer since the release of Version 1.5; configuring,  
deploying, and hacking it in several projects. Some of the other GFOSS projects he  
mainly uses and likes are GDAL/OGR libraries, PostGIS, QGIS, and OpenLayers.  
When not playing with maps and geometric shapes, he loves reading about science,  
mainly physics and math, riding his bike, and having fun with his wife and his two  
daughters, Alice and Luisa.  
I would like to thank many people who have helped me to make this book a reality.  
A special mention for GeoServer's developers; they are the wonderful engine  
without which this book would not exist.  
I would like to thank Usha Iyer, Dayan Hyames, Amey Sawant, and everyone else at  
Packt Publishing for all their hard work to get this book published.  
My gratitude to Luca Morandini, a colleague and friend; he spurred me to take this  
Last but not the least, I want to express my gratitude to Alessandra, Alice, and  
Luisa for their support and patience.  
Brian Youngblood is a open source developer living in Montgomery, AL with  
more than a decade of experience developing, integrating, and managing high traffic  
Brian was the Online Operations Manager and Technical Lead at the Southern  
Poverty Law Center for over 12 years. The SPLC is a nationally recognized  
nonprofit, and its websites and have continued to get  
sharp increases in visitors year-on-year, resulting in growth in its online operations  
with open source. The SPLC won two Webby Awards in 2002 and 2004.  
Brian was also the founding partner and Chief Technology Officer for IntelliTours,  
a GPS-guided multimedia tour. He worked with several companies developing  
hardware and software including Alcorn McBride, Volkswagen, and Garmin. His  
work explored San Diego, Santa Cruz, Hawaii, and miles and miles of I-95 on the  
East Coast. Most notably, his work was featured on the cover of Entertainment  
Engineering magazine, Martha Stewart radio, the LA Times, and NPR.  
Embracing the spirit of other open source communities such as Drupal, and a  
combined passion for scalable GIS solutions, led him to adopt GeoServer for  
rapidly changing geospatial data stores.  
You can contact him at <> or follow him on twitter  
The GeoServer developers and community. So many have contributed to bringing  
this software to this point. Specifically, Andrea Aime, Chris Holmes, Gabrel  
Roldan, and David Winslow have fielded my questions on GeoServer's mailing list  
and in IRC. Their tireless commitment to the GeoServer project has helped me and  
so many others immensely.  
Other contributors are also listed on the contributors page at  
Thank you Melissa Henninger for helping edit and proof chapters. To Bill  
Fitzgerald for his advice as a Packt author.  
About the Reviewers  
Pablo Rodríguez Bustamante is a geographer and an Environment and  
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Consultant with experience in the field o  
water resource planning and natural hazards.  
He has 4 years' experience in the field of GIT (Geographic Information  
Technologies) and thematic mapping, 3 years' experience in environmental  
consulting, and 2 years' experience in water planning issues and natural hazards.  
He is a GIS specialist. He has expertise in EIA and Urban and Regional Planning.  
He is fluent in Spanish, English, and Italian.  
GEOCyL Environmental and Territorial Consultancy  
GEOCyL is an environmental and territorial consultancy specializing in  
environmental studies, risk management, GIS development, land management, urban  
planning, geomarketing, and spreading knowledge about nature and our  
Our company optimizes various territorial areas in different sectors. For that, we  
use the newest technologies in geographical science concerning environmental and  
territorial issues. On the basis of GIS, we provide specific and optimized solutions  
for public authorities and/or private companies.  
R&D lines (lines of research)  
Research referring to the management of natural hazards, which include  
drawing up of maps of risk, danger, and vulnerability through particular  
methodologies of risk analysis; technological advice and help concerning  
territorial planning and development of endangered areas to prevent or reduce  
the effect of natural hazards in order to protect the civilian population; and  
management of emergency bodies.  
Implementation of the GBI system (Geographic Business Intelligence) for  
greater profitability  
Analysis and optimization of geographical information and solutions.  
I would like to thank my family and my GEOCyL partners (Eduardo Bustillo  
Florian Schilling, …), who always supported me, even in difficult times. Special  
thanks to my girlfriend Patricia and my friends.  
Daniela Cristiana DOCAN is a lecturer at Technical University of Civil  
Engineering, Bucharest, Romania. She works within the Faculty of Geodesy, mainly  
in GIS and survey engineering.  
Formerly, she worked for ESRI Romania and ANCPI (National Agency of Cadastre  
and Land Registration).  
She obtained her Ph.D in 2009 in Civil Engineering, with the thesis "Contributions  
to quality improvement of spatial data in GIS".  
While working for ESRI Romania, she has trained (as an authorized Instructor in  
ArcGIS by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), Redland  
California, USA) teams from different states and privately owned companies. Also,  
she has created and administrated databases (geodatabase format) for different  
domains of activity.  
For ANCPI (National Agency of Cadastre and Land Registration), in 2009 she  
created (for the first time in the field) a logical and physical datamodel for the  
National Topographic Data set on a large scale (TOPRO5). She was a member of  
different workgroups who elaborated the standards and technical specifications and  
the country report, in 2010 for INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information i  
the European Community).  
Brett Gaines is a GIS programmer and remote sensing analyst. He holds a B.S  
degree in Geography with a specialization in GIS, along with a M.Sc. degree in  
He stays on the leading edge of GIS and database technologies, and he is always  
eager to learn new things. He prefers challenging projects and solving tough  
geospatial intelligence problems.  
Eric-Jan Groen is a Linux Professional from the Netherlands. Formerly, he  
worked at Automotive Navigation Data.  
I would like to thank everyone who helped create this book in any way.  
Antonio Santiago is a computer science professional with a keen interest in the  
subject. He is an extremely curious Software Engineer who loves programming and  
learning new things.  
GIS is his preferred area of interest, mainly because of the amount of things it  
encloses: databases with spatial capabilities, servers, protocols and standards,  
desktop and web development, and scalability.  
After working with different technologies, such as C, Perl, and PHP, he found his  
preferred language, Java.  
In 2004, while on a weather radar project with the IDL language (Interactive Data  
Language), he started working with OGC standards and GeoTools/GeoServer  
Nowadays, he is more focused on the JavaScript language because of the great  
performance implementation of current browsers and the growing adoption of the  
HTML5 specification.  
He has authored the book OpenLayers Cookbook, by Packt Publishing.  
To my partner, Pilar, for understanding my passion for computers, and to my  
parents for igniting in me the spark to see the beauty of learning.  
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I would like to express all my gratitude, affecttion, and professional respect  
to Ruggero Faggioni.  
He was a colleague and a friend. He helped me discover my skills; he gave  
me the opportunity to grow as a GIS consultant. In the years we worked  
together, he was not only a boss, but also a kind tutor, and he taught me a  
I would like to dedicate this book to Ruggero, unfortunately he isn't there  
anymore to read it, but I am sure he would have liked it.  
Stefano Iacovella  
I would like to thank Jon Fisher from Auburn University Montgomery who  
ultimately led me to pursue a career in the Information Technology field.  
His patience, mentoring, and willingness to share his knowledge planted the  
seed that continues to grow today.  
To Jim Carrier, the founder and my partner at IntelliTours for sharing the  
passion to explore the world around us through the use of GPS, story-  
telling, and writing.  
My grandmother, mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, and two nephews. They  
have seen my highs and lows during the process of writing this book and  
provided encouragement when I needed it most.  
Also, it would be remiss if I didn't mention my dog Cooper, who has never  
been too far from me and my keyboard as I have written this book over  
many long nights and weekends.  
Brian Youngblood  
Nowadays, web mapping is all over the Internet. User friendly-interfaces and  
efficiency are mandatory requirements for GIS, as for any other system. If you are  
going to start a new web mapping application, you will not start from scratch.  
GeoServer is one of the biggest players in the web mapping field. It has a solid  
developer community and a high maturity level. Although it's not an easy piece of  
software to master, the latest releases have greatly improved stability and ease of  
GeoServer Beginner's Guide offers you a practical introduction to GeoServer.  
Beginning with the installation and basic usage, you will learn to use the  
administration interface for adding data, configuring layers, customizing OGC  
services, and securing your site. You will find included lots of step-by-step  
examples, covering topics from data store configuration to layer publication and  
style customization. If all this sounds new and strange to you, don't worry;  
GeoServer Beginner's Guide will introduce you to the fundamentals of GIS and  
will then clearly explain all the basic tasks performed in order to build maps.  
This book is meant to expand your knowledge of web mapping from something you  
have either heard of or have practised a little, into something you can apply at any  
level to meet your needs in incorporate maps for a site. I hope you will enjoy  
reading this book as much as I did writing it.  
What this book covers  
Chapter 1, GIS Fundamentals, introduces you to GIS concepts. It guides you  
through spatial data types and maps. You will discover how spatial information is  
stored and how to set up a map. You may want to skip this chapter if you already  
have a solid background in GIS.  
Chapter 2, Getting Started with GeoServer, guides you in setting up your first  
GeoServer instance. It shows you, step by step, how to download the most recent  
version of the software and its requirements, that is, JAVA and a servlet container.  
For each component, a detailed description about how to install it is included.  
Chapter 3, Exploring the Administrative Interface, covers GeoServer's web  
administration interface. It explains how to log in and access each section. You  
will familiarize yourself with data configuration following a common workflow  
that starts by adding data to GeoServer and guides you through to publication.  
Included in this chapter are screen captures that define the main areas of the  
program and menu items—all of which is very helpful when accessing the interface  
for the first time.  
Chapter 4, Accessing Layers, guides you through data publication. The chapter  
covers in detail all output types offered by GeoServer for your data. Raster formats  
such as JPEG and PNG are discussed for maps, while vector formats such as  
GeoRSS and GEOJSON are explained for vector output. We will also explor  
OpenLayers, a JavaScript framework that GeoServer includes in its output format  
when you want to serve your data as an application.  
Chapter 5, Adding Your Data, demonstrates how you can configure data in  
GeoServer. The examples included will show you how to add and publish  
shapefiles and PostGIS tables, two of the most common formats, which are also  
natively supported by GeoServer. The extensions for Oracle and MySQL are also  
Chapter 6, Styling Your Layers, explains how to apply styles to your layers. Styles  
let you render your data according to attributes, in order to build pretty maps.  
SLD's syntax, the standard for data rendering, will be explained in detail, with  
examples for different geometry types such as point, polyline, and polygons. The  
chapter also illustrates how to build scale-dependent symbology and how to  
compose different rendering in a group, to mimic a map in WMS.  
Chapter 7, Building a Simple Map for Your Site Using OpenLayers, Google  
Maps, and Your Geospatial Data, describes how to build client applications with  
the JavaScript framework. JavaScript is a powerful and widespread language and,  
unsurprisingly, it is one of the best choices when developing a web application. We  
will build some sample maps using Google Maps API, OpenLayers, and Leaflet.  
Chapter 8, Performance and Caching, covers the use of integrated GeoWebCache.  
Caching maps is a common strategy with map servers; it allows you to serve pretty  
complex maps without running out of resources. The GeoServer 2.2 release  
introduces a great change: you can fully administer the integrated GeoWebCache  
from the web admin interface. In the examples included, you will configure cache  
with different strategies, optimizing performance, or disk usage.  
Chapter 9, Automating Tasks: GeoServer REST Interface, explains how to control  
the GeoServer configuration from a remote location through the REST interface  
This may prove a great help if you have to administer a GeoServer site without the  
possibility of using the web admin interface, or if you want to automatize, in an  
external procedure, some admin tasks. The included examples will let you add  
data, configure styles and layers, and publish them. All the operations are  
demonstrated with Python and cURL syntaxes.  
Chapter 10, Securing GeoServer Before Production, covers the GeoServer  
security module. The chapter first discusses general configuration for security, that  
is, password encryption, and then the security model is explained. A case history  
shows you how to create a configuration where different users are in charge of  
administration, editing, and publication tasks.  
Chapter 11, Tuning GeoServer in a Production Environment, explains the  
advanced considerations for running a successful GeoServer site. It covers Java  
Runtime tuning and data and services optimization. Finally, a high availability  
configuration is detailed, with instructions for configuring a balanced GeoServer  
Chapter 12, Going Further: Getting Help and Troubleshooting, shows you how to  
access community tools and help for going further than what you will learn from  
this book. It also covers a concise introduction to other data publication standards  
implemented in GeoServer, WCS, and WFS. With WCS and WFS, you can serv  
vector and raster data to clients that not only need to show a map but have to  
perform some processing on the data.  
What you need for this book  
Installation and download instructions are described for all the software packages  
you will need. You just need to have access to a computer with an online  
connection for downloading packages. The instructions cover both Linux and  
Windows operating systems, so you may select the one you prefer.  
All the software used in this book is freely available, most of the time as an open  
source project. Hardware requirements for development purposes are not very  
high. A relatively modern laptop or desktop will be enough for running examples.  
Source code and data used in this book are freely available on the Packt Publishing  
Who this book is for  
If you are going to use maps on your site, incorporate spatial data in a desktop  
application, or you are just curious about web mapping, this book offers you a fast-  
paced and practical introduction.  
Particularly if you need to develop a web application supporting maps, you will  
find that GeoServer is one of the best solutions you can choose.  
Analysts will discover how GIS works and how it can be integrated in complex  
systems. System administrators may also find this book useful for planning  
installation, tuning, and maintenance.  
In this book, you will find several headings appearing frequently.  
To give clear instructions of how to complete a procedure or task, we use:  
Time for action – heading  
1. Action 1  
2. Action 2  
3. Action 3  
Instructions often need some extra explanation so that they make sense, so they are  
followed with:  
What just happened?  
This heading explains the working of tasks or instructions that you have just  
You will also find some other learning aids in the book, including:  
Pop quiz – heading  
These are short multiple-choice questions intended to help you test your own  
Have a go hero – heading  
These practical challenges and give you ideas for experimenting with what you  
have learned.  
You will also find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds  
of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their  
6 file and unzip it. Create a new database  
in MySQL. Call it geoserver."  
A block of code is set as follows:  
places.1=1|Rome|Italy|POINT(12.492 41.890)  
places.2=2|Grand Canyon|Usa|POINT(-112.122 36.055)  
places.3=3|Paris|France|POINT(2.294 48.858)  
places.4=4|Iguazu National Park|Argentina|POINT(-54.442 -25.688)  
places.5=5|Ayers Rock|Australia|POINT(131.036 -25.345)  
New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the  
screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in the text like this: "Start  
Tomcat service and then log in to the GeoServer administration interface. Go to the  
Data | Stores section and click on Add new store. You can now see some new  
options. Select MySQL".  
Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.  
Tips and tricks appear like this.  
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Chapter 1. GIS Fundamentals  
In this chapter, you will learn the foundation of geographical information system  
and spatial data. Although you do not need to understand these subjects in great  
depth to take advantage of the features of GeoServer, we will give you the basic  
information required to understand what you will be doing in the book. You will  
be introduced to the magic of spatial.  
We are going to cover the following topics:  
Why is spatial data special?  
Spatial data formats.  
The magical world of Spatial Reference System (SRS): getting a sphere on a  
What is a map and why does it matter?  
The art of Cartography. Building map types such as Choropleth and  
Proportional Symbol.  
By the end of the chapter, you will have the basic skills to identify which spatial  
data format best suits your needs.  
What is GIS about?  
Since you were a kid at school you have been exposed to a lot of maps. Maps of  
countries, where you spent hours memorizing the boundaries, rivers, and capitals;  
historical maps, with the rise and fall of ancient empires, where you dreamed of  
being a great conqueror; economics maps, with the locations and amounts of goods  
and services. Every day on newspapers, on TV, or in a far more accurate  
presentation, in books and academic papers you look at data represented on a map.  
Maps are a spatial representation of data and are often the main output of a GIS.  
GIS is an acronym for Geographical Information System. Does it sounds too  
complicated to you? Don't be afraid; it is not so different from many other systems  
for managing information you probably already know. The main difference is in the  
spatial piece of information. All the data contained in a GIS has a spatial dimension  
or a link to another object with spatial attributes.  
So what is GIS? In a nutshell,we can define it as a system to acquire and store  
data, to process data, and to produce data representations, that is, maps. In this  
book you will learn that working with GeoServer requires you to prepare your  
data, process it to render in a beautiful map, and build up a set of functions that  
enable a user to interact with your data. So building up a GeoServer instance may  
be described as GIS-building.  
A detailed comprehension of GIS is far beyond the scope of this book and it is not  
required for starting with GeoServer. But you need to have some basic skills in  
spatial data, maps, and spatial reference systems.  
Let's go; we are going to turn you into a neo-cartographer!  
The foundation of any GIS – spatial  
If you have ever built a simple map to annotate your hiking on mountains or to send  
driving directions to your girlfriend or boyfriend, you have dealt with spatial data.  
Spatial data is the foundation of any GIS. You know that a building is likely to fall  
down unless it is sitting atop a strong foundation. So you need to understand spatial  
data or you will be producing poor map output.  
But what is spatial data in simple words? From a general point of view you can  
consider a piece of spatial information. Each description of an object contains a  
reference to its position on the Earth's surface. Well, that is not a rigorous formal  
definition as there are a lot of objects below and over the earth's surface, but for  
now we are fine with this simplistic definition.  
Think of some lists of familiar objects:  
A list of bookshops with addresses  
A list of places you visited during your trips  
A list of points of interest, for example, restaurants, museums, and hotels, you  
collected with your mobile phone  
An aerial photo with a view of a city, where you can recognize notable places  
You can say where each element is located in a more or less precise way. They are  
real objects represented with spatial data. As you may have noted, the spatial  
information is represented in quite a heterogeneous way. Most people are able to  
recognize spatial information in any group from the previous list. Unfortunately,  
GIS software andGeoServer are an exception to this and tend to prefer a strong  
structured piece of information. If you are going to use your spatial data with  
GeoServer, you need to organize it more accurately. We will talk specifically about  
GeoServer's data connectors inChapter 5, Adding Your Own DataStore, but for  
now it is important that you understand how spatial data is commonly organized and  
stored. As you keep on making maps, you will deal with lots of different spatial  
Measuring the world  
So spatial data are references for an object's position on the earth's surface. How  
can you measure and store them in a numeric format? An elementary model of the  
earth could be a sphere. On a sphere's surface, you can measure positions with  
angular units called latitude and longitude. Latitude (ϕ) measures the angle  
between the equatorial plane and a line that passes through that point and is normal  
to the surface; whereas longitude (λ) measures the angle east or west from a  
reference meridian (for example, that passing through Greenwich observatory) to  
another meridian that passes through that point. Angular measures can be expressed  
in digital degrees or in degrees, minutes, and seconds.  
If you want to store the location of The Statue of Liberty, you can express it as Lat.  
0° 41′ 21″ N, Long. 74° 2′ 40″ W with degrees, minutes, and seconds or as  
0.689167, -74.044444 using decimal degrees.  
We normally think of earth as a sphere but this is not its real shape. Geodesy, the  
science of studying the earth's shape, defines earth as represented by a geoid, an  
ideal surface defined by the level of sea if oceans would cover the entire earth. For  
practical purposes, as in projections, geoid is too complicated to use and the earth's  
shape is defined by an ellipsoid. The ellipsoid is described by its semi-major axis  
equatorial radius) and flattening.  
Have a go hero – move around the planet with decimal  
degree coordinates  
Does it sound a little bit complicated? Don't be afraid and explore locations on  
earth with Lat. Long. coordinates. In the following table, there are a few famous  
places with coordinates in decimal degrees. Point your browser to, insert coordinates in the search textbox, and then press  
Enter. Your map will be panned to the location. Google maps enable you to query  
for coordinates of any place on earth; find that function and look for some great  
Rome, Italy  
Colorado Grand Canyon, USA 36.055, -112.122  
Paris, France 48.858, 2.294  
Iguazú National Park, Argentina -25.688, -54.442  
Ayers Rock, Australia -25.345, 131.036  
41.890, 12.492  
Projecting a sphere on a plane  
Did you ever play with an orange peel? I did it a lot when I was a child, often  
pressing them in the hope to flatten it almost perfectly. It's a hopeless challenge, but  
kids are stubborn and ambitious. Many years later I found a similar analogy in a  
geography book. It was talking about cartographic projection and used an orange as  
a model of the earth. If you think of the orange's peel as the earth surface, it is  
suddenly clear why you can't have a planar representation of the earth's surface  
without a great amount of distortion.  
All the maps you will ever find are on a plain paper sheet. Curved digital screens  
are quite uncommon in GeoGeek's nests. So how do cartographers represent a  
curved surface on a plain? This is done by means of a mathematical operation  
called projection.  
Indeed, there are several different projections developed in the last few centuries  
by cartographers and mathematicians. There is no mathematical method to transfer a  
sphere or an ellipsoid to a two-dimensional space without distortion. Hence,  
projections modify the data and include some deformations about lengths, areas, or  
shapes you can observe and measure on maps.  
We can classify projections according to the geographical features and properties  
they preserve:  
Conformal projections preserve angles locally. Meridian and parallels  
intersect at 90-degree angles.  
Equal Area projections preserve proportions between areas. In a map with  
equal area projections, each part has the same proportional area as the  
corresponding part of the earth.  
Equidistant projections maintain a scale along one or more lines, or from one  
or two points to all other points on the map. Lines along which the scale  
distance) is correct, are of the same proportional length as the lines they  
reference on the globe.  
It is important that you understand there is no best projection; choosing one for your  
map is a trade-off. According to the portion of the earth's surface, the map that you  
are designing will contain and/or use the projections that suit best. Let's explore  
some widely-used projections.  
Understanding coordinate systems  
You learned about the earth's shape and about projection. Coordinate systems use  
these concepts to build a frame of reference to place objects on the earth's surface.  
There are two types of coordinate systems: projected coordinate systems and  
geographic coordinate systems.  
Geographic coordinate systems use latitude and longitude as angles  
measured from the earth's centre, as we saw previously. A geographic  
coordinate system is substantially defined by the ellipsoid used to model the  
earth, and the position of the ellipsoid positioned relatively to the centre of the  
earth (called datum).  
A projected coordinate system is defined on a flat two-dimensional surface.  
A projected coordinate system is always based on a geographic coordinate  
system, hence it uses an ellipsoid and a datum. Besides, a projected corporate  
systems includes a projection method to project coordinates from the earth's  
spherical surface onto a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate plane.  
Commonly used coordinate systems  
Although there are hundreds of different projections, you can limit your knowledge  
to some which are widely used.  
Universal Transverse Mercator system  
Commonly knwn as UTM, this is not really a projection. It is a system based on  
Transverse Mercator projection. This projection uses a cylinder tangent to a  
meridian to unwarp the earth's surface. A maximum of of distortion from the  
central meridian is acceptable. The UTM splits the world into a series of of  
longitudinal wide zones. As you may guess, there are 60 zones numbered from  
Long. 180W towards the east. Please note that you can't have a map representing  
more than one UTM zone. Indeed, UTM is well suited for big-scale maps.  
Web Mercator  
Web Mercator is a projection derived from Transverse Mercator. It maps  
ellipsoidal latitude and longitude coordinates onto a plane using spherical  
Mercator equations. This projection was popularized byGoogle in Google Maps  
and it is now widely used on online mapping systems. It stretches areas in a north-  
south direction and, unlike the Transverse Mercator, it is not conformal.  
Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)  
A spatial reference system identifier is a code to easily reference a spatial  
reference system (SRS). An SRScontains parameters about projection, ellipsoid,  
and datum. It can be defined using the OGC'swell-known text (WKT)  
representation. The SRS for the geographic WGS84 reference system is as follows:  
GEOGCS["WGS 84",  
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,  
The last line contains the number 4326; this is the SRID uniquely identifying this  
SRS. The long form should also contain the authority, that is EPSG:4326, but you  
will often find it indicated only by the number.  
EPSG is the acronym for European Petroleum Survey Group. It was founded in  
1986 by several European Oil companies to collect and maintain geodetic  
information. In 2005, EPSG was absorbed by OGP (an international forum of Oi  
and Gas producers) which formed the OGP Geomatics Committee. The committee  
maintains the registry and publishes it as a public web interface or a downloadable  
It is very important that you know which is your data's SRID. Without it you can't  
represent data on a map without the risk of great errors.  
Have a go hero – explore EPSG registry  
We described a couple of common and widely used SRSs, but there are a lot of  
them. There are several archives on the Internet where you can find detailed  
information about SRSs and their elements, that is ellipsoids, datums, unit of  
measurements, projected, or geographic reference systems. One of the most  
authoritative and complete data sets is the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Registry.If  
you are curious about it, you can open your browser and point it to http://epsg- Then try a simple search by inserting a location name in the Area  
Representing geometrical shapes  
You learned how to calculate coordinates on the earth's surface. But how can you  
represent a real object, for example, a river, in a convenient way for a GIS?  
There are two main approaches when building a spatial database, modeling vector  
data or raster data. Vector data uses a set of discrete locations to build basic  
geometrical shapes, such as points, polylines, and polygons.  
Of course real objects are neither a point, nor a polyline or a polygon. In your  
model you have to decide which basic shape better suits the real object. For  
example, a town can be represented as a point if you are going to draw a map of the  
world with the countries' capitals shown. On the other hand, if you are going to  
publish a counties map, a polygon will enable you to draw the city boundaries to  
give a more realistic representation.  
The simpler geometric object is a point. Points are defined as single coordinate  
pairs (x,y) when we work in two-dimensional space or coordinate triplets (x,y,z) if  
you want to take account of the eight coordinates. In the following examples, we  
use point features to store the location of active volcanoes:  
Etna; 37.763; 14.993  
Krakatoa; -6.102; 105.423  
Aconcagua; -32.653; -70.011  
Kilimanjaro; -3.065; 37.358  
Did you guess the units and projections used? The coordinates are in decimal  
degrees and SRS is WGS84 geographic, that is EPSG:4326.  
Points are simple to understand but don't give you many details about the spatial  
extent of an object. If you want to store rivers you need more than a coordinate pair.  
Indeed, you have to memorize an array of coordinate pairs for each feature in a  
structure called polyline:  
Colorado; (40.472 -105.826, … , 31.901 -114.951)  
Nile; (-2.282 29.331, … , 30.167 31.101)  
Danube; (48.096 8.155, … ,45.218 29.761)  
If you need to model an areal feature such as an island, you can extend the polyline  
object adding the constraint that it must be closed; that is the first and the last  
coordinate pairs must be coincident:  
Ellis Island; (-74.043 40.699, -74.041 40.700, -74.040 40.700, -  
4.040 40.701, -74.037 40.699, -74.038 40.699, -74.038 40.698, -  
4.039 40.698, -74.041 40.700, -74.042 40.699, -74.040 40.698, -  
4.042 40.696, -74.044 40.698, -74.043 40.699)  
The feature model used in GIS is a little bit more complex than what we have  
discussed. There are some more constraints regarding vertex ordering, line  
intersections, and areal shapes with holes. Different GIS specified several different  
set of rules, often in proprietary formats. Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)  
defined a standard for simple features, and lately most systems, open source in  
primis, are compliant with it. If you are curious about it, you can point your  
OpenGIS® Simple Features Interface Standard.  
Modeling the real world with raster  
Raster data uses a regular tessellation, defining cells where one or more values are  
uniform. Usually the cells are square, although this is not a constraint. Raster data is  
generally used to represent value continuously changing in the space, that is, a field.  
You can use a regular tessellation to build a digital elevation model of the earth's  
surface. In the following figure, each cell has a height and width of 20 meters and  
the value stored is the height over the sea level in meters:  
Can you use raster data to model real features like a river? Yes, you can, but there  
are some drawbacks you have to consider. The following figure shows a linear  
feature represented as vector data (the red line) and as raster data (the black and  
white cells). If your purpose is drawing the shapes on a map, raster data is not a  
good choice as raster graphics are resolution-dependent. They cannot scale up to an  
arbitrary resolution without the apparent loss of quality.  
Representing the world  
In the previous sections, we explored spatial data and SRS. They are the key  
elements you need to build your map. Indeed, maps are planar representation of  
spatial data. You need to collect the appropriate data to represent the real objects  
you want to include in your map and you need to choose an SRS to organize your  
data into the map.  
Keep in mind that maps are representations, a proposition of yours. They are the  
way you express your knowledge and your vision of the world. To fully accomplish  
this, there is a third basic ingredient for your map: symbols.  
Symbols enable you to add information to the features shown on a map. For  
example, colors can be used to indicate a classification of roads. Imagine you need  
to produce a map of a country with a road network. You have a vector data set  
containing road polylines. A simple approach is to render all features with the  
same symbol, as shown in following figure. The map is not really informative  
unless you are a transportation expert. You won't extract any information from the  
map and it looks ugly too.  
Lets have a look at a similar map produced with ArcGIS Online  
It contains the road network symbolized with different colors and line widths,  
labels showing you highway codes, major towns represented with small circles and  
labels. Besides, there is a background depicting heights with colors and shading.  
Does it now look more familiar to you?  
I n Chapter 6, Styling Your Layers, we will learn how to apply symbols in  
GeoServer to produce maps like the previous one. For now you need to familiarize  
yourself with simple and thematic maps.  
Time for action – exploring  
Are you ready to explore some nice maps? We are going to navigate through a great  
bunch of spatial data, OpenStreetMap.  
1. Open your browser and go to  
2. The website offers you a small scale map centered on your actual location, as  
derived from browser information.  
. Center your map on London, UK and zoom in with the tool shown on the left-  
hand side. You can see that many more road types and locations are now  
shown in the map:  
. Now enter the Piccadilly Circus, London, UKaddress in the Search textbox  
on the left and press the Go button. A list of results matching your search is  
presented on the left side of the map. Pick the first item:  
. The map is now at a great scale (look at the scalebar on the bottom-left angle)  
and the symbols are changed to show you greater detailed information about  
roads and locations. You can find street names, directions for car traffic,  
buildings' footprint, and icons for points of interest. The general look and feel  
resembles a printed city map you can pick up at tourist offices.  
OpenStreetMap does not require you to register for browsing or exporting the data.  
Anyway, if you are interested in maps and open source data, you may consider  
getting involved in the project. OSM is a collaborative project to create a free  
editable map of the world, currently involving over half a million users all around  
the world. You may add data or find errors on locations you know well.  
What just happened?  
You explored several maps representing the same data set in quite different ways.  
Different symbols and hiding subsets of data are powerful tools to produce clear  
and nice looking maps. You are now ready to discover a different kind of map.  
Adding more colors to your maps  
The maps we encountered so far are often defined as general maps. General maps  
focus on the description of the physical, political, and human features on the  
territory. All this data is portrayed for its own sake. In a nutshell, it can be said that  
general maps tell you where objects are located in space, while thematic maps talk  
about things happening in the space. Thematic maps focus on displaying a single  
topic and portray spatial distribution and variation. You have general data like  
administrative boundaries or road networks, but this is represented as a base layer  
for general reference.  
Among thematic maps, those using choropleth or dot representations are by far the  
most common type you will be using GeoServer for.  
Choropleth maps  
Choropleth maps show statistical data aggregated over predefined regions, such as  
counties or states, by coloring or shading these regions. You can draw states  
according to their population, gross domestic product, car owners, and the number  
of national parks. You are not limited to a single variable; indeed you can merge  
different values from more than one attribute associated to spatial objects.  
The following figure shows a map of European countries colored according to  
gross domestic product values. Legend on the right shows the five classification  
intervals. Values were normalized to Eu-27 average.  
Proportional maps  
In proportional maps, symbols of different sizes represent data associated with  
different areas or locations within the map. As an example, the countries' capitals  
can be represented with a circle proportional to their population.  
Time for action – making your  
thematic map  
Are you ready for building maps? We can do this without GeoServer; indeed we  
will install it in the next chapter. For now, you will play with an online map engine  
and Google Earth to try your understanding of thematic maps concepts.  
1. Point your browser to  
. Choose a statistical Indicator from the drop-down list, that is, CO2  
emissions, then select Year as 2004. Leave all other values as the proposed  
. Select the Preview button; a pop up will show you a Google earth plugin  
with countries rendered in different colors according to CO2 emissions in  
world countries.  
4. Now try a proportional symbol map. SelectMobile phone subscribers per  
100 inhabitants as Indicator and 2006 as Year. Choose Proportional symbol  
for Technique and Regular polygon as symbol style. Select circle from the  
drop-down list. Leave the default colors unchanged and select Equal intervals  
for classification.  
What just happened?  
You built a couple of thematic maps selecting data, symbol size, and color. You  
will need to set exactly these parameters in GeoServer to produce beautiful maps.  
This time we did it without exploring the technical details behind features  
rendering. In Chapter 6, Styling Your Layers, you will learn how to use SLD  
styled layer descriptor) to make thematic maps.  
We had a brief but complete introduction to spatial data and maps in this chapter. It  
was somewhat a theoretical chapter, but we promise you it was the first and last of  
this kind! From now on, we are going to run real stuff with GeoServer.  
Specifically, you learned how an object is referenced to its location, which storage  
models you can use with spatial data (for example, vector versus raster), and  
eventually you learned to represent spatial features in a map.  
We are now ready to pick up GeoServer, unpack, and install it on your computer.  
Chapter 2. Getting Started with  
Congratulations on your choice to take your data to the world with GeoServer.  
GeoServer can be installed on many different operating systems, since it's a Java  
application. You can run it on any kind of operating system for which exists a  
Java virtual machine. It takes advantage of multi-threaded operations, and  
supports 64-bit modern operating systems.  
This chapter will cover, in detail, the steps that will bring you to a successful  
installation. Though we will explain the whole process in detail, don't be afraid.  
As soon as you finish reading it, you will have your running copy of GeoServer.  
The steps will be illustrated in two scenarios, an Ubuntu 12.04 machine and a  
Windows 7 machine. We chose these two as they cover the majority of users.  
Besides Ubuntu being a Debian derivative, the installation process can be easily  
reproduced on other similar distributions, for example, Debian or Linux Mint.  
We'll talk about the advanced settings most useful in taking your configuration to a  
production environment in Chapter 10, Securing Your GeoServer Before  
Production, and Chapter 11, GeoServer in a Production Environment.  
In this chapter we're going to cover the following topics:  
System requirements  
Obtaining GeoServer (latest 2.2.0)  
Installation on Ubuntu Linux  
Installation on Windows 7  
OS independent installation  
Basic security measures by changing the default username and password  
Installing Java  
GeoServer is a Java application. So, we need to ensure that you have it installed  
and properly working on your machine, but you don't need to know how to write  
Java™ to install or to get started using GeoServer.  
There are two main packages of Java. Depending on what you are planning to do  
with Java, you may want to install a JDK (Java Development Kit) or JRE (Java  
Runtime Environment). The former enables you to compile Java™ code, while  
the latter has all you need to run most Java applications.  
Starting from release 2.0, GeoServer does not need a full JDK installation and you  
can go safely with JRE. It works well with Java 6 but as Java 7 is not deeply tested  
by developers, it should work but you may experience minor issues. Unless you  
have some strong reasons to use Java 7, you should use JRE 6.  
In the 90s, Java development was started by Sun Microsystems. Sun has developed  
each new release until it merged into Oracle Corporation. While Oracle did not  
change the Java license to a commercial one, there are some license issues (maybe  
it would be worthy to add some reference here) preventing Oracle Java™ from  
being available on an Ubuntu repository.  
On Ubuntu current releases, you will find OpenJDK already installed in the  
desktop edition; in the server, you need to choose it at setup. While there are a few  
users running GeoServer on OpenJDK with no issues, the developers community  
does not test it intensively and hence you can expect some performance loss.  
Oracle Java™ should be your first choice unless you have some specific issues. In  
the following steps, we will use Oracle Java™ JRE. If your installation machine is  
a new one, then chances are that there is no Java runtime pre-installed. Let's check.  
Time for action – checking the  
presence of Java on Windows  
We will verify the presence of a JRE/JDK installationon Windows, using the  
following steps:  
1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.  
. Then select Programs. If your system has a JRE/JDK installed, you should see  
an icon with the Java logo as shown in the following screenshot. It is a  
shortcut to the Java control panel.  
. Open the Java control panel and select the Java tab. Here you will find  
settings for JRE. Press theShow Me button to visualize the installed release  
and the installation folder.  
What just happened?  
You checked for the presence of Java on your computer. In case you didn't find it,  
we are going to install it in the next section. (If you did find it, skip to the Installing  
Apache Tomcat section.)  
Time for action – checking the  
presence of Java on Ubuntu  
We will check JRE/JDK installation from the command line.  
1. Log in to your server and run this command:  
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java  
2. If there is no Java properly configured you should see an output like the  
update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for java.  
3. In case there is one or more Java installed the output will be similar to:  
There is only one alternative in link group java:  
Nothing to configure.  
There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing  
Selection Path Priority Status  
0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 auto mode  
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 manual mode  
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java 63 manual mode  
Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection  
What just happened?  
We determined if a Java installation is already present on our machine. This is a  
basic requirement for our installation. We had the opportunity to check if the  
installed release, in case we found it, is suitable for running GeoServer.  
Now we will go through the installation of JRE.  
Time for action installing JRE on  
We will install Oracle JRE 1.6. We are assuming that you didn't find any previous  
Java installation.  
. Navigate  
the Downloads  
. Select the installer for Windows 64-bit, that is, jre-6u37-windows-x64.exe,  
and save it in a convenient folder.  
3. Select the downloaded file and run it as an administrator; press the Yes button  
when asked from the User Account control.  
4. Go with the default settings and press the Install button.  
5. After it has been downloaded, you should see a window informing you about  
the success of installation.  
What just happened?  
We installed JRE on your Windows computer. The first requirement is now  
fulfilled and you can go over to the Tomcat installation.  
Time for action installing JRE on  
We will install Oracle JRE 1.6. Asmentioned previously, there is no Ubuntu  
package for Java 6; we are going to perform a manual installation.  
1. Visit  
. Download the tar.gz archive, choosing the 32-bit or 64-bit archive,  
depending on the Ubuntu edition you are working with. You must accept the  
license agreement (reading it might be a nice idea) before you can select one  
of the tar.gz archives (be sure to avoid rpm archives as they are not for  
Debian-based Linux distribution).  
3. Save the archive to your home folder and extract it.  
$ chmod a+x jre-6u37-linux-x64.bin  
$ ./jre-6u37-linux-x64.bin  
. The JRE 6 package is extracted into./jre1.6.0_37 folder. Now move the  
JRE 6 directory to/opt and create a symbolic link to it in the default folder  
for libraries.  
$ sudo mv ./jre1.6.0_37* /opt  
$ sudo ln -s /opt/jre1.6.0_37 /usr/lib/jvm/  
5. Let's check the installation:  
java version "1.6.0_37"  
$ /opt/jre1.6.0_37/bin/java -version  
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_37-b06)  
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.12-b01, mixed mode)  
6. Although not strictly requested by the GeoServer installation, it is worth  
configuring the JRE as the primary Java alternative in your system:  
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java  
usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_37/bin/java 0  
7. Now you need to configure the Oracle JRE as default:  
There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing  
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java  
0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java 1061 auto  
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java 1061  
manual mode  
manual mode  
Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection  
number: 2  
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_37/bin/java  
to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in manual mode.  
8. Clean your box by deleting the archive:  
$ rm jre-6u37-linux-x64.bin  
What just happened?  
We installed JRE. Nowwe can run a Java application on the JVMcontained in the  
JRE. The JVM supports several different kinds of Java application; for example, a  
console-only application, an applet running in a browser, or a full desktop  
application. For GeoServer (a web application), we need another component on  
top of the JVM, that is, a servlet container.  
Installing Apache Tomcat  
Having correctly installed the JRE you can now pass on and install the servlet  
container. Servlet container, or web container, is the component server that  
interacts with the servlets. It is responsible for managing the lifecycle of servlets,  
mapping a URL to a particular servlet, and ensuring access security. It should  
implement Java servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.  
As for JRE, you have a few choices here; a brief list is at  
Apache Tomcat, GlassFish , and JBoss are most popular and are all available in an  
open source edition. You may wonder which one is the best choice for running  
GeoServer. In a production environment, usually the same container is shared  
among several web applications. You are not going to choose the container; the  
architects and system administrators made their choices and you have to conform to  
them. As a beginner, you have the opportunity of selecting it! Apache Tomcat  
should be your first choice as it is widely adopted in the Geoserver developer's  
community. If you run into any issues, the answer is probably waiting for you in the  
mailing list archive.  
We are going to install Apache Tomcat. It is an open source project of Apache  
foundation ( and there are reasons for installing it such as  
it is widely used, well-documented, and relatively simple to configure.  
So let's start the Apache Tomcat installation.  
Time for action – installing Apache  
Tomcat on Windows  
We will install the Apache Tomcat 7.x release.  
On Windows, we will use the installer. It will add an item in the service control  
panel allowing you to set Tomcat for automatic startup.  
1. Open your browser and visit the download page for 7.x releases at  
2. Select the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer and save the EXE file to a  
folder on your machine.  
3. Select the downloaded file and run it as the administrator, then press the Yes  
button when asked from the User Account control.  
4. You need to agree to the license agreement.  
5. Leave the default components selection unchanged. We don't need the Host  
Manager nor the web application examples:  
. Go with the default port number, unless you know there are other services  
bounded to them. Set the User Name and Password for web administration  
for example, tomcat).  
. If your JREinstallation was successful, the installer will prompt you with the  
right path to it. Incase you have more than one JRE/JDK installed, you can  
choose which one Tomcat will use:  
8. Lastly you have to supply the folder where Tomcat will be installed and then  
press the Install button:  
. The installation process will create a Windows service for you. After the  
installation, it will try to start the Tomcat 7 service. You will now have a new  
icon on the system tray. From the pop-up menu, you can control the Tomcat,  
starting and stopping it or accessing the configuration console:  
What just happened?  
We installed Apache Tomcat as a service on Windows. Your computer is now  
ready to host the Geoserver web archive.  
Time for action – installing Apache  
Tomcat on Ubuntu  
We will install Apache Tomcat 7.x release.  
On Ubuntu, youhave two alternatives for installing Apache Tomcat. You can use  
the package manager to get it. At the time of writing, Ubuntu repositories contain  
the 7.0.26 release of Apache Tomcat for Ubuntu 12.04. I prefer, and we will be  
following this method in the book, to download the archive and perform a manual  
installation. You will have full control over the installation and you can choose the  
appropriate release number. On the other hand, you can't rely on automatic updates  
for Tomcat.  
. You may want to read the license agreement:  
. Download the archive:  
$ wget  
3. Extract it in a folder for alternate applications, specific to your server; /opt  
sounds like a good place.  
$ sudo tar xvfz apache-tomcat-7.0.27.tar.gz -C /opt  
. You need to properly configure Tomcat before you can use it. Go inside the  
main folder created while extracting the archive; you should see the following  
$ ls -lah /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27  
total 120K  
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4.0K Jun 6 12:16 .  
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Jun 6 12:16 ..  
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jun 6 12:16 bin  
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Mar 31 16:45 conf  
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jun 6 12:16 lib  
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Mar 31 16:44 logs  
rw-r--r-- 1 root root 56K Mar 31 16:45 LICENSE  
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jun 6 12:16 temp  
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4.0K Mar 31 16:44 webapps  
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Mar 31 16:44 work  
rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K Mar 31 16:45 NOTICE  
rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.7K Mar 31 16:45 RELEASE-NOTES  
rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11K Mar 31 16:45 RUNNING.txt  
5. The bin and conf folders contain the configuration files and the init script  
you can edit in order to adjust settings. On a new Unix box, you shouldn't have  
any issues with the default configuration. If you are installing on a server with  
other services running, you should check the following points:  
. Default configuration tries to bind the HTTP connector to port 8080. If it  
is already used for another service, you need to edit the /opt/apache-  
tomcat-7.0.27/conf/server.xmlfile. Find the following section:  
Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"  
redirectPort="8443" />  
. You have to replace 8080 with a port number you know is free to use on  
your system. Be sure to use a port number higher than 1024. You may  
guess that changing it to port number 80 is a good idea. On one hand, this  
will enable you to access your Tomcat installation and web application  
deployed on it from the browser without having to add the :8080 syntax  
to your HTTP requests. On the other hand, you have to consider that  
Apache Tomcat is not developed with strong HTTP security in mind, and  
this configuration may be unsecure if you expose your container on the  
Internet. Using a proxy is the correct approach to get the same result  
while retaining security. Configuring a proxy for Geoserver will be  
covered in Chapter 11, GeoServer in a Production Environment.  
3. Also remember you have to restart Tomcat for any change you make to  
the configuration files.  
. In order to access the web interface for administration tasks you need to  
edit the security settings. Go into the conf folder and edit the tomcat-  
users.xmlfile. The following file syntax is quite self-explanatory:  
$ sudo vi /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/conf/tomcat-users.xml  
5. Find and uncomment the following section:  
role rolename="tomcat"/>  
role rolename="role1"/>  
user username="tomcat" password="tomcat"  
user username="both" password="tomcat"  
user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>  
. You also need to add a "manager-gui" role and assign it to a user. You  
may also want to change the password value. After the editing, the  
section should looks as follows:  
role rolename="tomcat"/>  
role rolename="role1"/>  
role rolename="manager-gui"/>  
user username="tomcat" password="tomcat"  
user username="both" password="tomcat"  
user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>  
7. Start up Tomcat:  
$ sudo /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/bin/ start  
Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27  
Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27  
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/temp  
Using JRE_HOME:  
8. You succeeded starting the servlet container and you can now see it  
among the running processes:  
$ ps -ef | grep java  
root 1960 1 5 14:06 pts/0  
usr/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/apache-  
tomcat-7.0.27/conf/ -  
classpath /opt/apache-tomcat-  
Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/endorsed -  
tomcat-7.0.27 -Dcatalina.home=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27 -  
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start  
.0.27/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base=/opt/apache-  
9. Remove the archive:  
$ rm apache-tomcat-7.0.27.tar.gz  
What just happened?  
We installed Apache Tomcat. We are really close to finishing the installation  
process. You can now run the Java web application on your server.  
Time for action configuring Tomcat  
as a service on Ubuntu  
On Windows we configured Tomcat as a system service, that is, a program running  
at boot without any user action. Are you wondering why on Ubuntu you have to  
manually start Tomcat? You don't. Indeed, the operating system can be configured  
for automatic start of services. In this section, you will create a script and learn  
how it works.  
. Open your preferred editor and enter the following lines. Be sure to launch the  
editor with sudoas we are going to create a file in a system folder.  
Short-Description: Start/Stop Tomcat v7.0.27  
$local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog  
$local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog  
2 3 4 5  
0 1 6  
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_37  
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH  
export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27  
export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true"  
case $1 in  
sh $CATALINA_HOME/bin/  
sh $CATALINA_HOME/bin/  
sh $CATALINA_HOME/bin/  
sh $CATALINA_HOME/bin/  
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/tomcat {start|stop|restart}"  
exit 1  
exit 0  
. The previous script is simple and contains all of the basic elements you will  
need to get going. Pay attention to the path; you can adjust your script  
according to your system settings.  
3. Call the new file tomcatand save it in the /etc/init.dfolder.  
4. Now, set the permissions for your script to make it executable:  
$ sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/tomcat  
5. Let's try to call it and check for any problems:  
Usage: /etc/init.d/tomcat {start|stop|restart}  
$ sudo service tomcat  
6. Try starting Tomcat:  
$ sudo service tomcat start  
7. Ok, it is running now:  
root 1960 1 5 14:06 pts/0  
$ ps -ef | grep java  
00:00:01 /usr/bin/java  
.0.27/conf/ -  
Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/endorsed -  
classpath /opt/apache-tomcat-  
juli.jar -Dcatalina.base=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27 -  
Dcatalina.home=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27 -  
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start  
8. Now stop it:  
$ sudo service tomcat stop  
9. Now that you have a working script, the last step is adding to configured  
services. We will use update-rc:  
$ sudo update-rc.d tomcat defaults  
Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/tomcat ...  
etc/rc0.d/K20tomcat -> ../init.d/tomcat  
etc/rc1.d/K20tomcat -> ../init.d/tomcat  
etc/rc6.d/K20tomcat -> ../init.d/tomcat  
etc/rc2.d/S20tomcat -> ../init.d/tomcat  
etc/rc3.d/S20tomcat -> ../init.d/tomcat  
etc/rc4.d/S20tomcat -> ../init.d/tomcat  
etc/rc5.d/S20tomcat -> ../init.d/tomcat  
10. Reboot your system and check if Tomcat is already running.  
What just happened?  
We created a shell script for starting Apache Tomcat. Now as you boot your  
Ubuntu machine, Tomcat will be initialized and all the web application content will  
be available for user requests. If you prefer to manually start and stop Tomcat, the  
script could yet be useful for you. Just create it as described and avoid the last step.  
You will use the script to start or stop Tomcat from the command line, that is, sudo  
tomcatstartor sudotomcatstop.  
Have a go hero – exploring the Tomcat web interface  
Apache Tomcat ships with a web interface for basic configuration and  
administration tasks. You are going to use it for installing Geoserver. Open your  
browser and point to the base main (for example, http://localhost:8080/). Do you  
remember we edited a file about roles, users, and passwords? You will be  
presented with an HTTP digest authorization form; try to guess which credentials  
you have to supply. Explore the manager application.  
Pop quiz – setting up Java  
Q1. You are going to set up a new machine for running GeoServer. The operating  
system is a 64-bit one; which Java setup you need to download?  
. A 32-bit JRE  
. A 64-bit JRE  
. Both runs fine on a 64-bit OS  
Q2. On the same machine where Tomcat is set up, what do you need to install?  
. A 32-bit Tomcat setup  
. A 64-bit Tomcat setup  
. Neither of the above; Tomcat java code runs on 32-bit or 64-bit JVM  
Installing GeoServer  
We site  
way! Go  
( and review the installation options  
available. You'll find several versions of GeoServer. We're going to be using the  
Web Archive version.  
We will deploy the web archive on Apache Tomcat. As you may have guessed,  
using a Java application server is pretty much the same on any operating system.  
The next section is common to Linux and Windows and then we will have a little  
difference in the book, depending on the operating system you are using.  
Time for action deploying GeoServer  
on Tomcat  
With Java installed and working, let's install the GeoServer. The latest version is  
1. Download the OS-independent version from GeoServer's download page  
You can point your browser to the URL or use a command-line tool like wget:  
$ wget  
2. Unzip the archive file:  
$ unzip  
The war file for GeoServer is quite big, actually a little  
more than 52 MByte. In Tomcat 7 Manager there is a default  
limit for deployable application that is at 50 MByte. You will  
set it to a safe size for GeoServer. Open the  
CATALINA_HOME/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml file and look  
for this section  
!-- 50MB max -->  
. Set the max-file-size to 62914560 value both in max-file-size and max-  
request-sizeparameters. Save the file and restart Tomcat.  
. Point  
your browser  
. You will be requested to insert a User Name and a Password, if you follow  
the instructions on installing Tomcat. Insert tomcat as User Name and the  
same as Password:  
6. Now we are in the application manager, the panel where we control the web  
application running on our container. Scroll down to the Deploy section:  
7. Press the Browse button in WAR file to deploy and select the geoserver.war  
. Press the Deploy button. After a while you will see the OK response from the  
manager. Now GeoServer is listed among the web applications deployed in  
. Click on the /geoserver link shown in the column on the left-hand side of the  
list. You are now looking at the start page of your brand new GeoServer  
What just happened?  
We deployed the GeoServer web archive on Tomcat. It unpacked the archive  
content. If there were no errors in the package, thanks to the great job of GeoServer  
developers (chances are that you won't find them), then Tomcat automatically starts  
Implementing basic security  
The web interface shown at http://localhost:8080/geoserver requires you to log in.  
You can use the default values of admin as username and geoserver as password.  
The new interface will show you some warning about security issues:  
You may ignore the third and fifth warning; we will cover them in detail in Chapter  
10, Securing Your GeoServer Before Production. It is a good idea to address the  
others immediately.  
Time for action – improving security  
1. We will start by changing the default password for the administrator. Click on  
the Change it link on the left-hand side of the warning.  
. A new page containing user properties will show up. Insert the new password  
in the Password and Confirm password textboxes and click on the Save  
button. You don't need to restart GeoServer or Tomcat; the new password is  
active now!  
3. The file is a security risk because it contains user  
passwords in plain text. GeoServer does not need it so it's safe to delete it.  
$ sudo rm /opt/apache-tomcat-  
4. Now open the file. It contains the password generated by  
GeoServer for the root user. Store it in a secure place and delete the file.  
$ sudo rm /opt/apache-tomcat-  
What just happened?  
Although you are setting up a development machine, security is always an issue.  
GeoServer ships with a default administrative password; you logged onto the web  
interface and changed the default password, then fixed some other issues. You had  
just a brief taste of the powerful GeoServer's web interface. Be sure we are going  
to cover it in great detail in the next chapter.  
Pop quiz – GeoServer security  
Q1. Where can you change the password for accessing GeoServer?  
. In the CATALINA_HOME\conf\tomcat-users.xmlfile  
. In the GeoServer interface  
. In the Windows Control Panel  
Q2. Can you run more than one GeoServer on your machine?  
. Yes, but they all share the same administrator password  
. Yes, and each one has an independent administrator account  
. Yes, but you need to use the container administrator account for administering  
4. No, you can't  
We've laid out a basic foundation to get GeoServer up and running.  
In this chapter, you learned how to check whether the Java Runtime Environment  
JRE 1.6) is installed and properly working. You also installed Tomcat on  
Windows and Linux, and configured it to start automatically.  
After filling the system requirements, you explored the web archive option to install  
GeoServer and accessed the administrative interface using a web browser.  
The web interface is a very powerful tool and you have to know it well to use all  
GeoServer's features. In the next chapter, we will explore all the sections, looking  
in detail at what you can do to configure it, how to add data, and preview maps.  
Chapter 3. Exploring the  
Administrative Interface  
In this hands-on chapter we're going to explore GeoSever 2.2's administrative  
interface. Big improvements have been made to the interface in the 2.x series.  
Menu names and icons are consistent across each section. An enhanced interface  
for the integrated GeoWebCache is available in 2.2; now you can perform  
almost all caching configurations from the GeoServer interface. Also, the  
security interface was renewed to keep track of the huge improvements in the  
GeoServer's security module. The good news is we're going to use the mouse  
more here than any other chapter, so the keyboard will get a break.  
Let's get right to it. Get logged in.  
Understanding the interface  
You used the web interface in the previous chapter to change the password for the  
admin user. Log in again on GeoServer; we will now focus our attention on the  
As you can see in the following screenshot, there are three main areas in the  
GeoServer web interface.  
The central area is where information is shown; elements inside it change  
according to the operation you are performing. Just after you log on, it shows you a  
briefing of configured data, and warning or errors that you should correct. The  
release number is shown at the end and there is a link to the administrator mailbox;  
it defaults to a famous ancient geographer until you insert your data.  
On the right-hand side, there is a list showing you GeoServer capabilities. The  
listed acronyms refer to standard OGC protocols; we will talk about some of them  
in detail, and each of them has at least one release supported. Those numbers are  
links to the XML documents that exactly describe which data and operations each  
protocol supports. They are very valuable resources for clients willing to use your  
On the left-hand side, there is a table of contents listing the configuration areas.  
Each area contains links to administrative operations. When you click on one of  
them, the central area shows you contextual options. We will explore each area in  
the next paragraphs.  
About & Status  
This area gives you information about runtime variables and how GeoServer is  
described to clients that connect to it.  
Server Status  
Server Status gives you a nice overview of the main configuration parameters and  
information about the current state of the GeoServer. The information is organized  
in a table view. Other than being informative, this view lets you perform some  
maintenance operations. We will describe the main items listed in the following  
Using Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS-T) a client may edit the  
configured feature types. To avoid data corruption, GeoServer locks the data on  
which a transaction is required until it ends. If the number shown is greater than  
one, then there are some transactions going on with your data. The Free Locks  
button lets you reset a hung editing session, removing any orphan processes to free  
locks that might have been abandoned.  
This shows you the number of vector data store connections. Vector data stores are  
repositories configured for persistence of features.  
Memory Usage  
This shows you how much memory GeoServer is using. You can manually run the  
garbage collector by clicking the Free memory button. This will destroy the Java  
objects marked for deletion.  
JVM Version and fonts  
This is the versionof the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that the GeoServer is  
using. You configured it in Chapter 2, Getting Started with GeoServer, in the  
installation processes. You'll also see a list of the fonts seen by the JVM and  
GeoServer. Fonts are useful to render labels for spatial features; we will explore  
this in Chapter 6, Styling Your Layers.  
JAI usage and configurations  
The Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) libraries are used for image rendering and  
allow for better performance when GeoServer manipulates raster data, as with  
Web Coverage Service (WCS) and Web Map Service (WMS) requests. We will  
install native JAI support inChapter 11, Tuning GeoServer in a Production  
Update Sequence  
This shows you how many times the server configuration has been updated. It is not  
that informative as of the time this writing. The developers seem to have plans to  
use this to let you know that your configuration file has been updated externally  
from the application. Possibly from a REST call.  
Resource Cache  
GeoServer caches connections to stores, feature type definitions, external graphics,  
font definitions, and CRS definitions as well. You can press the Clear button to  
force those GeoServer reopening the stores and rereading image and font  
Configuration and catalog  
This option is very useful to update the configuration without having to restart the  
service. GeoServer keeps configuration data in memory. If there is an external  
process updating the files containing the configuration's parameters, you can force  
GeoServer to reload data from the disk.  
GeoServer Logs  
From here you can have a preview at the current log file, or you can download the  
full content from the link on the bottom. It may be useful when you can't access the  
filesystem where the actual log file is stored.  
Contact Information  
In this panel, you should insert information on the organization and people  
managing the service. The default configuration pays honor to Claudius Ptolemaeus,  
an ancient cartographer ( This information is  
included in the WMS capabilities and is reference information for your users.  
Just as it states, this is just a catch-all for build information and where to find  
GeoServer documentation, bug tracker, and wiki.  
Time for action – manually reloading  
We will now perform a simple change on GeoServer's configuration to demonstrate  
the reload configuration function.  
1. Open the global.xmlfile in your preferred editor:  
~ $ sudo vi /opt/apache-tomcat-  
. Find the contactsection and insert your details:  
contactPerson>Stefano Iacovella</contactPerson>  
contactPosition>Chief geographer</contactPosition>  
. Now save the file and close it. Then go to the web interface; in the About and  
Status panel, click on the Server Status menu link to display the GeoServer  
status, scroll down, and click on the Reload button.  
4. Now, go to the Contact Information panel. It shows your updated  
What just happened?  
We explored a simple case for using the reload configuration function. This is very  
useful in case you have to update a remote server with an automatic procedure or  
you configure more GeoServer instances sharing the same configuration. We will  
explore such deployment options in Chapter 11, Tuning GeoServer in a  
Production Environment.  
Have a go hero – exploring the bug tracker  
GeoServer's bug tracker is a great resource to monitor. The link to the bug tracker  
is located at the end of the About GeoServer page. The RSS feed to the activity  
stream gives you a window into GeoServer development. Put  
feed:// into your  
feed aggregator and stay in the loop.  
Now we're getting into the heart of the GeoServer; the data.  
In this area, you can configure the data access. Stores let GeoServer know where  
your data is and what it is. Layers are about how your data will be published. Jump  
in and look at the layer previews first. We'll be visiting the Layer Preview section  
many times as we brew up our own layers.  
Layer Preview  
Layer Preview includes every layer known to GeoServer. You'll find several  
sample layers already listed. From here you can open an OpenLayers sample  
application to have a look at what your data looks like. There are also several other  
preview formats; a popular one is the KML format.  
Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is used to display data in Google Earth.  
Time for action – OpenLayers preview  
Let's try the OpenLayers preview. OpenLayers is a powerful JavaScript library  
that is useful for building web-mapping applications. GeoServer includes a simple  
template application that lets you look at a map with one layer represented.  
. On the Layer Preview page, click the OpenLayers link to see the preview.  
. The OpenLayers preview opens, showing you the topp:statesshapefile.  
What just happened?  
Did you enjoy this first taste of web mapping? OpenLayers is somewhat similar to  
Google Maps; it allows you to embed your maps into your site.  
Time for action – KML preview  
Let's try another preview format, KML. This time GeoServer will not open up an  
application as you select the layer to preview. In fact, KML is a data format and  
you will need another piece of software to display it on a map.  
1. If you haven't already installed Google Earth, you can download it from  
2. Accept the license agreement and save the installation file.  
3. On the Layer Preview page, scroll to the topp:states layer and click the  
KML link.  
4. You are prompted for saving or opening the KMZ output file. Save it on your  
5. Open the kmzfile in Google Earth.  
What just happened?  
Ok, that was pretty cool. We had GeoServer displaying layers in Google Earth.  
Drop the book and play around with Google Earth. Zoom in and out, and notice  
how it streams data from GeoServer. Using the drop-down box, you can also  
preview layers in several other formats. SVG is ideal for importing into Adobe  
illustrator, for example.  
Think of a workspace as your own personal namespace. Workspaces are very  
useful for organizing your layers. You can associate many layers to one workspace.  
You are allowed to have several layers with the same name, as long as they're in  
different workspaces.  
You see workspaces and layers referred to each other separated with a colon. For  
example, when looking at the list of layers in the layer preview, you'll see a number  
of layer names such as nurc:Img_Sample. The workspace name is nurc and  
Img_Sampleis the layer name.  
When you're just getting started with GeoServer, you might not think about  
organizing with Workspaces. As you start to add a number of your own layers, you  
will soon find that organizing these layers is necessary—think about how easy it  
will be to sort the layer preview list, for example.  
Time for action – creating a  
GeoServer has a set of data already configured, and there are a few workspaces to  
organize them. We will now create a new workspace for the data you will be  
adding in this book.  
. Select the workspaces list page.  
. Click on Add new workspace.  
. In the form, you have to enter a Name for your new workspace (in the  
is NaturalEarth),  
and as Namespace URI. CheckDefault  
Workspace to assign this as your default:  
4. Click Submit to save your new workspace.  
What just happened?  
You created a logical category for your data. The default option is useful when you  
start creating a number of data stores and layers and need to add them to the same  
workspace, since the default is selected by default. When you start to create layers  
using the REST interface in a later chapter, you'll quickly find that workspaces are  
very useful as well.  
Stores connect GeoServer to repositories where your data is located. Each store  
must be in a workspace, so it's worth setting one up at the beginning instead of  
sticking stores in one of the defaults. There are a set of stores configured, which are  
for the namespaces for sample data.  
When creating a new data store, you have a few formats available.  
GeoServer supports several different data formats, but they are classified in two  
types: vector and raster. Vector data formats available are as follows:  
Shapefile: Bothas a single item or as a folder containing several shapefiles.  
Shapefile is a very common format in GIS and we will use it often in this  
PostGIS: A famous open source spatial database. You can configure it as a  
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) resource or with a default  
connection. In the first case, a jndi name has to be configured in the container  
of GeoServer, for example, Tomcat, with the database connection's  
Properties: This is a connector for a simple, small data set that you can store  
in a text file. Remember that performances are not optimized with this format;  
use it only for testing or for very small data sets.  
WFS: You can access, and publish, features published by another server.  
Also, in this case, you can't expect optimal performances, but it may be useful  
in cascading data.  
There are also a set of raster formats. The most used and well-known are the  
GeoTIFF and the WorldImage . GeoTIFF is a spatial extension of thetiff  
format; the file header contains georeferencing information so that the map server  
can properly place the raster on a map. A WorldImage is similar, but  
georeferencing information is saved in an external text file.  
If you are interested in a detailed description of GeoTIFF format, these are two  
good starting points:  
GeoServer, after installing optional extensions, supports several other data formats.  
A layer, in GeoServer, holds the metadata information about a feature type. Every  
time you send some data to GeoServer, a new layer is created for you. By clicking  
on the link, you can see the list of configured layers.  
The list shows you the type of layers in the Type column, with a different icon for  
vector and raster layers, according to the geometry shape. The Workspace and  
Store values of each layer are shown. Then there are the Layer Name values,  
which may differ from the file or table name where the data is stored; a tick mark  
shows if it is enabled, and the last column shows the Native SRS values.  
From this section, you can view and edit an existing layer, add (register) a new  
layer, or delete (unregister) a layer.  
By clicking on a layer name, you open the Edit Layer section. You will see there  
are four tabs in the panel. Data contains the feature type's properties, for example,  
attributes list, and is compiled by GeoServer when adding a new layer. You have  
to check the values and insert some descriptive information about the feature type.  
The Publishing tab is for configuring how a layer has to be represented. From here,  
you can select one or more styles to draw features on a map.  
We will add layers, and have a look at each property in Chapter 5, Adding Your  
Own DataStore.  
Layer groups  
As you build complex layers, you soon discover the need to combine layers  
together into groups. Layer groups allow you to order your layers to best display  
your data. For example, if you're creating a map of North America, you might want  
to show a layer of US states on top of North American coastal lines. Then on top of  
US states, you might want to show borders for counties of those states. All of those  
layers can be combined into a layer group.  
Here you can access the style configured in GeoServer. Styles are XML files  
containing a detailed description of how a feature type has to be drawn on a map.  
From here you can access the style editor, a simple, user friendly interface for  
editing styles. As you may have guessed, building a pretty map is strictly related to  
styles; we will cover this in detail in Chapter 6, Styling Your Layers.  
After you've added some data sources and created layers with those sources, you  
will want to share these with Services. In this section, you can access the general  
configuration for each service exposed. You can also selectively disable them. By  
default, all services are enabled.  
Web Map Server (WMS) is an OGC standard to publish data as maps. The  
GetMap operation as defined by the standard, lets a client request maps as images,  
for example, a pngor jpegfile.  
From this section, you can describe your WMS service, inserting information that  
will be published by the capabilities of the service. You can also control resource  
allocation as we have seen in Chapter 2, Getting Started with GeoServer, or set  
the quality parameters for produced pictures.  
Time for action limiting the SRS list  
from WMS  
GeoServer supports a lot of SRSs and can also transform on-the-fly spatial features  
from one SRS to another. Sometimes this may be not what you want, for example, if  
you are going to publish data only in a few SRSs and want GeoServer to be heavily  
loaded from transformation requests. We will now learn how to limit the SRS list.  
Do you know an SRS is a spatial reference system? If you are not reading the book  
from start to end and this acronym sounds confusing, have a look at Chapter 1, GIS  
. On your browser, open the WMS capabilities. This is the standard output for  
service description. It is an XML file containing data published, operations  
supported, and other details. Go to the main page of GeoServer's interface and  
click on the 1.3.0 link:  
. You should get a huge XML file. Scroll down to All supported EPSG  
projections. The following screenshot shows just a few of them; you now  
have an idea of how many there are!  
. Now go to the service section and click on WMS. Then scroll down and  
locate the Limited SRS list textbox. Insert the SRS code we will use  
throughout the book: 4326, 3857, 4269. Then press the Submit button.  
. Now repeat the capabilities request and search for the CRS section.  
What just happened?  
We limited the SRS-supported list. This will make the capabilities file clearer and  
it will also help some clients to deal with it. You can add or remove SRS from the  
list at any time, according to the data or maps you have to manage.  
Web Feature Server (WFS) provides raw vector data from GeoServer layers.  
This allows you to share your geospatial data in a standard format. Output formats  
include GML2, GML3 , ShapeFile , JSON , and CSV . As with WMS, from this  
point on, you can access the general configuration for the service.  
Web Coverage Service (WCS) publishes raster-based layers. Geo ArcGrid are a  
couple of geospatial examples of coverages. It's almost like having both WMS and  
WFS in one service. It allows clients to get raster data along with geospatial data  
to make more analysis locally.  
Detailed description of WFS and WCS are out of the book's scope;Chapter 12,  
Going Further: Getting Help and Troubleshooting, will give you a brief view of  
both. You will learn how to perform basic requests.  
This area contains some configuration parameters that cover general GeoServer  
As its name states, here you can find very general parameters.  
Verbose Reporting  
From here you can enable beautification of XML responses in error messages, by  
adding line returns. Enabling this option consumes a lot of resources, so only  
enable this option if you need to. Verbose exceptions will give you multiline error  
Enable Global Services  
This allows you to enable or disable all services, such as WMS, WFS, and WCS  
that are not part of a virtual service. Virtual services are those that are created by  
workspaces. We'll talk about this in a little more detail in Chapter 10, Securing  
your GeoServer Before Production. Also worth noting is that it doesn't affect  
GeoWebCache (GWC) or REST-based services.  
Proxy Base URL  
This is useful if you have GeoServer running behind a proxy, and you want to share  
the GetCapabilities document. The URL embedded in that document needs to  
display the base URL as seen by the client. We'll dig into this later in future  
Logging Profile  
These are the default logging configurations that come with GeoServer. You can  
add others in the Log4Jconfiguration format.  
Log to StdOut  
This is useful when you are debugging and developing your maps, but you'll find it  
cleaner to disable and tail the log file instead.  
Log location  
You may want to keep your logfiles outside of the data folder in cases where you  
want to rotate logs. By default, these are in $GEOSERVER_HOME/data_dir, and you  
might want to keep this folder clean.  
Time for action – changing your  
logging configuration  
When testing client-server interaction or exploring new functions, it may be useful  
to have more information inside the logfile. We will now raise the verbosity of  
. Click on the Global link in the Settings menu.  
. Scroll down to the logging and profiles section.  
. Now change the Logging Profile setting to Verbose logging:  
. Click on GeoServer logs inAbout & Status to review the logs. Optionally,  
review the log from the filesystem, /data_dir/logs/geoserver.log.  
What just happened?  
You just switched GeoServer to logging in verbose mode. Remember to remove  
this option when you are no longer testing functionalities, since it stresses the  
server and requires a lot of space on the log file.  
Have a go hero – making your own logging level  
Read a little about log4J and create your own logging properties configuration.  
Why wait until the advanced chapter? Duplicate one of the property files in  
GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR/logs. The filename will be used as the profile name.  
Check out to really customize your  
These settings should mostly be overlooked until you take GeoServer into  
production. The options to change Memory Capacity, Memory Threshold, Title  
Threads, and Tile Thread Priority are best left alone for now. The native  
acceleration options are checked by default, and will use JAI native acceleration if  
it's installed for your operating system. We cover the installation in Chapter 11,  
Tuning GeoServer in a Production Environment. If a native version for your OS is  
not found, it will degrade to the Java implementation.  
Tile Caching  
This area was greatly improved in Version 2.2 of GeoServer. From here you can  
control almost all parameters of the integrated GeoWebCache. It is a Java-based  
application that complements GeoServer. It caches WMS tiles to the filesystem  
These images are then used by WMS clients instead of going to GeoServer for each  
tile request.  
When creating a new layer, you may choose if it has to be cached or not. The Tile  
layers section lists all cached layers and lets you review and modify parameters. It  
also contains a link to a layer preview very similar to that listed in the data section.  
The main difference is that this preview uses cached tiles.  
GeoWebCache is a companion for GeoServer, and if it is strictly integrated, there  
are a set of global parameters for configuring it too. Caching defaults is your entry  
point for them.  
The Gridsets option lets you create new tiling schemas or modify the existing ones.  
All the tiles you are going to create when caching need to be stored on a filesystem.  
The Disk Quota option lets you set predefined amounts of space for each layer.  
Caching is a strong ally for your site's performance. In Chapter 8, Performance and  
Caching, we will explore in detail how to properly cache data.  
Along with caching, security is an area greatly improved in the 2.2 release. Most of  
the improvements are very advanced topics, such as for integrating security with  
other external systems, for example, LDAP. In theSecurity panel, you can find  
links for setting user properties and bind data to security rules, as shown in the  
following screenshot:  
The basic idea is that you create users and roles and combine them with data to  
enable specific access policies. You can also limit read and write access by role.  
We will go over these in detail in a later chapter.  
From here you can control the global security settings.  
Users, Groups, and Roles  
A list of the users, groups, and roles that are configured on GeoServer are shown  
here. By default, you have one user called ADMIN, and one role called  
Clicking the username allows you to edit the account password, assign new roles,  
and add a role.  
You're able to give access to workspaces and layers in a granular way. So, after  
you add a number of workspaces, you can assign roles to them here. Be on the  
lookout for more information on data access rules later on in the book.  
Catalog security  
These options are pretty well explained here. In a nutshell, you have three modes  
when a user is challenged for access. I recommend you use HIDE, which is the  
default. It's better to show users only what they have access to, instead of  
advertising that other services and layers exist.  
Services security  
We went over the various service types (WCS, WFS, WMS) a few pages back  
This feature gives you control over read/write access to them. By default, no  
service-based security is in effect in GeoServer. However, rules can be added,  
removed, or edited here.  
Please note that data security and service security cannot be combined; for  
example, if you disable a user's access to WMS, he will not see any layer even if  
you grant him access to that layer.  
A few demo applications are included with GeoServer.  
T he WCS request builder application is pretty handy to piece together a  
GetCoverage request. It's not something you'll likely do as a beginner, but worth  
remembering that the tool is available.  
The Demo requests application has a number of example requests to query WCS,  
WFS, and WMS. Examples to delete, update, and insert records are also included.  
Time for action – exploring Demo  
You learned that WMS, WFS, and WCS are standards describingthe interaction  
among clients and servers. Each standard defines a set of operations that, from a  
client's point of view, are requests. On the OGC site, you can download detailed  
documents describing each admitted request. The demo application is a valuable  
tool to help you practice with requests. Let's explore some basic operations:  
. Open the Demo requests application. The page is similar to the Style Editor.  
From the drop-down list, you can select a set of prepared requests. They are  
listed with a syntax declaring the standard as a prefix and the standard's  
version as a suffix. Choose WFS_getCapabilities-1.1.xml.  
2. Press the Submit button. A new panel shows, and after a while it lists the  
XML response from GeoServer.  
. Another basic WFS operation isgetFeature, which will retrieve a feature  
for you. Select WFS_getFeature-1.1.xml. If you look at the XML code, you  
can see a clear reference to the topp:states layer, which is included in the  
sample set.  
. Press the Submit button. A new panel shows, and after a while it lists the  
XML response from GeoServer. Thecode is a GML representation of the  
features with fid = 3, as requested in the filter.  
. Modify the following code by inserting the states.23value:  
ogc:FeatureId fid="states.23"/>  
. Click on the Submit button again; when the panel shows the gml code, scroll  
down until you see the STATE_NAME field. Which state did you select?  
What just happened?  
The Demo requests interface lets you select sample requests and modify them to  
perform testing on GeoServer. When indoubt with a specific operation, this  
application should be the first point where you go to debug. From here, you can  
concentrate on the request's syntax, avoiding network issues or other problems that  
you may have experienced on an external client.  
SRS List  
This is a list of projections that GeoServer knows about. You can filter it easily  
using the Search field.  
Time for action – filtering the  
projection list  
Previously, you filtered the SRS list for WMS.Are you wondering what you will  
find inside this demo? Let's see.  
. Open the SRS list demo application. Wow, there are 4,956 items in the list!  
Yes, you just filtered items for WMS; but all supported SRSs are still there.  
. In the Search textbox, type in the project code for the basic projection, 4326;  
then press Enter.  
. Click on the projection code to show the projection detail. Along with the  
Well Known Text description of the SRS, there is also a map showing you the  
area of validity. For 4326, it is the planet's surface:  
. Repeat these steps to review 3857, which is the Google Mercator projection.  
What just happened?  
This gives you an idea of how each projection (4326 and 3857, in this example) is  
defined. Each projection is defined by several parameters formatted in the WKT  
If you have custom projections, they'll be included in this list. You can also check  
your data_dir/user_projections folder for a file. Any  
custom projections configured will be here, along with those that are overridden.  
We had a concise introduction to the GeoServer web interface. Hopefully, you are  
now more confident with every section and you have a good idea of how they work.  
Specifically, we covered how you can retrieve information on general  
configuration, server status, and logs. Next we explored the interface section where  
you can configure data access, create new layers, and publish them.  
We briefly described how you can create workspaces and a data store from the  
shapefile. In this chapter we also covered service-specific configurations for WFS,  
WMS, and WCS. GeoServer's developers constantly take great efforts to enforce  
standards compliance. In this area you can tune the services and discover the  
vendor options that GeoServer offers you.  
Finally we explored two areas greatly improved in the 2.2 release: caching and  
security configuration.  
All of these topics will be further explored in the following chapters.  
In the next chapter, we will explore data stores. You will add new data to  
GeoServer. Not only will you use the shapefile and PostGIS built-in data  
formats, you will also download and configure two data extensions, for MySQL  
and Oracle.  
With all these formats, you will be ready to publish 90 percent of the existing  
vector data.  
Chapter 4. Accessing Layers  
One of the main aims of this book is to help you learn how to publish your data.  
GeoServer lets you create layers, items containing configuration for your data,  
and the way they are represented on a map. In this chapter we'll go over  
different vector and raster layer output types and explore ways to use them.  
We'll discover a hidden gem called the Reflector . For good measure, we'll toss  
in some other output extensions.  
We will cover the following points in detail:  
Vector output types including GeoRSS and GEOJSON  
Raster output types such as JPEG and PNG  
OpenLayers single tile and tiled output  
Freemarker temples  
Using the Reflector  
Output extensions  
Layer types  
In the previous chapter, we explored the Layer list interface. All layers, publishing  
raster or vector data, are listed here. You can use Web Mapping Service (WMS)  
to publish them or the Web Feature Service (WFS) to deliver vector features.  
Using the Layers Preview panel you can easily check how your data looks:  
As of GeoServer 2.2, theAll Formats drop-down box on the Layer Preview page  
will still include options for WFS and WMS, even when they are not active. Due to  
security restrictions, when the respective services are disabled or when output  
formats don't apply, you'll get an error. If your layers seem to output incorrectly and  
display errors or are not being found, you might need to check your security  
Remember this from Chapter 3, Exploring the Web Interface and Demos? Building  
web-based maps is the inspiration for the book. OpenLayers is an open source  
JavaScript library to display web-based maps, similar to the mapping client from  
Google Maps and a growing number of others. OpenLayers is also a project of the  
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).  
LeafLet ( is a promising mapping client with ties to  
OpenLayers. Be on the lookout for examples using LeafLet in future chapters.  
You'll notice several options at the top of the OpenLayers preview after you click  
the Options icon. Some of these options are specific to GeoServer, and not part of  
the WMS specification.  
Time for action – exploring  
OpenLayers options  
As the OpenLayers map opens,you will see three icons inside the map. Clicking on  
the top-left one shows several options to interact with GeoServer WMS. We will  
now explore some of these options.  
. If you haven't already, select the OpenLayers output option for  
topp:states; or use the following URL to open the demo:  
As you can see, the request itself is a GetMap request to the WMS service, so  
why are you getting a full app and not a plain image? Look at the parameters;  
there is a format=application/openlayers key-value pair. This makes  
GeoServer deliver you a full JavaScript app.  
. Change the height to 512and width to 512in the URL bar:  
. After OpenLayers loads, click on the top-left icon. Map options are shown.  
. In the tiling drop-down list, toggle between Single tile and Tiled as you pan  
and zoom the map. Notice how the map refreshes for each option.  
What just happened?  
Single tile loads an image that fills the entire viewable area, and the Tiled version  
gets 256x256 square images and combines them. If you use Firebug for Firefox ,  
you can see the request sent to GeoServer as width=256&height=256 for the tiled  
version, and one request as width=512&height=512for the single tile.  
Working with tiles  
For an OpenLayers mapof 512 width and 512 height, you get four images to  
display the map. Each request to the server is the same, except the bbox parameter  
specifying the area.  
The bounding box parameter is called bbox. The value for bbox is the latitude and  
longitude of the area you're calling from GeoServer. The format for this parameter  
is bbox=minx,miny,maxx,maxy.  
If your map's height and width are fairly small, using a single tile will likely take  
less time to render. This depends on your data filter and number of features too, but  
it is a good rule of thumb. Using a single tile will also be useful if you need to  
output JPEG or PNG larger than 256x256 for larger display needs. It's the same  
display, but as a single tile.  
Most of your web-based maps (using OpenLayers, for example) will use tiled  
images. Splitting images into smaller chunks helps them load faster.  
Have a go hero – selecting a features subset with filters  
Get a jump start on filtering. Enter a filter by using the FeatureID parameter from  
the Filter dropdown. Enter states.17,states.6. This should show Colorado  
and Alabama. We dive deeper into CQL (Contextual Query Language) filters in  
later chapters.  
Exploring the Web Map Service  
output formats  
Let's look at the URL parameters from the output request to GeoServer's WMS  
Consider this output request for the OpenLayers demo. The format parameter is  
application/openlayers. The format parameter is the key to this chapter, but it's  
worth going over the other parameters while we're here.  
The first parameter, service, explains to GeoServer what kind of request you are  
sending. The value is WMSas we want to retrieve a map.  
Several versions exist, so we use the version parameter to specify which WMS  
dialect we are speaking, 1.1.0in this example.  
The specific request is GetMap. The layer parameter defines which data has to be  
represented on the map. We can insert a comma-separated list of layers, but in this  
case we are happy with just topp:states.  
We go with the default rendering for the topp:states layer so the style parameter  
is empty. bbox is the bounding box, or area of the map we want to display. The  
format of bboxis minx,miny,maxx,maxy.  
The size of the area returned will be 780wide and 330high. srsor projection will  
be latitude and longitude, that is, EPSG: 4326. Finally, the output format will be  
Documentation on GeoServer-specific parameters can be found at the URL  
The Atom Publishing Protocol (Atom Pub) format is an XML-based output. Also  
known as a Vector output type, it is comparable to RSS feeds which are more  
common. It allows others to subscribe to features published by GeoServer. The  
output format is specified by application/atom+xml as the format parameter  
This output format is well-known. Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) has been  
around for a long time on the Web. This format only supports 256 colors, so it's  
rarely used for high quality images. In some cases, it is useful when simple shape  
outputs are produced. It's not the best for completeness, and you will most likely  
favor PNG, TIFF, or JPEG instead.  
The output format is specified by image/gifas the format parameter value.  
I have to mention, GIF should be pronounced Jif (peanut butter). CompuServe came  
up with the format and the Jif pronunciation back in the late 1980s. Check out  
This output format is similar to your RSS feeds you'd use for syndicating other  
content. The noticeable difference is the georss tag. Take a look at the georss  
output for the sf:bugsiteslayer; you'll see that the first item has the location using  
03.86762869467091</georss:point>to specify the location of the site. Google  
and other search engines are indexing this content. Google accepts this output  
format as a Geo sitemap.  
The output format is specified by application/rss+xml as the format parameter  
For more resources, take a look at the following links:  
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss  
xmlns:georss="" version="2.0">  
description>Feed auto-generated by GeoServer</description>  
ul class="textattributes">  
li><strong><span class="atr-name">cat</span>:</strong> <span  
li><strong><span class="atr-name">str1</span>:</strong> <span  
class="atr-value">Beetle site</span></li>  
georss:point>44.384907731239096 -  
There is not much to say about this output format. Since PNG is more widely used  
these days, it seems that this output is not often called from GeoServer. You may  
want to use this format when static images of areas of maps are needed though. You  
can call these URLs with wgetor CURLto manually cache the output.  
You can do this with GeoWebCache, but this method is quick and easy.  
The output format is specified by image/jpegas the format parameter value.  
KML (Plain)  
We talked about this a little bit in Chapter 3, Exploring the Administrative  
Interface. The Time for action section installed Google Earth and viewed the  
topp:state layer. You can also use this format directly with Google Maps. You  
can type the URL directly into the Google Map search field. Obviously, your  
GeoServer needs to be accessible from the Internet.  
Google accepts this output format as a Geo sitemap. Google is sensitive to the  
mime-type for KMZ and KML outputs for Sitemaps. GeoServer meets these  
The output format is specified by application/ as  
the format parameter value.  
KMZ (Compressed)  
This is a Keyhole compressed formatted file. In a nutshell, it's a ZIP file of KML  
Google accepts this output format as a Geo sitemap as well.  
The output format is specified by application/ as  
the format parameter value.  
If you're proxying a request to/from GeoServer, you'll want to ensure its setting is  
the mime-type. For Apache, use AddTypein your httpd.conf.  
AddType application/ .kmz  
This output format is ideal for sharing maps. For example, you might want to  
display a map using OpenLayers and provide a link to export the visible map to  
The output format is specified by application/pdfas the format parameter value.  
This is the format you'll be using more often for your maps, although each image  
will be 255 pixels wide and 255 pixels in height, otherwise known as tiles. We'll  
go over that further in Chapter 8, Performance and Caching. In the output example  
delivered by clicking on the output dropdown, it gives you a single tile of the entire  
bounding box of the data you have.  
The output format is specified by image/pngas the format parameter value.  
This format can be used with Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape you need to export  
and further style your maps outside of GeoServer. This format seems to be the most  
popular vector format.  
The output format is specified by image/svg+xmlas the format parameter value.  
From the Inkscape FAQ:  
Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe  
Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. What sets Inkscape apart is  
its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C  
standard, as the native format.  
Check out their website:  
You'll have several versions of TIFF available. By default, you'll haveTIFF and  
TIFF-8. As of this writing, using GeoServer 2.2, GeoTIFF is included in the drop  
down list for All Formats.  
The GeoTIFF output is the same as a normal TIFF, but includes metadata fo  
describing geospatial data.  
The output format is specified by image/tiff, image/tiff8, or image/geotiff8  
as the format parameter value.  
There's more information in the GeoServer documentation:  
Web Feature Service  
Although the result looks completely different, sending requests to WFS works  
pretty much the same as the WMS output options, except for the URL format. There  
are a few big differences here; notice that the format parameter name changes to  
This is the most common form of data exchange, but not likely the one you'd want to  
use unless you're planning to import into a spreadsheet (that is, Microsoft Excel) or  
for importing into an external database where other layer output formats don't  
The output format is specified by csvas the outputFormatparameter value.  
GML (plain text)  
This format seems to be overshadowed by the more popular KML format from  
Google. The KML format is somewhat based on GML; a GML output file can be  
converted to KML, but it's always the other way around. Both formats are XML  
based. The most visible reason is that GML handles basic vector shapes, and KML  
on the other hand, supports 3D shapes.  
The output format is specified by GML2, GML/3.1.1, or GML/3.2 as the  
outputFormatparameter value.  
GML2 (compressed GZIP)  
This is the same as GML plain, except as the name implies, it's compressed. This  
format might be favored over plain GML outputs where bandwidth is an issue, and  
data sets are large.  
The output format is specified by GML-GZIPas the outputFormatparameter value.  
Wikipedia has a good overall history of GML and its usage  
This format is a highly-desirable output from GeoServer. GeoJSON is just a  
JSON-formatted string, with additional keys for the geospatial data. For example,  
jQuery has a method called getJSON to get (local or remote file) parse JSON  
strings. Let's take a look at that now. The output format is specified by json as the  
outputFormatparameter value.  
Time for action – parsing GeoJSON  
You might want to query GeoServer and parse features in jQuery. We're just  
parsing a JSON string.  
. Go to the Layer Preview screen and click on the dropdown for All Formats  
for the topp:stateslayer.  
. Select the GeoJSON option or get the output directly using the following  
URL. Note that to limit the results, we are using thefeatureid parameter.  
We'll talk about filters in another chapter.  
. Save this output in a text file called states.json.  
. Parse with jQuery. The following is a snippet of the code example included in  
this chapter:  
.getJSON('states.json', function(data) {  
.each(data.features, function(key, val) {  
('body').append('properties.STATE_NAME ' + + 'geometry.coordinates ' +  
val.geometry.coordinates); }); });  
This seems to be the most common output format for GIS data exchange, but it's not  
so useful for building web-based maps. If you need to exchange large static data  
sets with someone else, then this might be a good option. The output file is a ZIP  
file containing the details for the layer. For example, consider this unzipped file for  
the topp:stateslayer.  
The output format is specified by SHAPE-ZIP as the outputFormat parameter  
Extra output options  
The GeoServer gives you the ability to extend the output options for your data using  
extensions. Most of those extensions require additional setup; outside of dropping a  
JARinto WEB-INF. Let's look at a few that you might consider.  
GDAL and OGR output  
This is based on the GDAL library, and used for WFS output raster graphics. Using  
the ogr2ogr command, you can convert to several output formats. With OGR,you  
can convert from one vector format to another. We'll get into examples in future  
Take a look at the following links for more information on GDAL:  
One of the ways you can get information from GeoServer about features you click  
on is by querying WMS with a point, and getting a list of surrounding features.  
T h e outputFormat format can be anything. The INFO_FORMAT should be  
Time for action – using the  
GetFeatureInfo freemarker template  
1. Go to the OpenLayers demo for topp:states.  
. After the map loads, click on a state. The layer information about that state  
loads under the map. Consider the following example for clicking on  
3. Now examine the URL that was called. The INFO_FORMAT=text/html outputs  
features as a HTML string by default:  
. Create  
GEOSERVER_DATA/workspaces/topp/states_shapefile/states called  
content.ftl, footer.ftl, and header.ftl.  
. Place the following text in the header.ftlfile:  
?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>  
. In the content.ftlfile, place the text:  
#list features as feature>  
7. For the footer.fltfile, the text would be simpler:  
8. Go to Server Status | Configuration and catalog and click the Reload  
. Click on a state, Alabama for example. The new state information will be  
shown below the map.  
What just happened?  
We changed the default template for the topp:statesfeature by creating three new  
files and added them to workspaces/topp/state_shapefiles/states. We then  
reloaded the GeoServer configuration by using the Reload feature in Server  
Status, or optionally by restarting GeoServer.  
Since GeoServer is setting the output astext/html, you will need to treat the  
returned string as text, and then parse to XML before using it in JavaScript.  
Have a go hero – changing another layer  
Find another layer and create a new template. Explore ways to format this data  
using the documentation.  
Everyone remembers the days when ImageMaps were commonly used. The idea of  
using an image map to describe POIs on your maps seems like a good one.  
One of the extensions you can install by just dropping a JAR into  
GEOSERVER_HOME/WEB-INF/lib is ImageMap. The only challenge with this  
output option is that PointSymbolizer is represented as circles only, and in most  
cases you will have icons for features that aren't circles. The image maps don't  
always match.  
Using WMS Reflector  
This is a great way to preview options in GeoServer without coding a long URL  
The reflector will output PNG (the default), JPEG, PNG8, and GIF. Also, in case  
where you don't want to use GeoWebCache, this is quite useful.  
The URL passes a number of parameters to specify what output you want. Most of  
these will not be changed. Reflector uses default values for missing parameters.  
The only parameter you need to provide is the layers parameter by default. Check  
out the GeoServer documentationfor more information on these values. There's no  
need to rehash them here.  
Time for action – using WMS  
. Let's use the topp:states layer preview for this example. Enter the  
following URL into your browser, or select the JPEG output option from the  
All Formats drop-down list on the Layer Preview page. The layer preview  
URL is quite long:  
. Now open a new window, or browser tab, and use the Reflector to get the  
same results. Just type the following URL in the address bar and then press  
. Now add a new projection from the native EPSG: 4326 to Google Mercator  
EPSG:900913. You will see the image flatten out:  
What just happened?  
We just saved some considerable time for sure. All we needed to provide was the  
layers parameter, since that's the minimum, and the Reflector will default to a  
PNG for its output.  
Then we changed the projection to Google Mercator EPSG: 900913. The Reflecto  
does some heavy lifting for you.  
Have a go hero – exploring the pdf Reflect option  
To output pdf, you'll want to add the format parameter application/pdf, as  
shown in the following URL. Want to reproject? Add the srs parameter, most  
commonly Google Mercator EPSG:900913:  
Pop quiz – accessing data  
Q1. Which output format lets you use your data in the Google Earth interface?  
. The TIFF format, which you can wrap on the globe.  
. The GeoRSS; you can show the data as a pinpoint in Google Earth.  
. The KML, KMZ; you can export your data in the native format of Google  
Q2. Can you have more than an output format for WFS?  
. No, with WFS you can only publish data in the OGC standard, that is, GML.  
. Yes, you can publish the data in different GML releases.  
. Yes, you can publish the data in GML, shapefile, GeoJSON, and CSV.  
That was a quick overview of output options GeoServer offers you.  
We talked about the vector outputs such as GeoRSS and GeoJSON. We also talked  
about raster outputs formats, such as JPEG and PNG. One of the coolest things we  
talked a little about was the Reflector.  
In the next chapter, we'll go over some data store options, exposing your geospatial  
data to Geoserver, and creating layers.  
Chapter 5. Adding Your Data  
In this chapter, we'll take a look at the types of data you can use with GeoServer.  
We will have a quick overview of the formats supported, both built-in and via  
extensions, and how to add them to your configuration. More specifically, we  
will load data from a shapefile, MySQL table, PostGIS table, and an Oracle  
table using US census data.  
In this chapter, we will cover the following points:  
Vector data sources  
Connecting to a MySQL database  
Connecting to a PostGIS database  
Connecting to an Oracle database  
Raster data sources  
Data source extensions  
We're adding data now. Buckle up!  
Configuring your data  
I n Chapter 3, Exploring the Administrative Interface, we covered the  
administration interface. Specific to data configuration, we explored workspaces,  
data sources, and layers. In this chapter, you will use them to publish new data sets.  
Do you remember we already added a shapefile? We are now going to add some  
more data using different formats. GeoServer could access some data formats by  
default, while others require optional extensions and libraries. The following  
screenshot shows the default format GeoServer is shipped with.  
According to the types of spatial data we defined in Chapter 1, GIS Fundamentals,  
you'll have two types of data sources in GeoServer: vector and raster.  
Configuring vector data sources  
GeoServer has several built-in vector data sources. Shapefiles and PostGIS are  
great formats to store your spatial data.  
Adding a properties file  
You can store your data in Java properties files. This is a great option if you only  
have a handful of features (under 25, for example), and creating a real data store  
would be overkill. You can also add features at runtime without the need to  
recreate or reconfigure the data store. A properties file is a text file containing a  
header and a row for each record with KEY=VALUE pairs. Do you remember the  
places list in Chapter 1, GIS Fundamentals? You can publish it in GeoServer with  
this properties file:  
places.1=1|Rome|Italy|POINT(12.492 41.890)  
places.2=2|Grand Canyon|Usa|POINT(-112.122 36.055)  
places.3=3|Paris|France|POINT(2.294 48.858)  
places.4=4|Iguazu National Park|Argentina|POINT(-54.442 -25.688)  
places.5=5|Ayers Rock|Australia|POINT(131.036 -25.345)  
Configuring an external Web Feature Service  
This data source enables you to add an external WFSserver as a data provider.  
Layers published by the remote server can be added to your GeoServer and  
published as WFS or WMS in a cascading style.  
For Drupal developers, you might consider checking out the WFS Drupal project. I  
works pretty well for a small number of features. For big data sets, you should  
point GeoServer to your relational geospatial database. For most Drupal  
developers that would be MySQL. (  
Adding shapefiles  
You can add shapefiles to GeoServer with two data sources. With the first you  
configure a folder containing a set of shapefiles and you can also add new ones  
after the data source is created. The other data source works the same way as the  
shapefile directory store, except you provide a path to just one shapefile.  
Time for action – adding shapefiles  
You'll notice a lot of results from doing a Google search for shapefiles. This is the  
most common format to exchange GIS data sets. Let's download one of those and  
publish it as a layer.  
. Download Tiger 2011 county census data as a shapefile and place it in an  
appropriate folder:  
/shapes$ wget  
. Unzip the archive:  
/shapes$ unzip  
inflating: tl_2011_us_county.dbf  
inflating: tl_2011_us_county.prj  
inflating: tl_2011_us_county.shp  
inflating: tl_2011_us_county.shp.xml  
inflating: tl_2011_us_county.shx  
In fact a shapefile is not a single file. According to specifications  
least three files with shp, dbf, and shx extensions. Although not strictly  
required, it is really worthwhile to also have the .prj file. It contains the SRS  
definition for the data contained in the shapefile.  
3. If you are unsure about SRS of data, have a look at the.prj file. The census  
data are in geographic coordinates, the EPSG code is 4269:  
/shapes$ cat tl_2011_us_county.prj  
Do you feel confused with this syntax? If you didn't go through the Have a go  
hero section in Chapter 1, GIS Fundamentals, it could be the right moment to  
have a look at  
4. Now open the administration interface, go to the Data | Stores section and  
click on Add new Store | Shapefile.  
5. Workspace is tiger. Data Source Name is tiger_counties. Description is  
tiger counties. For Connection Parameters, click on Browse and select the  
directory where you downloaded and unzipped the shapefile:  
. Click on Save.  
. On the next screen, click on Publish to start the process of creating a layer:  
. You have to complete some information in the form. Scroll down to the  
Coordinate Reference Systems and insert the Declared SRS option as  
EPSG:4269. Click onCompute from data and Compute from native  
bounds in the Bounding Boxes section:  
. Click on Save.  
10. Left navigation  
to Layer Preview  
| OpenLayers next to  
What just happened?  
We downloaded county borders from the US census and unzipped it into the folder  
called shapes our workspace name for the book. We then walked through the  
steps to create a new vector data store for shapefile and publish it. With a little  
effort, the data are now accessible from a client making a WMS or WFS request  
Publishing data in GeoServer is really straightforward, isn't it?  
Using PostGIS  
This is the most popular and most capable of all open source relational databases  
with spatial capabilities, and its features are constantly increasing. It leverages on  
PostgreSQL, a well-known and powerful RDBMS challenging top commercia  
products such as Oracle. The current release for PostGIS is 2.0.1 and for  
PostgreSQL is 9.1.4.  
Both have an equally bad reputation of being a hard horse to ride. While fully  
understanding all possibilities or dealing with fine tuning may be complicated,  
using PostGIS as a repository for your data is not rocket science. Are you  
wondering where PostGIS is located in the GeoServer installation? It is not there  
but we are just making sure you install it in a few steps and load some data to play  
with GeoServer.  
If you are eager to learn more than the simple steps we will perform, then there are  
two wonderful references to read. Project sites for PostgreSQL and PostGIS  
contain a lot of pages ranging from basic to complex topics:  
Time for action – installing  
PostgreSQL and PostGIS  
We are going to transform the census data from shapefile to a PostGIS table. Unless  
you already have a PostGIS installation, we will first need to build it up. You can  
install PostGIS in several ways, and official and user documentation on customized  
installation is widely available. In order to get you started, we will use nice  
packages freely distributed from EnterpriseDB™. Apart from choosing the proper  
binary package, installation runs the same way on Linux or Windows.  
. The  
PostgreSQL column contains links to the binary packages for Windows and  
Linux; choose one and download it.  
. Run the installer.  
. You can go with the default Installation Directory:  
. Go with the default Data Directory too:  
5. You can keep things simple on your development box; set postgres as your  
6. Don't change the default listening port unless you know it is already binded to  
another service:  
7. Leave the Locale for DB to Default:  
8. And at last we are really starting the installation process. Click onNext and  
wait until it completes.  
. We have now completed PostgreSQL installation; leave the Stack Builder  
running option flagged and click on Finish. Stack Builder is a great option to  
customize your PostgreSQL installation. We will use it to add PostGIS:  
0. Select your local instance of PostgreSQL and click on Next:  
1. Select PostGIS 2.0, or newer, from the available applications in the catalog  
2. Stack Builder will now download the PostGIS installer and launch it.  
3. After you accept the license agreement, you will be prompted to select  
components to be installed. It is a good idea to have the installer create a  
spatial database for you:  
14. PostGIS installer will find your PostgreSQL location; as you have only one  
there is no need to make any changes here.  
15. Insert the password for the postgres user you selected previously, and leave  
the default listening port:  
16. Leave the default name for the spatial database and click on Install:  
7. PostGIS is now installed. When prompted for GDAL_DATA settings you  
should answer Yes. PostGIS needs data contained in that folder to perform  
data reprojection (that is, transforming coordinates from a SRS to another). If  
you already have a GDAL installation, you may want to sayNo here and  
perform manual configuration later:  
18. Click on Close to dismiss the PostGIS installer and then click onFinish to  
close Stack Builder.  
What just happened?  
We installed PostgreSQL and PostGIS. With these tools you can build a full  
repository for your spatial data. We are going to lay the first brick of your  
geodatabase in the next section. Let's use PostGIS!  
Time for action – loading data in  
PostGIS and publishing them in  
Now that you have a functioning instance of PostGIS, it's time to load some data.  
We will keep the same census data used for shapefiles and turn them into a PostGIS  
spatial table.  
. Start the PostGIS Shapefile Import/Export Manager, an easy tool installed  
along with PostGIS.Click on the View Connection details button and insert  
the parameters needed to connect to PostGIS:  
. Now, click on the Add File button and browse to the shapefile containing  
Tiger 2011 county census data. The tool doesn't recognize the SRS contained  
in the prjfile. Set the value of the field to 4269:  
. Click on the Import button and set the encoding to LATIN1 as DBF file  
character encoding:  
. Wait while the loader transforms your data and inserts them into a new  
PostGIS table.Eventually, you should see a success message in the log  
textbox. Click on Cancel to dismiss the loader utility:  
. Now open the administration interface, go to the Data | Stores section, and  
click on Add new store | PostGIS.  
. Select tiger for Workspace. Set Data Source Name and Description as  
myPostGIS. For Connection Parameters, you need to insert the same values  
you used with the loader. For your simple database, you don't need to play  
with the other settings; go with default values and click on Save:  
7. GeoServer will connect to PostGIS and present you a list with all tables  
containing spatial features. Click on the Publish link to the right of the  
Are you wondering who created the two tables called raster_columns and  
raster_overviews? They are system tables, used by PostGIS to store metadata  
for rasters loaded in the database. Apart from really esoteric configurations,  
you won't publish them in GeoServer.  
. You now have the same publishing form we used for the shapefile. Note that  
this time GeoServer recognizes the native SRID for data. Click onCompute  
from data and Compute from native bounds in the Bounding Boxes section.  
9. Click on Save and your data is published. You can now see a preview on  
Layer Preview | OpenLayers next to tiger:tl_2011_us_county_PG.  
What just happened?  
We installed PostgreSQL/PostGIS, then loaded the counties data set and published  
it in GeoServer. Did you notice that the layer's publishing runs almost the same,  
whatever the format of the data is? GeoServer architecture relieves you from  
details of different data sources; as long as you have a driver for a specific  
RDBMS or binary format you can add data in GeoServer, simply ignoring the  
actual format.  
GUI loader is a great tool, but you may need to load shapefiles on a remote server,  
probably with only a remote shell session. Don't be afraid! shp2pgsql is there to  
help you. It is a command-line tool, available both on Windows and Linux editions  
of PostGIS. In fact, shapefiles are not really loaded by shp2pgsql but they are  
translated in a form that psql can keep and load for you. So you just have to pipe the  
output to psql:  
shp2pgsql -s 4269 -g geom -I ~/data/tl_2011_us_county.shp  
public.tl_2011_us_county | psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d postgisDB  
U gisuser  
The basic set of parameters required are -s to set the spatial reference system, -g  
to name the geometric column (useful when appending data), and -I to create a  
spatial index. There are quite a few of other parameters that make it a flexible tool;  
as usual, -? is your friend if you need to execute a less trivial data loading. Apart  
from creating a new table—default option—you can append data to an existing  
table, drop it, and recreate or just create an empty table modeling its structure  
according to the shapefile data.  
Have a go hero – filtering data  
PostGIS gives you greater usage flexibility with data. You can process and reuse  
the data to produce new data sets. A simple processing is filtering data to show a  
subset. Let's say you want to publish a new map of counties, but limited to the state  
of California. You can accomplish this in PostGIS with a view. OpenPgAdmin ,  
connect to PostGIS, create the view, and publish it.  
Configuring raster data sources  
Raster data sources are commonly used to read satellite imagery, scanned maps,  
and digital elevation model (DEM). You can add this data as a base layer for your  
This is a proprietary binary format created by Esri and used with ArcGIS. A  
sample is included with GeoServer. Check out the arcGridSample data store and  
the nurc:Arc_Samplelayer.  
A TIFF file is commonly used as the storage format for an aerial picture. A  
GeoTiff ( is an extension of the TIFF format. I  
includes geoSpatial data in the header, an SRS, and the bounding box. Check out the  
sample data store called sf:sfdem.  
This is a format for DEM developed by theUnited States Geological Survey  
USGS). The 30 in the name stands for 30 arc seconds, which is the fixed cell size  
for this format.  
This data store allows creating a mosaic form of a set of georeferenced images, for  
example, a folder of geotiff files. It is commonly used when you want to combine  
several images together to create a continuous flowing coverage. This is a pretty  
advanced topic. Check out the GeoServer online reference to learn more:  
This is another format originally developed by ESRI. It's a plain ASCII-formatted  
file coupled with a raster image. The text file describes how the image is to be  
used. These are easily spotted by the tfw (tiff) or jpw (jpeg) file extensions.  
Some samples are included with GeoServer. You'll see a data store called  
worldImageSampleand a layer called nurc:Img_Sample.  
Configuring an external Web Map Service  
If you know of a remote WMS server thatyou want to use, this is a good option.  
You can also ask the GeoServer to pass this data off to GeoWebCache to get a  
bump in performance.  
Pop quiz – adding data to GeoServer  
Q1. Can you add different data formats to GeoServer?  
. No you have to choose a data format and get stick to it.  
. Yes but you can only have vector data or raster data.  
. Yes you can add data for any format available in GeoServer.  
Q2. How can you add a set of adjacent raster files?  
. Add a data source for each image and then mash them up in the client.  
. Create a shapefile index and use it as a ImageMosaic data source.  
. Create a shapefile index and add it as a vector data source.  
Exploring additional data sources  
Several optional formats are supported by GeoServer beyond the built-in data  
sources. In the remaining part of this chapter, we will explore a couple of RDBMS  
quite popular and supporting spatial data: Oracle and MySQL.  
Using Oracle  
Oracle is probably the most widely-used commercial RDBMS.It has support for  
spatial since release 7, back in 1980's. The current release, 11.2, comes with two  
flavors of spatial data extensions, Oracle Spatial and Oracle Locator . They share  
the same geometry type and basic set of operators and functions. Oracle Spatial  
incorporates a richer set of functions for spatial analysis. Oracle is not free open  
source software like GeoServer or PostGIS and it has a quite complicated and  
expensive license model. We won't cover installation here; as long as you are going  
to use Oracle, you should have expertise and/or a proper budget to have it up and  
Time for action – adding Oracle  
support in GeoServer  
So you managed to get an Oracle service with spatial data loaded? Well, you are  
now just two steps away from victory. We will add the Oracle data source and  
configure it properly.  
. To add Oracle support, we need to download an extension. Point your  
browser to, locate the Extensions  
section, and click on the Oracle link to download the ZIP file.  
When adding extensions to GeoServer, pay attention at the release. You should  
always match GeoServer and an extension's releases.  
. Stop Tomcat service. Extract the ZIP file, select the two.jar files and move  
them to the webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib folder under the Tomcat  
installation folder.  
. Start Tomcat service and then log in to the GeoServer administration interface.  
Go to the Data | Stores section and click on Add new store. You can now see  
some new options. Select Oracle NG:  
. You have to insert the hostname for the Oracle server, the port on which the  
Oracle listener is waiting for connection requests (this is 1521 by default but  
ask your DBA for exact value). The database is the Oracle instance name, and  
finally insert a username and password. schema is an optional parameter; it  
tells GeoServer where it should look for spatial data. Click on Save:  
. GeoServer will connect to Oracle and present you a list with all tables  
containing spatial features. Clicking on the Publish link to the right of a table  
will bring you to the same publication form you used for shapefiles and  
PostGIS tables.  
What just happened?  
You added Oracle support to GeoServer. To do this, you copied a couple of JAR  
files in the Geoserver installation. The ojdbc14.jar file contains base classes for  
Oracle communication and usage and gt-jdbc-oracle-2.7.5.jar is the  
GeoTools library for spatial data management.  
Using MySQL  
You'll find that MySQL is the least popular of the relational databases offering  
spatial abilities. Indeed it has only limited support for spatial data. We are going to  
cover it here as it is very popular among web developers. Be aware that, unless for  
PostGIS or Oracle, the MySQL extension is unmaintained and unsupported. If you  
encounter bugs, you should be prepared to fix them yourself or provide funding to  
do that.  
Time for action adding MySQL data  
As for Oracle, we are assuming here that you already have a MySQL database  
. Before we add our MySQL data store, let's get some geospatial data inserted  
into MySQL. Get file and unzip  
it. Create a new database in MySQL. Call it geoserver.  
. Import 6686_04_mysql_usacounties.sqlinto MySQL:  
mysql --connect_timeout=60 --max_allowed_packet=32MB –u root -  
p geoserver < 6686_04_mysql_usacounties.sql  
. To add MySQL support, we need to download an extension. Point your  
browser to, locate the Extensions  
section, and click on the MySQL link to download the ZIP file.  
. Stop Tomcat service. Extract the ZIP file, select the two.jar files, and move  
them to the webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib folder under the Tomcat  
installation folder.  
. Start Tomcat service and then log in to the GeoServer administration interface.  
Go to the Data | Stores section and click on Add new store. You can now see  
some new options. Select MySQL:  
. Now insert the host name, port for your MySQL server,user, and password.  
Click on Save:  
. If it was able to connect to MySQL, you should see a list of tables visible to  
8. Clicking on the Publish link to the right of the usacounties table will bring you  
to the same publication form you used for shapefiles and PostGIS tables.  
What just happened?  
We imported a MySQL version of the county data. Then, we created a MySQL data  
store with this table. GeoServer discovered this table; we created a layer using the  
default polygon style and accepted the other default settings. We viewed the new  
layer using Layer Preview.  
Pop quiz – adding data  
Q1. Do I need to purchase an optional plugin to access data inside an RDBMS?  
. Yes, commercial vendor sell data options for GeoServer.  
. No, but you can only use open source RDBMS.  
. No, GeoServer supports most used commercial and open source RDBMS.  
Q2. Is the publishing process dependent on the data format?  
. No, GeoServer/GeoTools abstraction layer relieves you from the internal  
structure of data.  
. No, but GeoServer can understand only a basic subset of data details.  
. Yes, you need to configure specific parameters for layers build on different  
data formats.  
In this chapter we added some data sets to GeoServer. We used different formats  
for vector data. It should be now clear to you that as far as there is a data source  
available, you can manage different binary formats in GeoServer and mix them  
together in a map.  
Specifically, we covered how to publish shapefiles and PostGIS tables. We then  
explored additional extensions and added Oracle and MySQL support to  
In the next chapter, we will go forward with data publication. We will cover in  
detail how to use styles for rendering spatial features. You will learn how to set  
proper rules for different shapes, for example, point or polygon, and how to create  
styles with symbols reflecting the attributes' values of each feature.  
Let's move on to ways to change the style of the maps using SLD defined styles.  
Chapter 6. Styling Your Layers  
In the previous chapters, you learned how to add some data to GeoServer and  
you worked with maps by exploring Layer Preview. Also, with really simple  
maps, a fundamental process that GeoServer performs is the rendering of  
features. This involves assigning a symbol to each feature and applying a set of  
rules about how features have to be drawn. Choosing a symbol and how it has to  
be applied is the styling process. Styling is really important in web mapping. A  
map cannot be rendered without a style associated to the data. When you  
configured layers, you were using styles bundled with the GeoServer. In this  
chapter, we will explore what the style documents are and how you can create  
styles to produce beautiful maps.  
We will cover the following points in detail:  
What style contains  
What symbol can be used in GeoServer  
How you can set rendering rules  
How to edit your styles with the GeoServer web interface and external tools  
By the end of this chapter, you'll be able to style layers and also use style rules.  
Understanding Styled Layer  
A map is generally composed of a set of layers. Each layer contains features of a  
determined type. When you ask GeoServer for a map, it has to extract features from  
the repository (for example, from a shapefile) and draw them according to some  
rules. Of course, it needs a repository for storing those rules and hence GeoServer  
developers need to decide a format for the storage medium containing rules.  
Map rendering is not just a GeoServer problem; not surprisingly, it is common to  
all software-producing maps. Hence, it is not surprising that someone has defined a  
standard approach to styling layers. Indeed, GeoServer doesn't use a custom format  
for styles; instead it leverages on an OGC standard.  
The standard describes the structure of the documents and which rules can be used.  
A document containing symbols' definitions and drawing rules is called a Styled  
Layer Descriptor (SLD) style and it is a text/XML file (its extension in GeoServe  
is .sld). SLD is an XML-based markup language and attached to the standard is an  
XSD schema that defines SLD syntax.  
If you are curious about the standard, you can find official papers for SLD at  
Editing styles  
Being an XML file, you can use different editing tools to edit a style. The first  
choice should be your preferred text editor, for example, vi , emacs , or notepad++  
Consider that as you add rules and symbols, things may become fairly  
complicated. A tool that has highlight syntax for XML may greatly help you in  
debugging your styles. Of course, if you are trained to use it, a specialized XML  
editor that has support for XSD validation may help further, but usually I find it  
Talking about editing styles, we shouldn't forget to mention the GeoServer  
administration interface. Indeed, GeoServer includes a simple GUI to view and edit  
XML files containing style rules. It contains a rich editor and a SLD validator; you  
got a first look at it in Chapter 3, Exploring the Administrative Interface.  
Apart from XML/text editors, you can also consider a GUI tool to create styles  
some open source Desktop GIS may produce SLD files. For example,QGIS may  
translate a layer legend in an XML file. QGIS supports shapefiles, Oracle, and  
PostGIS layers. After you add them to a map, you can use a GUI to set color, line  
width, and other drawing properties. You can then export your layer symbology in  
an SLD file.  
Have a look at the QGIS project site at  
Exploring the standard structure of a  
If you are going to create your styles with a graphical program hiding the  
complexity of your XML code, it is worthwhile to understand the basic syntax and  
structure of your documents. You may need to modify the styles after creation and  
the features you need to add may not be supported from the program, or simply you  
are on a server where the only way to edit is by using a text editor. Besides, you  
will write XML code in the examples in this chapter.  
The first part of a style is always as in the following code fragment:  
?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>  
StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"  
The first line is the XML declaration, and then we have the root element of every  
SLD file<StyledLayerDescriptor/>. It contains an attribute declaring the  
version of the standard it is using (GeoServer can use 1.0 and 1.1.0 SLD  
documents), followed by the namespaces and schema declarations. In the remainder  
of the chapter, we will omit this part from our example, for the sake of brevity; but  
keep in mind it is absolutely mandatory for the files you are writing.  
StyledLayerDescriptor/> contains a collection of the <NamedLayer/> or  
UserLayer/> elements. Each defines drawing rules for a single layer. Indeed,  
they contain a collection of the <UserStyle/>elements.  
A <UserStyle/> element contains <FeatureTypeStyle/> if the layer is a vector  
one, or <CoverageStyle/>if we are writing rules for a raster.  
Both <FeatureTypeStyle/> and <CoverageStyle/>, contain a collection of the  
rule/> element. This is the element where we will define how to draw features  
and we will look at its syntax in detail.  
Time for action – viewing GeoServer  
bundled styles  
Before we start to write rules specific to feature types, let's have a look at styles  
bundled with GeoServer. You already used them when you added data in the  
previous chapters. Let's have a look at those documents and search for the elements  
we know:  
. Open  
http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web/ and log in. Then select the Data  
Styles item from the left menu:  
. Select the capitals style. The Style Editor window will open up and load the  
XML code:  
. capitals is a fairly simple example. You can see the mandatory elements  
required for a style. There is UserStyle with a single rule defining a circle  
symbol with a red fill and a black stroke.  
. Now try to add something wrong. Insert the following code after the <Rule>  
element at line 11:  
Title>This is a clever rule</Title>  
. Click on the Validate button. GeoServer checks your file and reports an error  
occurring where you inserted your code. It complains about line 13 because  
you can't have two instances of Name inside a rule:  
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 13; columnNumber:  
with element 'Title'. One of  
8; cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting  
{"":Abstract,":LegendGraphic,":Filter,":ElseFilter,":MinScaleDenominator,":MaxScaleDenominator,":Symbolizer}' is expected.  
6. Remove the line you inserted and click on the Validate button again. Now  
GeoServer shows the following message:  
No validation errors.  
7. Load some other style and have a look at the syntax. You don't need to fully  
understand them; we will cover it in the remaining part of the chapter.  
What just happened?  
We had a brief look at the GeoServer style editor and the styles bundled. A very  
important feature of the style editor is the Validate button. You can compose your  
styles with an external tool and have them validated before starting to use them.  
Pop quiz – SLD basic elements  
Q1. Can you have more than one <StyledLayerDescriptor>element in a style?  
. No, it is the root element and it must be the first one in each style and only one  
occurrence can be included.  
. Yes, but only if you are creating a multilayer style.  
. No, it is the child of the root element and can be included only once.  
Q2. Can you have more than one <Title>element in a style?  
. No, it defines the title of the style and it can appear only once as child of the  
root element.  
. Yes, for example, you can have one as child of both the <UserStyle> and  
. No, it isn't an SLD element; you must use <Name>for descriptive strings.  
Loading data for styling  
We need some data to compose pretty maps. We are going to use the freely  
available Natural Earth data set.  
Natural Earth provides several data sets in the shapefile format, packaged in three  
different reference scales. In the styles examples of this chapter we will use a  
subset; you need to download the following data sets:  
Save all of them in the same folder and add it as a new data store to your  
GeoServer configuration. Refer to Chapter 5, Adding Your Data, for details about  
data store configuration. You don't need to publish the shapefiles; if you want to  
have a first look at the data, use the default styles. All the data is in geographic  
coordinates, WGS84. The SRID is ESPG:4326.  
Apart from this data, you may find some resources in the code files accompanying  
this book that you can download from the Packt website. Code files contain XML  
files for all the styles we will write in this chapter, but I would suggest you take  
them just as a reference and a graphic resource used in styling.  
Working with point symbols  
We will start our exploration from styles for point features. The Populated  
places shapefile perfectly fits our purposes. If you added it with default values,  
you should see it rendered with a small red square as shown in the following  
To modify the map, you need to add a new style and associate it to the layer. For  
setting point symbol properties, you have to use the <PointSymbolizer> element  
and its children.  
Time for action creating a simple  
point style  
To familiarize you with SLD files creation, we will compose a simple style for  
using a small red circle applied to all the point features:  
. Open your favorite text editor. As mentioned previously, we will consider you  
have already inserted the XML declaration and the StyledLayerDescriptor  
part of the code. So start inserting a NamedLayer element. Then add a Name  
element and inside it write the name you want for your layer:  
. Now you need to define at least one style for the layer. We use the Title  
element to assign a descriptive name to the style:  
Name> PopulatedPlaces </Name>  
Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Populated Places  
simple mark</Title>  
. The data you want to apply the styles to are points, hence its vector data. You  
need to insert a FeatureTypeStyle element and a Rule for a  
PointSymbolizerelement that is a style for point data:  
Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Populated Places  
simple mark</Title>  
Name> PopulatedPlaces </Name>  
. You have now arrived at the core of our style. The elements you are going to  
add define the symbol used to draw the point features. You use a predefined  
graphic with the WellKnownName element (options are circle, square, triangle,  
star, cross, and x). A Fill element defines the point color with the  
CssParameter element. The color is in the form #RRGGBB. Finally, you  
define how many pixels the circle should be with the Sizeelement:  
Name> PopulatedPlaces </Name>  
Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Populated Places  
simple mark</Title>  
5. Now save your document as PopulatedPlaces.xml and open Style Editor in  
6. Click on the Add a new style link to open the editor form:  
. Click on the Browse button and go to the folder containing your file and select  
. Click on the Upload link next to the Browse button; your file is loaded in the  
editor form.  
. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
0. Now go to the Data | Layers section and click on ne_50m_populated_places  
to open the layer's properties form. Switch to the Publishing tab:  
1. Go to the Style section and set PopulatedPlaces as Default Style. Click on  
the Save button:  
2. Go to the Layer Preview section and open up OpenLayers preview for the  
PopulatedPlaces layer. Your map should now look as shown in the following  
What just happened?  
We created a new style for a simple point symbol and assigned it as default to a  
layer. We have just started creating custom maps, where you decide how and what  
has to be drawn.  
Time for action – adding a stroke  
Now we will continue exploring point symbology by changing the shape and adding  
a stroke value:  
1. Take the PopulatedPlaces.xml file, make a copy of it, and name it as  
PopulatedPlacesStroke.xml. Edit the new file in your text editor:  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Populated Places square  
mark with stroke</Title>  
. Now we will change the shape form used to represent points on map. Go to  
line 17 and replace the text inside the WellKnownName element with the  
. To add a stroke to your shape, you have to add a Stroke element just after the  
Fill element. Insert the following code inside the CssParameter element to  
set the color and width of the stroke:  
CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>  
6. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
7. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
8. Now go to the Data | Layers section and click on ne_50m_populated_places  
to open the layer's properties form. Switch to the Publishing tab.  
9. Go to the Style section and add PopulatedPlacesStroke to the Selected  
Styles list. Click on Save:  
0. Open the Layer Preview map. Your map is still presenting the simple marker,  
indeed you didn't change the default style. Click the button on the top-left of  
the map to show the options toolbar:  
1. From the Styles drop-down list, select PopulatedPlacesStrokes. Your map  
will suddenly be updated with the new point symbol. If you zoom to North  
America, it should look as shown in the following screenshot:  
What just happened?  
We modified a simple style by adding a stroke. You also learnt that a layer may be  
associated to more than one style and you can decide which one to use to render  
Time for action – dealing with angles  
and transparency  
When representing a point marker, you can add a rotation angle to those shapes  
where it makes sense to. You can also set opacity to make the fill, stroke, or both  
more or less transparent. Let's create a new style experimenting with these features:  
1. Take the PopulatedPlacesStrokes.xml file, make a copy of it, and name it  
as PopulatedRotateTransparent.xml. Edit the new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Populated Places rotated  
mark with transparency</Title>  
4. Now we will change the size for marker. Go to line 26 and replace the text  
inside the Sizeelement with the following:  
5. To rotate the marker, add a line after the Size element setting an angle of 45  
6. After the CssParameter element's fill color setting, add the following line  
to set transparency:  
CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.35</CssParameter>  
7. Save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
8. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
9. Now go to the Data | Layers section and click on ne_50m_populated_places  
to open the layer properties form. Switch to the Publishing tab.  
0. Go to the Style section and add PopulatedRotateTransparent to the  
Selected Styles list. Click on Save.  
1. Open  
the Layer Preview map, and change the style used to  
PopulatedRotateTransparent as you did in the previous section. Your map  
now shows the rotated square marker with a transparent fill.  
What just happened?  
You learned how to set a rotating angle to markers and set transparency. Step-by-  
step, you are discovering how flexible SLD is and how many different symbols you  
can create from quite simple shapes. Are you wondering if you can mix them? You  
can, let's jump to next section.  
Time for action composing simple  
You know you can specify WellKnownName as a marker, but if you need something  
more complex you can always merge two or more basic shapes to create a new  
marker. In the following steps you will see how to do so:  
1. Take the PopulatedPlacesStrokes.xml file, make a copy, and name it as  
PopulatedPlacesComplex.xml. Edit the new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: mark composed of three  
basic shapes</Title>  
4. Now we will change the size for the square marker. Go to line 26 and replace  
the text inside the Sizeelement with the following:  
. To compose a complex marker, you need to add other markers as in a pile.  
Keep in mind that GeoServer will draw the markers in the inverse order;  
hence the first marker you insert in the rule will be at the bottom of others in  
the map. We want to have a green circle with a black stroke containing the  
square marker. Insert a new PointSymbolizer after the Rule element at line  
CssParameter name="fill">#00FF00</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>  
6. Now we want to have a small black circle inside the square. After the closure  
of the PointSymbolizer element, at line 43, add a new PointSymbolizer  
CssParameter name="fill">#000000</CssParameter>  
. Save your document and upload it in the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
. Now go to the Data | Layers section and click on ne_50m_populated_places  
to open the layer properties form. Switch to the Publishing tab.  
10. Go to the Style section and add PopulatedPlacesComplex to the Selected  
Styles list. Click on the Save button.  
1. Open the Layer Preview map and select the PopulatedPlacesComplex style  
from the drop-down list. The symbol is quite large, so you may have to zoom  
out a little to have a look at it without overlapping.  
What just happened?  
We created a complex symbol merging three basic markers. Playing with size,  
colors, and positions you may think of quite a few possibilities with this technique.  
But eventually you will find something too hard to mimic with the markers. Then  
what do you do? It's time to use external graphics. Go ahead to the next section.  
Time for action – using external  
When merging markers and setting colors and transparency can't help you to realize  
the symbol you need, it's time to use external graphics. External graphics are vector  
or raster files containing a complex image. The supported formats are the common  
graphic files you use in web application such as PNG, JPG, and SVG. Th  
resources are referred to by a URL so you can store it in your GeoServerdata  
folder, as in this example, or get it from an online resource:  
. Take the town.svg file from the source code and copy it to the  
. Take the PopulatedPlacesStrokes.xml file, make a copy, and name it as  
PopulatedPlacesGraphics.xml. Edit the new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Populated Places with  
external graphics</Title>  
5. Remove  
the Mark section (from lines 16 to 25) and insert an  
xlink:href="town.svg" />  
. Change the size to 20:  
7. Save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
8. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
9. Now go to the Data | Layers section and click on ne_50m_populated_places  
to open the layer properties form. Switch to the Publishing tab.  
0. Go to the Style section and add PopulatedPlacesGraphic to the Selected  
Styles list. Click on Save.  
1. Open the Layer Preview map and select the PopulatedPlacesGraphic style  
from the drop-down list. As in the previous section the symbol is quite large;  
zoom in a little on a populated area on earth and your map will look as shown  
in the following screenshot:  
What just happened?  
We used a small vector file to add a complex symbol on a map. Using external  
graphics will open your map to an infinite variety of symbols. You can draw your  
own or search for a resource file on the Internet, minding the copyright obviously.  
After exploring what SLD offers to render point features, you are ready to jump to  
line features. Before we continue, it is worthwhile to stop and review what you  
have learned with a couple of tests.  
Pop quiz – styling points  
Q1. Is there a way to modify basic point symbols?  
. No, you may only use external resources.  
. Yes, but only regarding to drawing properties, such as color, size, and tilting.  
. Yes, you can insert code to reshape a basic marker.  
Q2. Can you have more than a symbol inside a rule?  
1. No, you may have only a PointSymbolizerelement for each rule  
2. Yes, for example, you can merge two PointSymbolizerelements to compose  
a symbol  
3. Yes, but only if you add a query to filter features for each PointSymbolizer  
Have a go hero – composing your symbol  
Did you like the possibility to add external graphics to your map? You can  
compose them on your own. A great open source tool for creating/modifying  
graphic files is Inkscape. It is available in binary packages for Linux and Windows  
and it has an excellent set of tools for working with vector graphics. You can save  
your creations in SVG, an XML-based specification from W3C for vector graphics  
Are you ready to use your creative side? Then go to and give it  
a try.  
Linestring symbols  
Lines are other simple features you can draw on your map. Inside a rule for lines,  
you have the <LineSymbolizer> element where you define color, thickness, and  
also the type of line to draw (for example, a continuous or a dashed line). As for  
points, we will start with a simple symbol and then move to more complex  
Time for action creating a simple  
line style  
We will use a rivers and lake centerlines shapefile from Natural Earth to create a  
map of the rivers of the world with a light sky blue color:  
1. Take the PopulatedPlaces.xml file, make a copy to Rivers.xml, and then  
edit the new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title> Geoserver Beginners Guide: Rivers simple stroke  
. Now, replace the FeatureTypeStyle code (from line 13 to 25) with the  
following code. We are using a continuous line, which is the default, setting a  
width of 2pixels and a color:  
CssParameter name="stroke-  
5. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
6. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
7. Now apply the new style to the 50m-rivers-lake-centerlineslayer.  
8. Open the Layer Preview map. When you zoom to North America, it should  
look as shown in the following screenshot:  
What just happened?  
We created a new style for a simple line symbol to draw rivers. As for points,  
there are several options to draw something prettier than a colored line. As you  
may have guessed, you can apply the merging technique that we used for points for  
lines too.  
Time for action adding a border and  
a centerline  
On maps, major roads, such as highways, are often represented with a more  
complex symbol than a continuous colored line. You are going to use three line  
symbols to build a representation of highways:  
1. Take the Rivers.xml file, make a copy to Roads.xml, and then edit the new  
file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Roads complex  
. At line 16, set the color to red:  
CssParameter name="stroke">#FF0000</CssParameter>  
. At line 17, set the width to 5:  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">5</CssParameter>  
. After line 13, insert a new LineSymbolizer section as in the following code  
fragment. Use a width of 7 and set the color to black. The black line will  
result as a border on both sides of the line feature.  
CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">7</CssParameter>  
7. After line 25, insert a new LineSymbolizer section. Use a width of 1 and set  
the color to black. A black line will appear in the center of the line feature.  
CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>  
8. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
9. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
10. Now apply the new style to the 10m_roads_north_americalayer.  
1. Open the Layer Preview map. The shapefile contains a lot of features and the  
symbol is too big for a full zoom map. Zoom into a small area, for example,  
the Los Angeles area as shown in the following screenshot:  
What just happened?  
You learned to create complex line symbols. By merging lines of different sizes and  
colors, you can create symbols to represent almost all type of roads you would find  
on a Rand McNally© Atlas. But what if you are going to leave for a trip on a  
Time for action – using hatching  
Until now we have used standard SLD syntax; you may take the styles and use them  
on another map server and it will produce the same maps. But this book is focused  
on a specific map server and we can use a vendor option, a small trick that is only  
available on GeoServer, to create a symbol that resembles railroads:  
1. Take the Rivers.xml file, make a copy to RailRoads.xml, and then edit the  
new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: RailRoads with  
. Go to line 16 and change the color to black:  
CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>  
5. Go to line 20 and after the end of the Rule element, add another Rule for a  
. The rule you added is for the hatching; you need to specify how the hatch line  
has to be drawn. Insert the following code fragment inside the stroke  
element. In the fourth line, you specify a WellKnownName element to inform  
GeoServer that the line has to be drawn perpendicular to the geometric  
feature. In the 6th and 7th lines, you set the color to black and width of the  
hatching line to 1. Finally at line 10, you set the length of the hatching line.  
CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>  
7. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
8. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
9. Now apply the new style to the 10m_railroadslayer.  
10. Open the Layer Preview map. Zoom to a small area and look at the result.  
What just happened?  
You used a vendor option to enable hatching lines. Although this way of styling  
feature is not portable, it helps you greatly in composing pretty maps. Let's see  
another variation for lines in next section.  
Time for action – using dashed lines  
On many paper maps, a common symbol for representing roads under construction  
or planned is a couple of parallel dashed lines. Can you imagine how to do it with  
SLD? It requires a couple of lines merged together with a new SLD element. We  
will see that element in this section:  
1. Take the Roads.xml file and make a copy to DashedRoads.xml, then edit the  
new file in your text editor.  
2. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Name element with the following  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Title element with the following  
Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Roads under construction  
with dashing</Title>  
. Go to line 17 and change the width of the symbol to 5:  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">5</CssParameter>  
. Add a line just after the previous line to set dashing for the black lines:  
CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">15 10</CssParameter>  
. Go to lines 22-23 and change the color to black and width to 3:  
CssParameter name="stroke">#FFFFFF</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">3</CssParameter>  
. Add a line just after the previous one to set dashing for the black lines:  
<CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">15 10</CssParameter>  
8. Remove the last LineSymbolizer code, from lines 28 to 33. The third line is  
no longer needed to represent roads with parallel dashed lines.  
9. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
0. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
1. Now  
the Data  
| Layers section and click on  
0m_roads_north_america to open the layer properties form. Switch to the  
Publishing tab.  
2. Go to the Style section and add DashedRoads to the Selected Styles list.  
Click on Save.  
3. Open the Layer Preview map and select the DashedRoads style from the  
drop-down list. As this is a complex symbol, you have to zoom in to a small  
area to have a clear view of how the symbol looks:  
What just happened?  
You built a dashing symbol by merging two lines. But there is more that can be  
done with merging; you can mix dashing lines and marker symbols.  
Time for action mixing dashing lines  
and markers  
Natural Earthdoes not provide a data set for aqueducts, but you might wonder how  
you can create an appropriate symbol for representing them. Aqueducts are usually  
represented in maps with a dashed line alternated with small circle, all colored  
light blue:  
. Take the DashedRoads.xml file, make a copy to DashingAndMarkers.xml,  
and then edit the new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement as:  
. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement as:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Aqueducts with dashing  
and circle</Title>  
. Go to line 16 and change the setting of the LineSymbolizer element we will  
use to represent the dashing line. Set the color to hexadecimal value for light  
blue, set a width of 2, and a dasharray of 10 10 to have regularly-spaced  
CssParameter name="stroke">#ADD8E6</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">10 10</CssParameter>  
. Now delete all the code from line 21 to line 27. We need a totally different  
symbolizer, something similar to what we used for hatching.  
. Go to line 23 and insert the following code fragment. You can see that in the  
6th line, we add a WellKnownName element and set it to a circle. Then we  
set its color to light blue and widthto 1. The circle width is set to 5to make it  
larger than the dashed line:  
CssParameter name="stroke-  
CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">5  
CssParameter name="stroke-  
7. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
8. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
. Now go to the Data | Layers section and click on 50m-rivers-lake-  
centerlines to open the layer properties form. We don't really have a layer  
containing aqueducts features; we will transform rivers to pipelines! Switch to  
the Publishing tab.  
10. Go to the Style section and add DashingAndMarkers to the Selected Styles  
list. Click on Save.  
1. Open the Layer Preview map and select DashingAndMarkers style from the  
drop-down list. Zoom to North America and check if your map looks as shown  
in the following screenshot. Do you see that big aqueduct that covers all the  
Middle West lands?  
What just happened?  
We have merged markers, that you learned using point features and lines. It's now  
time to switch to the last type of shapes: polygons.  
Working with polygon symbols  
Polygons are defined by a set of rings, closed linestring, so it is not surprising that  
you have the possibility of setting the stroke color and width. By defining a closed  
area, you may also set how this area has to be filled. The key element is  
PolygonSymbolizer>; include it inside any rule you are defining for polygons.  
We will start with a fairly simple example.  
Time for action creating a simple  
polygon style  
Since you were a kid you have been familiarized with the political maps of the  
world. Countries were rendered with brown boundaries and there were different  
colors for each country. Isn't this a wonderful example for your first polygon  
styling? We will create a map with all features rendered with the same color and  
outline, to start with a simple example, but we will return to this style in the  
thematic mapping section:  
You may wonder how many different colors you need to build a map where each  
adjacent country doesn't share the same color. The answer is not really trivial,  
indeed it is a surprisingly little number. Four different colors are enough for a map  
1. Take the Rivers.xml file, make a copy to Countries.xml, and then edit the  
new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title> Geoserver Beginners Guide: Countries with outline  
and fill</Title>  
4. As we are using polygons, you need to change lines 14 and 19 and replace  
LineSymbolizerwith PolygonSymbolizer:  
. Set the outline color to brown and the width to 2:  
CssParameter name="stroke">#A52A2A</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</CssParameter>  
. Lines are rendered with stroke but polygons may have a fill defined too. Insert  
the following three lines at line 14, after the PolygonSymbolizer starts. This  
will set the fill color to a complementary color for brown:  
CssParameter name="fill">#29A6A6</CssParameter>  
7. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
8. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
9. Now apply the new style to the ne_50m_admin_0_countrieslayer.  
0. Open the Layer Preview map and zoom to Europe. Your map should look as  
shown in the following screenshot:  
What just happened?  
You built a basic polygon symbol. You may work with outlines much the same way  
as with linestrings, applying dashing, transparency, and different colors and widths.  
We will explore the different ways of filling polygons in the next section.  
Time for action – using a graphic  
Colors may help you in pointing out some areas, but you may need something  
different. If you want to represent wooded areas in topographic maps, you can  
insert many little markers, each one representing a circle. Patterns of markers are  
widely used in mapping. As we did with points and lines, the solution is using an  
external graphic resource. A bitmap or a vector, for example, an SVG file, can be  
used to fill a polygon:  
1. Take the Countries.xml file, make a copy to CountriesGraphics.xml, and  
then edit the new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Countries with graphics  
4. Take the fill.svg file and copy it to the <GEOSERVER_HOME>/data/styles  
5. Now you need to add a Fill section just inside PolygonSymbolizer, at line  
xlink:href="fill.svg" />  
6. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
7. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
. Now | Layers section and click on  
the Data  
ne_50m_admin_0_countries layer to open the layer properties form.  
9. Go to the Style section and add CountriesGraphics to the Selected Styles  
list. Click on the Save button.  
0. Open the Layer Preview map and select CountriesGraphics style from the  
drop-down list. Zoom to North America and check if your map looks as shown  
in the following screenshot:  
What just happened?  
Working with external graphic lets you build any pattern you may need, but  
GeoServer offers you yet another possibility. Go to the next section and see.  
Time for action using hatching with  
Hatching a polygon is a different way to produce maps similar to those seen in the  
previous example. The pros are that you don't need to search for or build a  
graphical resource; you have a set of hatching patterns ready for you. It is also  
faster for GeoServer to render a map without using external graphic resources.  
When it is feasible to achieve the same results with internal resources, stick to  
1. Take  
the CountriesGraphics.xml  
copy to  
CountriesHatching.xml, and then edit the new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Countries with  
. To add code for hatching you need to replace the code of the Graphic  
element, from lines 17 to 24. Insert a Mark element where you set the shape to  
use with a WellKnownName element (remember that the shape:// notation is  
only supported in GeoServer).  
CssParameter name="stroke">#29A6A6</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">3</CssParameter>  
5. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
6. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
7. Now go to the Data  
| Layers section and click on the  
ne_50m_admin_0_countries layer to open the layer properties form.  
8. Go to the Style section and add CountriesHatching to the Selected Styles  
list. Click on Save.  
. Open the Layer Preview map and select the CountriesHatching style from  
the drop-down list, then zoom to Australia. Can you see how similar hatching  
is to using an external graphic resource?  
What just happened?  
We used point markers to fill an area enclosed in a polygon. Thanks to the  
GeoServer extension, this can be done not only with a limited set of point markers  
supported by standard SLD, but also by using the following markers:  
shape://vertline: A vertical line  
shape://horline: A horizontal line  
shape://slash: A diagonal line leaning forwards like the slash (/) keyboard  
shape://backslash: Same as previous, but oriented in the opposite  
direction (\)  
shape://dot: A very small circle with space around it  
shape://plus: A + symbol, without space around it  
shape://times: An Xsymbol, without space around it  
shape://oarrow: An open arrow symbol  
shape://carrow: A closed arrow symbol  
Pop quiz – styling lines and polygons  
Q1. Can you define an outline for lines?  
1. No, lines only have the stroke property; you can't have a different form of  
2. Yes, you have to define a fill color different from the stroke color.  
3. No, lines only have the stroke property, but you can mimic a fill  
superimposing another line with a smaller width.  
Q2. How can you fill a polygon?  
1. You can leave the internal area transparent or fill it with a color.  
2. You can use colors and external graphic resources.  
3. You can only define a color.  
Adding labels  
We had a full exploration of styling for geometry features, but how can you  
represent textual attributes on maps? As in paper maps, you need a labeling engine  
and GeoServer provides you with the right tool. You can add labels to any kind of  
feature; let's start with points.  
Time for action – labeling points  
You are probably a geography geek and you know what a place name is at the first  
look at the map. But maps are not always so expressive and common people tend to  
get confused without some reference text. Do you remember the pretty maps you  
styled with the PopulatedPlaces layer? They would look much better with some  
labels next to markers:  
. Take  
PopulatedPlacesLabeled.xml, and then edit the new file in your text editor.  
the PopulatedPlacesStroke.xml file, make a copy to  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Nameelement with the following:  
. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Titleelement with the following:  
<Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Populated Places with  
styled labels</Title>  
. Go to line 17 and change the marker to a circle:  
. Go to line 26 and set the size to 8:  
. After PointSymbolizer, add a new TextSymbolizer element. Inside it you  
have to specify which field of the layer attributes will be used for extracting  
text strings (be aware that the attribute's name is case sensitive). This is done  
with the Labelelement. Then add a Fontelement to specify which font family  
GeoServer will use to draw labels and text properties:  
CssParameter name="font-family">Arial</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="font-size">12</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="font-style">normal</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="font-weight">italyc</CssParameter>  
. Now you have to set the position of labels. The position is relative to the point  
feature, you add a LabelPlacement element for this. We want to have a label  
relative to points on the top-right, so we use an AnchorPoint element, setting  
it to 0 and a Displacement element, setting it to 2 pixels along the x axis and  
pixels along the y axis:  
. Eventually you need to set a color for your label. Use a Fill element and set  
it to black. Include the following code just after the LabelPlacementsection:  
CssParameter name="fill">#000000</CssParameter>  
9. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
0. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
1. Now go to the Data  
| Layers section and click on the  
ne_50m_populated_places layer to open the layer properties form.  
2. Go to the Style section and add PopulatedPlacesLabeled to the Selected  
Styles list. Click on Save.  
3. Open the Layer Preview map and select the PopulatedPlacesLabeled style  
from the drop-down list, then zoom in to get a better preview of labels.  
What just happened?  
We added pretty labels using the font (be aware that fonts must be available on the  
server side), and placement properties.  
Time for action – labeling lines  
Place names are useful but a road map without a road name, or at least road codes,  
is almost useless. You need to get back to the roads style and add code to enable  
road labeling:  
. Take the Roads.xml file, make a copy to RoadsLabeled.xml, and then edit  
the new file in your text editor.  
. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Name element with the following  
code snippet:  
. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Title element with the following  
code snippet:  
Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Roads with labels along  
the line</Title>  
. Remove the last LineSymbolizer, from line 26 to 31. We need a simpler  
symbol to have a pretty map.  
. Set the width of black line to 4:  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>  
. Set the width of red line to 2:  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>  
. After the last LineSymbolizer, add a new TextSymbolizer element. Inside  
it, you have to specify which field of the layer attributes will be used for  
extracting text string. (Unfortunately, the Natural Earth road data set does not  
include road names so we have to use the state name.) This is done with the  
Label element. Then add a LabelPlacement element to specify where the  
label has to be placed, relative to the line:  
. Add a Fill element just after the LabelPlacement section. Set the label  
color to black:  
CssParameter name="fill">#000000</CssParameter>  
9. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
0. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
1. Now go to the Data | Layers section and click on 10m_roads_north_america  
layer to open the layer properties form.  
2. Go to the Style section and add RoadsLabeled to the Selected Styles list.  
Click on the Save button.  
3. Open the Layer Preview map and zoom to a very little area. Open the  
controls and select the RoadsLabeled style from the drop-down list. Yes, you  
are in Virginia!  
4. Now add some GeoServer extensions. After theFill element, add an option  
to have labels following bending roads and set a maximum angle value for  
bending. The maximum displacement of the label sets how many pixels the  
GeoServer label engine may shift text to avoid overlapping. The last  
parameter makes GeoServer repeat labels every 300 pixels for long roads.  
VendorOption name="followLine">true</VendorOption>  
VendorOption name="maxAngleDelta">90</VendorOption>  
VendorOption name="maxDisplacement">400</VendorOption>  
VendorOption name="repeat">300</VendorOption>  
What just happened?  
You placed labels upon roads with your style. By merging SLD features and  
options only available in GeoServer, you can create pretty labels and place them in  
a well-readable form.  
Have a go hero – styling labels for lines  
We didn't set a font to road labels, nor did we set any text properties like we did  
for points. Can you modify the last style applying text styling? Try on your own and  
have a look at the RoadsLabeledStyled.xml file included in the resources of this  
chapter, if you need any help.  
Time for action – labeling polygons  
We will now come back to our countries data set to add labeling to the countries  
style. While most of the properties are what we already saw in the labeling of  
points and lines, we will add code to make halos around our labels. Halos could  
enhance readability of labels:  
1. Take the Countries.xml file, make a copy to CountriesLabeled.xml, and  
then edit the new file in your text editor.  
2. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Name element with the following  
code snippet:  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Title element with the following  
code snippet:  
Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Countries with  
. Add a TextSymbolizerelement just after the PolygonSymbolizer. Inside it,  
define the feature field containing the text and the font name and style to draw  
the label:  
CssParameter name="font-family">Arial</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="font-size">11</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="font-style">normal</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="font-weight">bold</CssParameter>  
5. The placement of polygon labels is very similar to points. After the Font  
section, add LabelPlacementand set the AnchorPoint:  
. Set the text color to black by adding a Fillsection:  
CssParameter name="fill">#000000</CssParameter>  
. After this add a couple of vendor options. The first line ensures that long  
labels are split across multiple lines by setting line wrapping on the labels to  
0 pixels, and the second sets 150 pixels as the maximum displacement for  
places where labels crowd:  
VendorOption name="autoWrap">50</VendorOption>  
VendorOption name="maxDisplacement">150</VendorOption>  
. Lastly add the code for halos. We will use a white halo, for maximizing  
contrast, with a 3pixel width around the text:  
CssParameter name="fill">#FFFFFF</CssParameter>  
. Now save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
0. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
1. Now go to the Data  
| Layers section and click on the  
ne_50m_admin_0_countries layer to open the layer properties form.  
2. Go to the Style section and add CountriesLabeled to the Selected Styles list.  
Click on Save.  
3. Open the Layer Preview map and zoom to Europe. Open the controls and  
select the CountriesLabeled style from the drop-down list.  
What just happened?  
We used standard SLD elements and GeoServer extensions to build pretty labels  
for the polygon feature. You may have noticed that, apart from labels, all the styles  
we created use the same symbol for all features. It is now time to explore thematic  
Thematic mapping  
Very simple maps may be well defined with just one symbol per layer, but this is  
not the case for the vast majority of maps you can find, nor for what you will create  
with your GeoServer. To fully express the meaning of features, you need to apply a  
symbology that can make it easy to recognize different real features on a map. Think  
of the road layer containing North America's roads, a map where interstates have a  
different symbol than is state or federal road is much more readable. Countries  
symbolized according to their GDP can be mapped as the richest area of the world.  
There are many different kinds of thematic maps. One of the most common is the  
choropleth map; we talked about it in Chapter 1, GIS Fundamentals.  
Of course SLD can be used to build choropleth maps; you just have to define a  
classification rule and a symbol for each class.  
Time for action – classifying roads  
The roads data set provided by Natural Earth has some attributes that can be used  
to classify roads. You may use the CLASS field for thematic mapping, assigning a  
different symbol to each class:  
1. Take the Roads.xml file, make a copy to RoadsThematic.xml, and then edit  
the new file in your text editor.  
2. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Name element with the following  
code snippet:  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Title element with the following  
code snippet:  
Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Roads thematic  
. The CLASS field contains six different values: Interstate, Federal, State,  
Other, Closed, and U/C. We will re-use the symbol for the first value,  
Interstate. You need to add a filter inside the rule, so that the symbol will  
be applied only to features with the Interstatevalue in the CLASSfield. Add  
a Nameelement inside the Ruleelement and set it to Interstate:  
. Now add a Filter element and use PropertyIsEqualTo to set the filter  
operator. PropertyName sets which field to search for and Literal sets the  
value to be searched:  
. Now create a ne w FeatureTypeStyle element and set its Filter for  
. For Federalroads, use an orange line with black borders:  
CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke">#FF7F00</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</CssParameter>  
. Now add a Rulefor Stateroads; use a symbol yellow with black borders:  
CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke">#FFFF00</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</CssParameter>  
. To remember the old times when paper maps were all you could count on  
when driving around the country, we will add a rule for Other roads using a  
blue symbol with gray borders:  
CssParameter name="stroke">#808080</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke">#0000FF</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</CssParameter>  
0. We are not interested in closed roads, so you don't add a rule for them. Add a  
rule for U/C, that is, under construction roads, and use a grey dashed line:  
Name>Under Construction</Name>  
CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">15  
CssParameter name="stroke">#808080</CssParameter>  
CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>  
1. You are done! Save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in  
2. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
3. Now go to the Data  
| Layers section and click on the  
10m_roads_north_america layer to open the layer properties form.  
4. Go to the Style section and add RoadsThematic to the Selected Styles list.  
Click on Save.  
5. Open the Layer Preview map and zoom to Houston, Texas. Open the controls  
and select the RoadsLabeled style from the drop-down list. It seems like there  
are some big plans for new roads around the town!  
What just happened?  
We made a choropleth road map. It wasn't more difficult than doing a single symbol  
map, just a bit longer. Using the Filter element, you can classify your feature and  
group them in homogenous sets to which you can apply a single symbol.  
Have a go hero – styling labels for lines  
We didn't set road labels. You can find the road number by clicking on it, but it may  
be useful to have labels. I'm sure you can modify the last style by applying what you  
learned before about line labeling. If you have any issues, take a look the at  
RoadsThematicLabeled.xmlfile included in the resources of this chapter.  
Setting visibility  
When you look at Google maps or another web-mapping application, you can see  
that the map changes its style according to the zoom level. When you are looking at  
an entire continent, symbols are simple and there are a few features drawn on the  
map. As you get closer you can see more labels, major roads change their symbols,  
and minor roads appear.  
This approach permits us to insert a large quantity of information on a web map  
while avoiding producing an almost unreadable crowd of labels and symbols. As  
an example, you can think of a cadastral map containing all USA parcels with a  
label showing owners. When you are looking at the entire country, it is impossible  
to show all this information without owning a several thousand inches wide  
display! A good approach would be to just show the country's boundaries and  
major roads and places on smaller scales and avoid showing parcels until you are  
not so close to see just a county.  
The way to build such a map with SLD is by using filters. We will try them out in  
the following section.  
Time for action – enhancing thematic  
roads map  
In the previous section, we styled a thematic roads map. It is a pretty map, but it  
lacks something to be ready for publication. As a user, you would expect roads be  
drawn on different scales according to their classification. SLD has elements to  
define a scale range where a rule must be applied; they are called  
MinScaleDenominatorand MaxScaleDenominator. Let's use them!  
1. Take  
the RoadsThematic.xml  
RoadsThematicScale.xml, and then edit the new file in your text editor.  
2. Go to line 9 and replace the text inside the Name element with the following  
code snippet:  
3. Go to line 11 and replace the text inside the Title element with the following  
code snippet:  
Title>Geoserver Beginners Guide: Roads thematic map with  
scale ranges</Title>  
. We want Interstate roads to appear at any scale, so we leave the first Rule  
unchanged. Federal roads will appear only at 1:10,000,000 scale and closer.  
Go to line 50 and add following code just after the Filtersection:  
. Go to line 74 and add a scale condition filter to make State roads only visible  
from a 1:1,500,000 scale:  
. Other and Under Construction roads would only be visible from a 1:500,000  
scale. Go to lines 98 and 122 to add a scale condition filter as:  
7. Save your document and upload it to the Style Editor in GeoServer.  
8. Click on Validate to check if you misspelled something. When it returns no  
errors, click on the Submit button.  
9. Now go to the Data | Layers section and click on the  
0m_roads_north_america layer to open the layer properties form.  
10. Go to the Style section and add RoadsThematicScale to the Selected Styles  
list. Click on the Save button.  
1. Open the Layer Preview map and zoom to scale 1:12,000,000. Open the  
controls and select the RoadsThematicScale style from the drop-down list.  
As the map redraws, you can see that a lot of roads disappear.  
12. Zoom in to get closer and you will see that other road classes appear. At  
1:376,000 scale, all roads are drawn as in the previous example.  
What just happened?  
You made road maps much more readable by setting scale range for your feature  
classes. Setting scale range is a powerful tool and it is almost always required in  
maps, unless you are composing a map with a tiny number of features. Using scale  
range is quite easy; you just add it inside your rule.  
Besides MaxScaleDenominator, there is another element to set scale range,  
MinScaleDenominator. Using them together you can define the upper and lower  
scale where a rule has to be applied. You may define two rules for the same layer  
with different scale ranges; this way, as the user zooms in or out, the symbols  
applied to features will change.  
Putting it all together  
A common map contains more than a layer, each one styled with one or more  
symbol according to its complexity and the map purpose. How can you create a  
multilayer document with SLD? Indeed you can't. As the acronym states, an SLD  
document can contain a rule relative to just one layer.  
By publishing your layers with one or more styles associated on GeoServer, you  
can compose a map with an external client supporting a WMS protocol (for  
example, an OpenLayers JavaScript client or a desktop GIS such as QGIS).  
Another possibility offered by GeoServer is the layer group. A layer group is a set  
of layers with a drawing order. Using layer groups, you can compose and publish a  
full map. Your client will have to do a single WMS request to get all the layers.  
Time for action – grouping layers  
To compose a full map, we will use a couple of styles created in this chapter and  
one bundled with GeoServer. We won't create new styles; it is just a matter of  
selecting layers and setting map properties:  
. On the GeoServer web interface, go to Data | Layer Groups.  
. Click on the Add new layer group link:  
. Insert the name you would like to give to the new layer group, for example,  
. Select the Add layer… link and choose the states layer from the list:  
. Repeat the previous step to add 10m_roads_north_america and 50m_-  
rivers-lake-centerlines layers.  
. In the Coordinate Reference System textbox, insert the EPSG:4326 string.  
the Generate  
You could also build a map with a different SRS than that of layers. In this  
case, data will be projected at runtime.  
. You composed the map, but as you selected the layers, they were added with  
their default style. Click on the style name for the roads layer and select the  
RoadsThematicScale style, then click on Save.  
. Go to the Layer Preview section and search for your new layer group. Note  
the different icon showing you that the item is composed of multiple layers:  
9. Explore your map, and zoom in closer to make all roads appear in the map.  
What just happened?  
We composed a nice starting point for a map of the USA. It has thematic mapping,  
scale range, and different layers properly overlapped.  
Have a go hero – composing a full map  
You learned a lot about styling in this chapter, and you should now be ready to  
build your first real map. Take the layer group created in the last Time for action  
section and add populated places with points classified according to the  
We had a complete introduction to styling in this chapter. Although there are some  
features we didn't explore, you learned techniques that will help you build 90  
percent of your maps, and your comprehension of styling should make you  
comfortable with looking for more in rare cases where you need it.  
Styles and layers are the building blocks of maps. You are now ready to jump to the  
client-side and create a code that can use what you are configuring on your  
In the next chapter, we will use the maps you could compose on GeoServer. There  
are a few options to build a client application that will be able to deal with WMS  
protocol. We will explore client-side JavaScript with some specialized libraries.  
In detail, we will create examples using Google Map API, OpenLayers, and  
LeafLet library.  
Chapter 7. Creating Simple Maps  
In the previous chapter you learned how to style your layers. You also composed  
maps by combining more layers. It is now time to learn how you can use maps on  
the client side.  
In this chapter, we will explore how to build client applications with a few  
JavaScript frameworks. JavaScript is a powerful and widespread language and  
unsurprisingly it is one of the best choices when developing a web application.  
We will build some sample maps using Google Maps API  
Leaflet (—the new kid on the block. Throughout the chapter  
we will use a lot of simple yet useful code examples. We're going to use many of  
the layers you configured in the previous chapters.  
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:  
Google map with GeoServer layer  
Google map with GeoServer as base layer  
Google map with GeoServer as base layer and Google as overlay  
OpenLayers map with GeoServer layer  
OpenLayers map with GeoRSS  
Leaflet map  
Start up your favorite IDE or text editor. These sample maps will show you how to  
use GeoServer layers on your website.  
Exploring Google Maps API  
If you've been reading this book from the beginning, you probably remember that  
we have already encountered Google Maps previously, and as a map geek it is  
almost certain that you have already used Google Maps.  
The web map application uses the Google Maps API, a JavaScript framework tha  
you can incorporate in your application to build maps. Google Maps API lets you  
build maps with the data sets from Google, the same that you can see when using  
the Google application. In fact, it also supports the WMS standard, thereby  
enabling you to get data from any MapServer compliant with the standard. We'll go  
over several examples using version 3 of the Google Maps API, and how to  
incorporate GeoServer layers.  
Let's start with a very simple map.  
Time for action adding a GeoServer  
layer as overlay  
One of the most common things you can do with Google Maps API is use their data  
set as a basemap and add a GeoServer layer on top of the basemap.  
You will use the sample code of this chapter, which you can download from the  
Packt Publishing website.  
The Google Maps API doesn't have a method to calculate theBBOX parameters to  
query GeoServer's WMS server. So we'll need to calculate those on our own based  
on the x and y coordinates and the zoom level:  
. Once downloaded, the sample code has to be installed on your server. We can  
use Tomcat as a web server. Unpack the archive in the /webapps/ROOT folder  
inside the Tomcat installation folder.  
2. Open  
. The page shows a list of links to the sample maps that we will use in this  
chapter. We will start with a simple map showing the Google basemap with  
the USA counties layer on top of it. Click on theGeoServer as overlay link  
to open the map:  
. The map includes standard navigation tools. The map is redrawn each time it  
is mapped and/or zoomed, sending requests to the Google servers for the  
basemap and to your GeoServer for the USA counties layer.  
5. Now  
chapter7/google/geoserver_layer/index.html file in your favorite text  
editor. The very simple HTML code loads the Google Maps API at line 10:  
script type="text/javascript"  
. Immediately after this, three other JavaScript files are loaded.base.js and  
maps.js are the common files for all Google samples. The base.js file  
contains values for the GeoServer location and the layers to load; you can edit  
them in case you are using a different configuration. The wms.js file contains  
some utility functions. The map.js file is the heart of our map and we will  
explore it in detail:  
script type="text/javascript" src="../base.js">  
script type="text/javascript" src="../wms.js">  
script type="text/javascript" src="map.js"></script>  
. The body tag just contains a placeholder for the map itself and a call to the  
mapinitializefunction, a JavaScript function included in the map.jsfile:  
body onload="mapinitialize();">  
div id="map"></div>  
. Now open the map.js file. It includes the code for the mapinitialize  
function. We will discuss the relevant section. At the beginning, you find a  
declaration for a set of parameters that will be used in the WMS request to  
GeoServer. The transparent parameter makes it possible to overlay the  
GeoServer layer on the basemap. Also note the SRS parameter that sets the  
projection to the Web Mercator value, which is the one used by Google Maps'  
data sets:  
var wmsparams = [  
. Just after setting WMS, we set a few parameters for Google Map. Note tha  
we set the type to roadmap:  
var mapOptions = {  
zoom: 4,  
center: new google.maps.LatLng(37.609066626725,-  
draggableCursor: 'crosshair',  
backgroundColor: "#badbff"  
0. Now we create the mapobject:  
map = new  
11. And then we define the parameters for the overlay layer. Note the  
GEOSERVERBASEand CountyLayervariables that you set previously:  
var overlayMaps =[  
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom)  
var lULP = new google.maps.Point(coord.x*256,  
var lLRP = new  
var projectionMap = new MercatorProjection();  
var lULg =  
projectionMap.fromDivPixelToSphericalMercator(lULP, zoom);  
var lLRg =  
projectionMap.fromDivPixelToSphericalMercator(lLRP, zoom);  
var lUL_Latitude = lULg.y;  
var lUL_Longitude = lULg.x;  
var lLR_Latitude = lLRg.y;  
var lLR_Longitude = lLRg.x;  
if (lLR_Longitude < lUL_Longitude){  
lLR_Longitude = Math.abs(lLR_Longitude);  
return GEOSERVERBASE + "/geoserver/wms?" +  
wmsparams.join("&") + "&layers=" + CountyLayer + "&bbox=" +  
lUL_Longitude + "," + lUL_Latitude + "," + lLR_Longitude + ","  
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),  
isPng: true,  
maxZoom: 15,  
minZoom: 4,  
alt: 'Counties'  
2. Finally we add all the overlay layers (only one in this case) to the map:  
for (i=0; i<overlayMaps.length; i++){  
var overlayMap = new  
3. We used the default style for the counties layer; although we set it as  
transparent, it hides the basemap. Let's use a different style. Return to the  
sample maps home page and click on GeoServer as transparent overlay  
link. Once the map opens, zoom in to the San Francisco bay area:  
14. How  
the map.js  
file inside the  
geoserver_transparent_layer folder. Go to line 52. Adding a new  
parameter, sld, does the trick. With it we can reference an external sld to  
overwrite the default style:  
return GEOSERVERBASE + "/geoserver/wms?" + wmsparams.join("&")  
lUL_Latitude + "," + lLR_Longitude + "," + lLR_Latitude +  
"&layers=" + CountyLayer + "&bbox=" + lUL_Longitude + "," +  
&sld=" + GEOSERVERBASE +  
What just happened?  
We built a basic Google Map and calculated the bbox parameters to query  
GeoServer's WMS server. Just like the other examples in this chapter, you'll see the  
WMS parameters that we pass to GeoServer. Another way to do this would be to  
use the GeoServer reflector, which can take the x, y, and zoom parameters instead  
of bbox.  
Time for action adding a GeoServer  
layer as a base layer  
One lesser-known method allows you to use a GeoServer layer as a base layer with  
Google Maps, even without a Google Map layer. This example shows you how to  
use a GeoServer layer as a base layer:  
. Open  
. Then open GeoServer as the base layer link:  
. Now look at the map.js file. It is very similar to that of the previous sample,  
but in this case we are creating custommap and we are passing the  
GeoServer's layer when creating the mapobject and an overlay:  
/custom base layer options  
var maptypeOptions = {  
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom)  
var lULP = new google.maps.Point(coord.x*256,  
var lLRP = new  
var projectionMap = new MercatorProjection();  
var lULg =  
projectionMap.fromDivPixelToSphericalMercator(lULP, zoom);  
var lLRg =  
projectionMap.fromDivPixelToSphericalMercator(lLRP, zoom);  
var lUL_Latitude = lULg.y;  
var lUL_Longitude = lULg.x;  
var lLR_Latitude = lLRg.y;  
var lLR_Longitude = lLRg.x;  
if (lLR_Longitude < lUL_Longitude){  
lLR_Longitude = Math.abs(lLR_Longitude);  
return GEOSERVERBASE + "/geoserver/wms?" +  
wmsparams.join("&") + "&layers=" + CountyLayer + "&bbox=" +  
lUL_Longitude + "," + lUL_Latitude + "," + lLR_Longitude + ","  
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),  
isPng: true,  
maxZoom: 15,  
minZoom: 4,  
alt: ''  
/Create a custom map with base layer options  
var custommap = new  
var mapOptions = {  
zoom: 4,  
center: new google.maps.LatLng(37.609066626725,-  
draggableCursor: 'crosshair',  
backgroundColor: "#badbff"  
/Create a google map using custom base layer  
map = new  
map.mapTypes.set('mapid', custommap);  
//end init  
What just happened?  
You saw an example of how you can use a GeoServer layer as a base layer using  
the Google Maps API. Normally you would have specifiedImageMapType of  
ROADMAP, SATELLITE, HYBRID, or TERRAIN. In our example, we created our own  
ImageMapTypecalled custommap.  
Using pre-calculated maps  
We have already mentioned GeoWebCache. It is a caching software integrated in  
GeoServer. We will cover it in detail in Chapter 8, Performance and Caching.  
Now we will have a look at how you can use a cached layer with Google Maps.  
Time for action adding a GeoServer  
cached layer as overlay  
Adding a GeoServer cached layer as an overlay is very similar to the other  
examples, but in this case we will use the GeoWebCache address as a base tile.  
We will also use the gmapservice:  
. Open chapter7/index.htmlin your favorite browser.  
. Click on the GeoServer using GWC and the gmapservice example.  
. O p e n /chapter7/google/geoserver_gwcgmap/index.html  
. Review the map.jsfile:  
var map;  
function mapinitialize() {  
var maptypeOptions = {  
/custom base layer options  
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {  
/geoserver/gwc/service/gmaps" +  
?layers=" + CountyLayer + "&zoom=" + zoom + "&x="  
coord.x + "&y=" + coord.y + "&format=image/png";  
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),  
isPng: true,  
maxZoom: 15,  
minZoom: 4,  
alt: ''  
/Create a custom map with base layer options  
var custommap = new  
var mapOptions = {  
zoom: 4,  
center: new google.maps.LatLng(37.609066626725,-  
draggableCursor: 'crosshair',  
backgroundColor: "#badbff"  
/Create a google map using custom base layer  
map = new  
map.mapTypes.set('mapid', custommap);  
What just happened?  
As we have seen in the previous Time for action sections, we used the  
GeoWebCache URI tocover yet another method to access your layers. This is the  
method you would likely want to use on high-traffic web applications. The good  
thing is that you can easily change the URL to point to the GeoWebCache as you go  
to production.  
We'll go over the GeoWebCache in future chapters. Remember that you can pass  
through WMS using this address too, so use it for WMS queries as well.  
Time for action – customizing Google  
Google Maps have a lot of detail, so you might want to come up with a custom  
Google map style to overlay over the GeoServer base layer:  
1. Open chapter7/index.htmlin your favorite browser.  
2. Click on the GeoServer base layer with the Google layer example.  
3. Open  
. Review the map.jsfile:  
var map;  
function mapinitialize() {  
var wmsparams = [  
/custom base layer options  
var maptypeOptions = {  
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom)  
var lULP = new google.maps.Point(coord.x*256,  
var lLRP = new  
var projectionMap = new MercatorProjection();  
var lULg =  
projectionMap.fromDivPixelToSphericalMercator(lULP, zoom);  
var lLRg =  
projectionMap.fromDivPixelToSphericalMercator(lLRP, zoom);  
var lUL_Latitude = lULg.y;  
var lUL_Longitude = lULg.x;  
var lLR_Latitude = lLRg.y;  
var lLR_Longitude = lLRg.x;  
if (lLR_Longitude < lUL_Longitude){  
lLR_Longitude = Math.abs(lLR_Longitude);  
return GEOSERVERBASE + "/geoserver/wms?" +  
wmsparams.join("&") + "&layers=" + CountyLayer + "&bbox=" +  
lUL_Longitude + "," + lUL_Latitude + "," + lLR_Longitude + ","  
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),  
isPng: true,  
maxZoom: 15,  
minZoom: 4,  
alt: ''  
/Create a custom map with base layer options  
var custommap = new  
var mapOptions = {  
zoom: 4,  
center: new google.maps.LatLng(37.609066626725,-  
draggableCursor: 'crosshair',  
backgroundColor: "#badbff"  
/Create a google map using custom base layer  
map = new  
map.mapTypes.set('mapid', custommap);  
/add all the custom overlays we want.  
var overlayMaps =[  
/ Google Roads layer  
getTileUrl: function(coord, z) {  
var x = coord.x % (1 << z);  
var y = coord.y;  
return "  
x + "&y=" + y + "&z=" + z +  
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),  
isPng: false,  
maxZoom: 18,  
name: "Roads",  
alt: "Custom Roads"  
for (i=0; i<overlayMaps.length; i++){  
var overlayMap = new  
/add all overlays to the map  
//end init  
What just happened?  
We created a custom Google Maps overlay using a Google map style to the base  
GeoServer map. The Google layer is displayed as you zoom into the map.  
This add-on Drupal module uses OpenLayers to do the same thing. Check out the  
GitHub project for details on how to use it at  
Have a go hero – creating a custom Google map layer  
Create your own custom Google map layer using the Google Maps API-styled  
wizard. Use Firebug to get the needed URL parameters (http://gmaps-samples-  
Interacting with the user  
Publishing a beautiful map is a good starting point for your site, but you probably  
want to have some interaction with your users. JavaScript, and many frameworks  
built on it, gives you a lot of ways to customize your interface and how to react to a  
user action. We will see a short example in the next section.  
Time for action – intercepting the  
Click event  
If you want to query your GeoServer's WMS, you need to get the latitude and  
longitude. You can use this example map:  
1. Open chapter7/index.htmlin your favorite browser.  
2. Click on the Google lat/lng on click event example.  
3. Open  
and /chapter7/source/google/geoserver_latlonclickevent/map.js.  
. Review the map.jsfile:  
var map;  
var geocoder;  
var overlay;  
function mapinitialize() {  
/add all the overlays we want  
var overlayMaps =[  
/ Google Roads layer  
getTileUrl: function(coord, z) {  
var x = coord.x % (1 << z);  
var y = coord.y;  
return "  
x + "&y=" + y + "&z=" + z +  
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),  
isPng: false,  
maxZoom: 18,  
name: "Roads",  
alt: "Custom Roads"  
var maptypeOptions = {  
/custom base layer options  
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {  
/geoserver/gwc/service/gmaps" +  
?layers=" + CountyLayer +"&zoom=" + zoom + "&x="  
coord.x + "&y=" + coord.y + "&format=image/png";  
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),  
isPng: true,  
maxZoom: 15,  
minZoom: 4,  
alt: ''  
/Create a custom map with base layer options  
var custommap = new  
var mapOptions = {  
zoom: 4,  
center: new google.maps.LatLng(37.609066626725,-  
draggableCursor: 'crosshair',  
backgroundColor: "#badbff"  
/Create a google map using custom base layer  
map = new  
map.mapTypes.set('mapid', custommap);  
/need a overlay object to get the object being clicked on  
using the click listener. this is a google api v3 requirement  
overlay = new google.maps.OverlayView();  
overlay.draw = function() {};  
/end overlay object  
for (i=0; i<overlayMaps.length; i++){  
var overlayMap = new  
/add all overlays to the map  
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click',  
/click listener  
function(event) {  
var point =  
alert("latlng: " + event.latLng + "\npoint: " +  
What just happened?  
The key here is to create an overlay object and call the getProjection()  
method. This is something new for version 3 of the Google Maps API. This is  
useful for sending the latitude and longitude to GeoServer to query for the features.  
Using OpenLayers  
Google Maps API isnot the only option for developing a JavaScript mapping  
application. OpenLayers is one of the oldest and frequently used frameworks. It is  
an open source project constantly maintained and developed by a growing crowd of  
enthusiast developers. As you've noticed, it is used with the GeoServer previews.  
Copying the OpenLayers previews don't do much good, so let's go over some  
basics with OpenLayers.  
Time for action – integrating  
GeoServer and OpenLayers  
Once again, let's dive into the source code and see how OpenLayers works with  
. Open chapter7/index.htmlin your favorite browser.  
. Click on the OpenLayers Basic Map example:  
3. O p e n chapter7/openlayers/geoserverbase/index.html  
chapter7/openlayers/geoserverbase/map.js. The index.html file is  
very similar to the previous one. The difference is the loading of the  
OpenLayers API code:  
script type="text/javascript"  
4. The map.js file is quite different. First we define the map options, that is,  
boundsand projection:  
var map;  
function mapinitialize() {  
var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(  
180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0  
var options = {  
maxExtent: bounds,  
projection: 'EPSG:4326',  
units: 'degrees'  
. Then we create a new mapobject:  
map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);  
. Create a new layer object and define its parameters:  
var countries = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(  
CountriesLayer, GEOSERVERBASE +  
layers: CountriesLayer,  
format: 'image/png'  
. Eventually we add it to the map and center it on the USA:  
map.panTo(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-95.0,40.0));  
8. Of course a map with a single layer is almost useless. Let's add the layers of  
rivers and lakes from Natural Earth. Add the following code lines after the  
countrieslayer definition:  
var rivers = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(  
RiversLayer, GEOSERVERBASE +  
layers: RiversLayer,  
transparent: 'true'  
isBaseLayer: false,  
9. Now open the map sample:  
What just happened?  
We created a basic OpenLayers map using GeoServer to serve as tiles. This is a  
good place to start when we want to use OpenLayers with GeoServer, as the  
GeoServer previews don't work if you copy and paste them into your own  
Time for action using GeoRSS with  
We're going to show a number of features represented as points:  
. Open chapter7/index.htmlin your favorite browser.  
. Click on the OpenLayers GeoRSS example.  
. O  
n /chapter7/openlayers/georss/index.html  
. Review the map.jsfile:  
var map, rss;  
function mapinitialize() {  
map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {  
projection: 'EPSG:4326'  
layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(  
CountyLayer, GEOSERVERBASE + "/geoserver/tiger/wms",  
LAYERS: CountyLayer,  
format: 'image/png'  
map.panTo(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-73.99, 40.75));  
function addGeoRSS() {  
var value = GEOSERVERBASE + '/geoserver/tiger/wms?  
var georss = new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS('Tiger POI',  
What just happened?  
We're still viewing the counties data for the basemap, but we've overlayed the  
Tiger POI layer using the GeoRSS output format. Remember to useProxyPass to  
avoid any XSS errors when serving example files from a different URL than your  
Check out the examples for GeoRSS for more information, at  
Exploring Leaflet  
The Leafletproject came out of the depths of OpenLayers. It's still young and being  
developed, but many desktop and mobile developers are moving towards a more  
compacted library that's easy to implement and understand. Mobile devices are  
given equal attention with bug fixes and features. These examples will work well  
on iOS, Android, and other HTML5 mobile browsers.  
Time for action – using Leaflet with  
GeoServer layers  
Check out the sample code folder for a quick example of Leaflet:  
. Open chapter7/index.htmlin your favorite browser.  
. Click on the Leaflet basic map example.  
. Open /chapter7/leaflet/index.htmland /chapter7/leaflet/map.js.  
. Review the map.jsfile:  
var map;  
function mapinitialize() {  
counties = new L.TileLayer.WMS(GEOSERVERBASE +  
layers: "tiger:tl_2011_us_county",  
format: 'image/png',  
transparent: true,  
attribution: ""  
rivers = new L.TileLayer.WMS(GEOSERVERBASE +  
layers: "NaturalEarth:50m-rivers-lake-centerlines",  
format: 'image/png',  
transparent: true,  
attribution: ""  
populatedplaces = new L.TileLayer.WMS(GEOSERVERBASE +  
layers: "NaturalEarth:ne_50m_populated_places",  
format: 'image/png',  
transparent: true,  
attribution: ""  
map = new L.Map('map',  
center: new L.LatLng(30.609, -87.424),  
zoom: 6,  
layers: [counties,rivers,populatedplaces],  
zoomControl: true  
What just happened?  
The shortest of the examples is the Leaflet map. We use the gmap service, which is  
something not often found in the other examples online. This allows you to use the  
XYZ format without translating a bounding box, as shown in the other examples.  
You can also use this GeoServer service with the Google Maps API.  
For more information take a look at the Leaflet project onGitHub:  
Pop quiz – creating mapping apps  
Q1. Can you use any programming language for building a map client?  
. No, you may only use JavaScript/HTML.  
. Yes, you can use any language/framework supporting HTTP requests.  
. Yes, but you should build a web application.  
Q2. When building a JavaScript application, can you mix more than one mapping  
framework (for example, OpenLayers and Leaflet)?  
. No, you have to select one and stick to it.  
. Yes, for example, if you want to integrate Google Maps data in an  
OpenLayers-based app.  
. It is technically possible but it is a bad idea and you won't gain any advantages  
from using more than one framework.  
By now, you should be able to select among several choices to build your web-  
based GeoServer maps.  
Specifically, in this chapter, we covered how to use Google Maps API to show a  
GeoServer layer as a base layer and an overlay. We also covered OpenLayers and  
Leaflet, two open source projects that offer you a ready-to-use framework.  
OpenLayers, at the moment, is considered more powerful but a little bit harder to  
learn. Leaflet is really straightforward to use and its capabilities are growing more  
and more.  
In the next chapter, we will cover the cached layers in detail. We will describe  
why caching is important and how can you configure it in GeoServer. We will also  
explore the integrated GeoWebCache that ships with GeoServer in greater detail.  
Chapter 8. Performance and Caching  
In previous chapters, you learned how to style layers for composing maps. Then  
you built a JavaScript code snippet, exploring several possibilities for including  
maps in your web application.  
Whatever technology you prefer, or are constrained to use, you will have to  
submit a GetMap request to GeoServer. For each request GeoServer has to  
perform a complex set of operations: loading data, applying styles, rendering the  
result to a bitmap, and pushing it back to the client who performed the request.  
As your web application gains popularity, more and more concurrent requests  
will be added and you may run out of resources to satisfy them all.  
Having to build the map from scratch every time does not make sense, especially  
if your web application does not offer the user the possibility to modify styles for  
layers. In many cases, the styles are defined just once, or very rarely, updated.  
So your GeoServer instance will render lots of identical maps.  
This is, of course, a great place to do something to boost performance. As with  
other web document sharing the keyword here is caching.  
Indeed when you are requesting a map to GeoServer, chances are that the same  
map was already produced before. We need a procedure to store and retrieve  
maps when needed and to match them for equality. This is a more general  
problem, not specifically linked to GeoServer. Several systems to implement map  
caching exist. Earlier GeoServer releases didn't include any caching mechanism  
and you had to set software in front of GeoServer, intercepting map requests and  
forwarding only those that can't get a hit from the cache to GeoServer.  
In his chapter, we will cover the following topics in detail:  
What GeoWebCache is and how you can use it  
Setting general parameters for integrating GWC  
Configuring new gridsets  
Configuring tile layers  
Exploring GeoWebCache  
A prominent member of the tile map caching software family is GeoWebCache  
(, a Java open source project. Just as any caching system,  
it acts as a proxy between the clients and the map server. If you use the standalone  
version, your map server can be any that is in compliance with WMS standard.  
Indeed, GeoWebCache uses the WMS syntax to retrieve tiles from the map server.  
It exposes the tiles in several ways; with the GeoServer integrated version you can  
use the following:  
WMS (Web Mapping Service)  
WMS-C (WMS Tiling Client Recommendation)  
WMTS (Web Map Tiling Service)  
TMS (Tile Map Service)  
You can use an external instance of GeoWebCache, disabling the one that is  
included, but there are many advantages in using the internal one. You can use a  
single interface to administer both GeoServer and GeoWebCache and you don't  
have to use a custom URL or a special endpoint; all the layers you publish on  
GeoServer are automatically configured as cached. You just have to set the caching  
properties on layers and layer groups.  
Time for action – configuring  
GeoWebCache storage  
Running the GeoWebCache shipped with GeoServer is very simple. All the layers  
are already configured for caching; we just need to modify some details of the  
. Caching will produce a lot of files, and storage requires quite a lot of space  
on your disk. By default, all the files are stored on the same filesystem where  
you installed GeoServer. A common issue is that you can run out of free space  
or available inodes on Linux filesystems. The result is the same: you won't be  
able to store anything more on the filesystem and you may also crash your  
system. We are going to use a custom location for cache files.  
2. Locate your webappsfolder inside the Apache Tomcat installation folder:  
$ cd /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/webapps/  
3. Go to the geoserver/WEB-INFfolder:  
opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/webapps$ cd geoserver/WEB-INF/  
4. Open the web.xmlfile and locate the line containing the following code:  
. After this, there are several parameters defined. We will insert a new  
parameter to set the GeoWebCachefolder location. You can enter the following  
code just after the previous line. The param-value syntax is valorized with a  
folder location that is valid on the Linux filesystem. On a Windows filesystem,  
use proper syntax.  
!-- Setting GeoWebCache folder -->  
6. Save the file and close it.  
. Now go to the Tomcat Manager Application to reload GeoServer. The  
parameters that you change from the web administration interface don't need a  
reload to be effective. GeoServer reads the web.xml file on startup, so any  
changes to the file are effective only after an application reload.  
8. Open  
9. Locate GeoServer in the application list and click on the Reload button:  
0. After a while, depending on the complexity of your configuration, a success  
message will appear:  
1. Now, go to the Tile Layers section on the web administration interface of  
NaturalEarth:ne_50_m_populated_places layer:  
2. From the drop-down list, select a combination of SRS and image format (for  
example, EPSG:4326/jpeg); a new map preview will show up in the browser  
This preview is not the same as the one you can access from the Layer  
Preview page. While both use JavaScript code with the OpenLayers library,  
the latter is optimized to use the integrated GeoWebCache.  
3. Navigate the map by panning and zooming it. Each operation will request tiles  
from GeoWebCache. For the first time you use it, they have to be requested to  
GeoServer and stored for future reuse.  
4. Now close the map and click again on the Tile Layers link in the  
administration interface. Going to the row that shows information for your  
layer, you can see that there is now a number showing the disk storage used by  
5. Open a system console and go to the folder you configured for GeoWebCache  
in step 5. You should see that it contains a folder for the tiles of the layer:  
opt/gwc$ ls -al  
total 32  
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 30 18:12 ./  
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 25 21:37 ../  
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 30 17:48 diskquota_page_store/  
rw-r--r-- 1 root root 406 Sep 27 00:33 geowebcache-  
rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4879 Sep 25 21:55 geowebcache.xml  
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 30 17:48 meta_jdbc_h2/  
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Sep 30 18:18  
16. Open the folder and check whether the folder content actually uses the size that  
GeoServer showed you:  
opt/gwc/NaturalEarth_ne_50m_populated_places$ du -sh  
.4M .  
What just happened?  
You configured the storage location for your tiles. By default, GeoWebCache stores  
them in the temp folder located inside Tomcat installation location. For production  
site, it is a good idea to use a folder on a different device. Also, try to avoid storing  
tiles on the same disk where the data is stored.  
Time for action – configuring Disk  
Whether you prefer seeding your layers or you just set the cache on and wait for  
your clients' requests to populate it, the tiles can grow to a huge number of files and  
sizes. The folder configured for containing them may fill and you may run the  
filesystem on a shortage of resources. By default, the integrated GeoWebCache  
comes with unlimited disk usage for cached tiles. It is a good practice to configure  
it to a known value and to set a policy for tiles recycling.  
1. From the GeoServer administration interface go toDisk Quota under the Tile  
caching section:  
. As you can see, there is an upper limit for cache size, that is, 500.0 MB, but  
the Enable disk quota flag is unchecked; you might wonder what happens  
when your cache size hits the limit. Set the limit at 5 megabytes and click on  
the Submit button.  
. Now go to the Tile layers form and open the cache preview for  
myLayerGroup, which you created in Chapter 6, Styling Your Layers.  
Browse the map, panning and zooming a little, until you see that the layer's  
cache size exceeds 5 megabytes (you have to manually refresh the interface for  
the new size value to show up).  
. What will be shown now is the Disk Quota form. Go back to it and you will  
see that all your tiles are there, the total size is over the upper bound and the  
maximum size value acts just as a warning.  
. Now check the Enable disk quota flag and click on the Submit button. Go  
back to the Disk Quota form; all your tiles are now gone. This is because 5  
megabytes is a very low limit and tiles are marked for removal in groups.  
. Now you will set the parameters to more realistic values. The first parameter  
is the block size used by the filesystem where you are storing tiles. The  
provided default is quite common, but if you are unsure you can check it. For  
example, on Linux you may use the dumpe2fsutility:  
opt/gwc$ sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/mapper/ubuntu1204x64vm-root |  
grep 'Block size'  
dumpe2fs 1.42 (29-Nov-2011)  
Block size:  
. Then you may want to set the time interval for GeoWebCache performing  
checks on the cache size. Although 10 seconds is a good trade–off, you might  
want to insert a higher value as a very low value will degrade performance.  
. Now you have to set the upper limit for your cache size. This depends on how  
many layers you have to cache and, of course, on how much space is  
available. If you are using a non-dedicated filesystem for your tiles, consider  
that there may be other processes creating temporary objects on the filesystem  
and select a conservative value that leaves at least 20 percent of the filesystem  
always free. On the other hand, if you have a dedicated filesystem for your  
cache you may insert a value near to 99 percent of the total size. Avoid setting  
it to a value equal to the size of the filesystem, as filling it completely may  
produce weird errors and corruption. We assume here that you are fine with a  
gigabyte cache size.  
. Lastly, you have to choose the criteria for tile removal when the upper limit is  
hit. The default option selects Least frequently used, which is usually a good  
choice as long as your site contains a static set of layers. If you frequently add  
new layers, there is a chance that older layers are used less, so select the  
Least recently used option.  
10. Now that all the parameters are valorized, you can click the Submit button:  
What just happened?  
You completed the storage configuration for GeoWebCache. Now you are ready to  
review general settings and layer parameters.  
Setting caching defaults  
As mentioned previously, the included GeoWebCache comes with a default  
configuration. From the web interface you can manage almost all parameters; this is  
a brand new feature of the GeoServer 2.2 release. In earlier releases, you had to go  
to the GeoWebCache web interface or open the configuration files.  
The Caching Defaults form includes general parameters. The first section is about  
services used to expose tiles.  
Direct integration  
By default, the first option is disabled. Direct integration is about the endpoint used  
in WMSGetMap requests. If you go with the default option, you will have to use a  
custom endpoint to tell GeoServer that you want to retrieve a map from the cache, if  
there are tiles available to fulfill your request.  
Enabling direct integration lets you use the same syntax you would use against a  
non-cached layer:  
Apart from the endpoint, there are a set of conditions that a request has to meet in  
order to use tiles from the cache. We will explore both methods in a later section  
querying layers with an OpenLayers-based application.  
The second option listed is for the WMS-C service.WMS-C is the acronym for  
Web Mapping Services Cached. It is the default way to query for tiles and is  
available at the endpoint.  
If you disable the option when performing a request to the endpoint, you will  
receive a Service is disabled message and a 400 (Bad request) HTTP response  
code from GeoServer.  
TMS and WMTS  
These two options enable endpoints specific to the TMS (Tiled Map Services) and  
WMTS (Web Map Tiled Services). Both are OGC standards for retrieving tiled  
maps; the main difference is the incorporation of a query by location request  
GetFeatureInfo) in WMTS. The endpoints are as follows:  
Default layers options  
The next section is about parameters for layers.  
By default, each time you add a layer on GeoServer it is configured for caching.  
Configuring a layer for caching doesn't use space on your cache storage, until  
someone starts requesting maps of it. You may consider removing this option if, on  
your site, you are going to add a large number of frequently updated layers. Note  
that disabling this flag you should manually enable caching for the layers.  
As you did in Chapter 6, Styling Your Layers, you can configure more than one  
style for your layers; by default all the styles are enabled to be cached. If you add a  
lot of styles but only one is important, you may want to avoid wasting space in your  
cache storage and store only tiles rendered with the default style.  
The default metatile size sets dimensions of the map produced by GeoServer when  
it gets a request for a tile not already stored in cache. By default, the map produced  
is composed of 16 tiles. When a request hits a tile not stored, a GeoWebCache  
sends a GetMap request for a map with dimension equal to 4x the tile's height size  
and 4x the tile's width size. Once produced, the map is sliced and each tile is stored  
in the GeoWebCache repository. Using a metatile is useful to reduce a layer's  
seeding time and for label placement. When you ask GeoWebCache to seed a layer  
we will discuss this in detail later), all the tiles are produced, so a lot of GetMap  
requests are sent to GeoServer. It is much more efficient to produce larger maps  
and then slice them, than producing a lot of tiny maps.  
With regards to label placement, you have to consider that GeoServer's labeling  
engine places the label according to the map's dimension. So with bigger maps you  
have a small chance of label duplication and overlapping.  
So you may wonder why the default metatile size is not bigger than a mere 4 x 4.  
The problem is that when producing a map's memory, the consumption grows  
proportionally to the map's dimensions; having a big metatile size may produce  
errors in caching. According to the memory resource on your installation, you may  
increase the size but be careful with a metatile size higher than 8 x 8.  
The gutter size defines an extra edge on the map used for label and feature  
placements. The edges won't be rendered in the map but setting it larger than zero  
may help reducing the label's conflicts.  
In the Default Tile Image Formats for section, you can set those formats you want  
to enable. It is a good idea to go with the default here as png8 (an 8-bit color depth  
version of PNG) and gif are not much used in web mapping.  
Default Cached Gridsets  
This section shows the gridsets that will be automatically configured for cached  
layers. A gridset is a schema for tiles; it contains CRS, tile dimensions, and zoom  
We will see how to create custom gridset in the very next paragraph.  
By default there are two gridsets configured for all layers. They are the ones most  
commonly used in web mapping:  
EPSG:4326 (geographic) with 22 maximum Zoom levels and 256 x 256 pixel  
EPSG:900913 (spherical Mercator) with31 maximum Zoom levels and 256  
x 256 pixel tiles  
Configuring gridsets  
Gridsets are caching schemas. When you decide to store tiles for a layer, you have  
to define the common properties for the tiles set. The logical entities where you  
store those properties are the gridsets.  
The properties you can configure in a gridset are the CRS, the tile sizes in pixels,  
the number and scale of zoom levels, and the bounds of the gridset. Once you define  
a gridset and bind it to a layer, your client requests must conform to the caching  
schema, that is, the gridset or GeoWebCache will be unable to fulfill your request.  
For your convenience, GeoServer comes with a common gridset already  
Time for action – creating a custom  
In Chapter 5, Adding Your Data, we add the tiger county shapefiles. The CRS for  
this is EPSG:4269. If we want to create a cache for it without projection, we need  
to create a specific gridset.  
. In the GeoServer web interface, select the gridset URL on the left panel.  
. GeoServer will show you a list of existing gridsets. Click on theCreate a  
new gridset link:  
. In the creation form, you have to insert the values for creating parameters.  
Choose a name for the new gridset; using the CRS is a good idea so insert  
. In the Coordinate Reference System section, enter EPSG:4269. The Units  
and Meters per unit parameters are updated from GeoServer as it retrieves  
the projection parameters. Please note that we inserted the same string in the  
title and CRS textbox but they have completely different meanings; the title is  
just a label that you can set to a string convenient for you, while the CRS has  
to be a value recognized from GeoServer projection engine:  
. Click on the Compute from maximum extent of CRS link; the gridset bounds  
will be automatically calculated by GeoServer. If you want your gridset  
limited to a smaller extent, you may manually insert values in the textboxes. As  
we are going to use this gridset for the USA inland counties, we will enter  
custom bounds values as shown in the following screenshot:  
. Each gridset must have a fixed tile size. GeoServer will prompt you to have  
the default values of 256 x 256 pixels; this is usually a good choice so we will  
leave it unchanged. Note that you may want to set a smaller or greater size and  
you can also have rectangular tiles, but you might run into trouble with clients  
requesting your tiles.  
. You now have to set the zoom levels for your gridsets. Keep in mind that when  
using cached maps, you are constrained to pre-calculated zoom levels. Here  
you have the opportunity to set what and how many they are. Creating levels is  
quite simple; first you need to decide how many levels you need. Click on the  
Add zoom level link. A new line is added showing you the level's parameters.  
The first column shows you the level's index (the list is zero based) and then  
you find Pixel Size. GeoServer calculates first level for having a single row  
of tiles covering all of your layer extent. Optionally, you may set a name for  
the level. In the Tiles column, you can see how many tiles would compose the  
levels; the syntax is column x rows. The red symbol at the end of the row lets  
you remove a level.  
. Keep adding levels until you add level 10. As you can see each level is  
calculated doubling the columns and the rows, hence it contains 4x the tiles of  
the previous level. The total number of tiles grows fast; at level 10 you  
already have almost 2 million tiles, plus those of the other levels:  
. Now click on the Save button. The gridset is added to the list. You may also  
want to add a custom gridset to the default gridset list, but this is not the case  
with the EPSG:4269 that we created for the county layer.  
0. Now go to the layer panel and select the tiger:tl_2011_us_county. In the  
Configuration form, go to the Tile Caching tab. At the end of the page, there  
is the Gridset section; here you can configure the available gridsets for your  
layer. Please note that all the default settings we configured in the previous  
paragraph may be overridden in the layer configuration. From the drop-down  
list, select the EPSG:4269 gridset you just created, then click on the plus  
symbol on the right:  
11. The new gridset is added to the list of those available for your layer. Note that  
you can optionally have only a subset of the levels published and/or cached.  
What just happened?  
We created a new gridset with custom properties for caching a specific layer and a  
specific area of the world. You can have as many gridsets as you need for your  
layers. Please remember that clients requesting maps shall conform to the gridset's  
properties (for example, tile sizes), otherwise you will get an error from  
Configuring tile layers  
Fromthe web interface, you can access the Tile layers section. All the layers  
published on GeoServer and configured for caching are listed in this section, and  
you can review the status and the main parameters for each layer.  
The first two columns display the Type and Layer Name, and the third is for per  
layer Disk Quota. In GeoServer 2.2, the per layer disk quota is not checked and  
cannot be configured as in the GeoWebCache standalone version, so you can only  
see an N/A value here. The next column contains the size occupied on disk by the  
layer's tiles.  
The next column shows you if the layer, configured for caching, is enabled to store  
tiles in the cache. Disabling caching on a layer without removing it from cached  
layers is useful when you want to temporarily disable layers from caching without  
losing the configuration.  
If caching is enabled on a specific layer, you see a drop-down list with the gridsets  
associated to that layer, and by clicking on it you can open a new web page with a  
preview application. It is very similar to the page raised by the layer preview list,  
but it ensures that the request conforms to the caching schema, that is, the gridset  
and maps that are requested are retrieved from the cache.  
Eventually you find the link to Seed or Truncate one or more levels of the cache.  
The Empty link will erase all tiles for that specific layer, including all gridsets and  
Time for action configuring layers  
and layer groups for caching  
By default, each layer you publish on GeoServer is added to GeoWebCache's  
configuration. If your layer contains data that is updated very often, caching may be  
a bad idea. You would waste space to store tiles that will soon become outdated.  
Let's see how to configure caching on a specific layer.  
1. From the web interface, open the Tile layers section.  
2. Scroll the list to find the NaturalEarth:10m_roads_north_america layer and  
click on the layer name.  
3. The layer configuration page opens with a focus on the Tile Caching tab.  
. The very first section contains flags for inserting layers among the cached  
layers and for enabling caching. If you uncheck the first radio button, all the  
other settings become unavailable, and the caching configuration is lost. By  
default, unless you modified the Caching Defaults section, all layers added to  
GeoServer configuration are also configured as cached layers.  
. Metatiling factors, gutter size, and image formats let you override the values  
set for these parameters in the Caching Defaults section. For example, you  
may want to increase metatiling sizes and gutter sizes on layers where labeling  
is really critical. Acting on a per layer basis avoids stress on overall  
. The next section lets you choose whether GeoWebCache will create a  
separate cache for each style associated to the layer. You can also set a  
separate cache for time and elevation. These options make sense only if you  
Time and elevation configurations are out of the scope of this book. You can  
configure them in the Dimension tab of the layers web page. Note that your  
data, raster or vector, should have attributes holding meaningful time or  
elevation values.  
. You can set which gridset will be used for caching your layer. By default, both  
the gridsets defined in the Caching Defaults section are enabled. You can add  
others or remove the defaults. You can also set zoom levels for each gridset  
that you want to be published and/or cached:  
What just happened?  
You reviewed all the options available for fine tuning on cache configuration.  
While caching defaults are fine for having a working set of properties, each time  
you add a new layer, you should configure it to maximize performance and optimize  
disk space.  
Time for action – using tiles with  
Now that you know how to manage caching configuration, we will explore how to  
use it. In this section, you will use an OpenLayers client to consume cached layers.  
You had a look at OpenLayers library in the previous chapter, but if you are not yet  
an expert, don't worry, we will guide you to fully understand the basic code of the  
following example:  
. We will create a new HTML file. It should be published with Apache Tomcat,  
so you can create it in the webapps/ROOT folder inside your Tomcat  
. Insert the following code. As we are creating an HTML file, the code contains  
some mandatory elements. We also want to include a title for our page:  
title>Creating a simple map</title>  
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;  
3. Now add the following CSS code to add a style to thehtml element that will  
host the map canvas:  
style type="text/css">  
myMap {  
clear: both;  
position: relative;  
width: 750px;  
height: 450px;  
border: 1px solid black;  
. Now we have to include a reference to the OpenLayers library. We use a  
reference to the online release. Note that this only works if you are connected  
to the Internet in your development environment; otherwise you may want to  
download the library and deploy it on Tomcat:  
script type="text/javascript"  
. Now add the code to create a map object. We first create a mapOptions  
collection to set some map properties, that is, the projection, the extent, and  
the units. Take note of the first parameter passed to Mapconstructors in the last  
line; it is a reference to a domelement where the map will be placed:  
script type="text/javascript">  
function init() {  
var mapOptions = {  
projection: "EPSG:4326",  
maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180.0,-  
units: "degrees"  
map = new OpenLayers.Map('myMap', mapOptions );  
. Now you have to add a layer object. We create it by pointing to  
ne_50m_populated_places. We pass some properties to the constructor, for  
example, for using a different style from default:  
demolayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(  
styles: 'PopulatedPlacesStroke',  
format: 'image/png' },  
layers: 'NaturalEarth:ne_50m_populated_places',  
{singleTile: 'True'}  
. Then, we add the layer to the map and add code to set a zoom level and center  
the map on a specific point:  
map.panTo(new OpenLayers.LonLat(12.0,42.0));  
. The JavaScript code for the page is complete. Now add a call to theinit  
function when the browser loads the page and a divelement for the map:  
body onload="init()">  
div id="myMap"></div>  
. Save the file as wmsPlain.html. Now open your browser and enter  
http://localhost:8080/wmsPlain.htmlas the URL.  
10. Now zoom and pan a little with the map, then go to the Tile layers web page  
and look if the map produced by your requests was stored as a map:  
1. It seems like your requests are not stored in the cache. Can you identify what  
went wrong? Think about it before going ahead with the exploration.  
2. Go back to the folder where you saved the wmsPlain.html file, make a copy  
of it, and rename the copy to wmsExplicitCached.html.  
3. Open the new file with your editor, go to line 3, and replace it with the  
title>Creating a simple map for cached layers</title>  
4. For a GetMap request to hit the cache, you have to constrain it to the gridset  
properties. We are using the EPSG:4326 projection, so we need to use the  
same zoom levels of the EPSG:4326 gridset. Go to line 18 and just after it  
add a new item to mapOptions. It contains all resolutions for the gridset:  
resolutions: [  
.703125, 0.3515625, 0.17578125,  
.087890625, 0.0439453125, 0.02197265625,  
.010986328125, 0.0054931640625, 0.00274658203125,  
.001373291015625, 0.0006866455078125,  
.0001716613769531, 0.0000858306884766,  
.0000214576721191, 0.0000107288360596,  
.0000026822090149, 0.0000013411045074,  
You don't really need to add all the zoom levels to your maps; you can select a  
subset of them. This way you can constrain your user to explore data only at a  
specific zoom range.  
5. Our request needs to be directed to the GeoWebCache endpoint. Go to line 33  
and modify the layer creator as in the following code fragment:  
demolayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(  
6. We also need to match the tile sizes. On line 30 replace the singleTile:  
True'line of code with the following:  
{tileSize: new OpenLayers.Size(256,256)}  
7. Save  
http://localhost:8080/wmsExplicitCached.html as the URL. As  
before, navigate your maps by panning and zooming around the world, then go  
back to the Tile layers web page and see if your tiles are stored in the cache.  
As you can see from the Disk Used value, this time your requests matched the  
gridset properties and the tiles produced were stored properly. Are you  
wondering how to check exactly what your requests are requests and what  
responses you are getting from GeoWebCache?  
There are several tools/techniques that you can use to do this; a widely used  
and popular one is Firebug. Firebug is Firefox's extension that offers you a  
powerful set of tools for developing and debugging web apps. In our case, you  
can use the web console to see complete details about requests and responses  
for your application.  
More info is available at  
8. We need to go a step further. Do you remember we talked about direct  
integration? Go back to the Caching defaults section and check the flag. Then  
click on the Save button.  
19. Go back to the folder where you saved the wmsExplicitCached.html file,  
0. Open the new file with your editor, go to line 3, and replace it with the  
title>Creating a simple map for cached layers with direct  
21. Our request needs to be directed to the GeoServer WMS endpoint. Go to line  
3 and modify the layer creator as in the following code fragment:  
demolayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(  
22. On line 37, just after the style setting, add a code to specify the map request  
that has to be tiled:  
styles: 'PopulatedPlacesStroke',  
tiled: 'true',  
23. Save the file and close it.  
4. Go to the Tile layers page and click on the Empty link for the  
NaturalEarth:ne_50m_populated_places layer. When prompted about  
deleting all tiles click on the OK button.  
25. Save the file. Now open your browser and point it to  
before, navigate your map's panning and zoom around the world, then go back  
to the Tile Layers web page and see if your tiles are stored in the cache again.  
What just happened?  
You built a very simple web mapping application and integrated it with  
GeoWebCache. Apart from the trivial interface, you explored how to properly  
build map requests that can access a cache. You can use this knowledge to apply  
caching in real application.  
Have a go hero – building a client for tiger county  
In the previous Time for action – creating a custom gridset section, you built a  
custom gridset. You named it EPSG:4269 and added to the tl_2011_us_county  
layer's configuration. It is now time to use it. Based on the JavaScript code of the  
previous Time for action – using tiles with OpenLayers section, build a simple  
application using the cache for the layer. Just in case you need some hints, you can  
have a look at wmsExplicitCached4269.htmlfile in the chapter's resource.  
Time for action – seeding a layer  
As of now we have used the GeoWebCache for storing tiles produced by user  
request. Of course following requests with equal parameters will hit the cache and  
GeoServer won't render a new map for them.  
But you can also pre-calculate the tiles for a layer to avoid some users  
experiencing a delay when requesting zoom levels and areas not yet cached.  
The process of pre-calculating tiles is called seeding . This section will guide you  
to understand how it works.  
1. Go to the Tile layers page and look for the tl_2011_us_county layer. Click on  
the Seed/Truncate link for it:  
2. A new page will open. The GeoWebCache seeding is not integrated in the  
GeoServer web interface. What you see is the GeoWebCache interface:  
. Scroll to the Create a new task section. You have to set the parameters for  
the seeding. The first one is the number of parallel processes, that is, threads  
that will request maps to GeoServer. As we have a single GeoServer instance,  
there is no gain in running too many processes. Select 04 from the drop-down  
. Then select the operation type. You can select Seed, which will generate only  
the missing tiles, or Reseed to regenerate all tiles. This is the case if you  
changed the style for the layer and don't want your user to see a mixed map.  
Note that the Truncate operation is a little different from the Empty operation  
integrated in the GeoServer interface. Here you will have the option to select  
a set of zoom levels for truncating, while the Empty operation will always  
remove all tiles. Select Seed generate missing tiles:  
. You have to select a gridset and an image format for the seeding. If you want  
to pre-calculate cache for more than one gridset and/or image format, you can  
start another operation just after starting this. Select Grid Set as EPSG:4269  
and Format as image/png:  
. You can start a seeding operation only on a subset of the specified gridset.  
You can select a levels range and an area. If you don't want to restrict seeding  
to a specific area, leave the Bounding box textboxes empty, and the operation  
will use the gridset bounds. Select 00 as Zoom start: and 10 as Zoom stop:.  
Now start the seeding operation by clicking on the Submit button:  
. Once the tasks start, the web interface shows you the list of currently running  
tasks. If you are seeding more layers concurrently, you can filter the tasks per  
layer and also kill one or all the tasks that are running. Clicking on the  
Refresh list link will update the list with the number of Tiles completed,  
Time elapsed, and Time remaining columns. The number of tiles grows  
quickly at more detailed zoom levels. Seeding not only requires a lot of disk  
space, it also requires a lot of time, depending on your system's capacity.  
. When your tasks end, you should see an empty list. Go back to the Tile layers  
page and now there will be a lot of disk space allocated for your layer's tiles:  
What just happened?  
Seeding your layers can have a huge impact on performances. Every map request  
from your clients, in the levels range you pre-calculated, will hit the cache now.  
You can expect performances to increase from 10 to 90 times.  
Pop quiz – configuring integrated GeoWebCache  
Q1. Can you have more than one gridset for a layer?  
1. No, you have to select one caching schema for each layer.  
2. Yes, you can add any gridsets you need and use them concurrently.  
3. Yes, but you can store tiles in the cache for just one gridset.  
Q2. Can you cache a layer with more than one style?  
. Yes, you can store tiles rendered with several different styles.  
. No, you have to configure the same data as a new layer to use a different style.  
. Yes, but you can't use the same layer with different styles concurrently in the  
same map request.  
Q3. Can your client use both cached and plain layers?  
1. No, you have to set the caching properties in the map and all layers are  
constrained to those settings.  
2. Yes, but for each layer you have to decide if you want it cached or not.  
3. Yes, and you can also add the same layer on your client's map in a plain and  
cached way.  
Using an external GeoWebCache  
The integrated GeoWebCache is a convenient way to use a powerful caching tool  
while avoiding the complexity of an external installation and configuration. So  
what's the point of using an external instance of GeoWebCache?  
In a production environment, you will often have to deal with multiple GeoServer  
instances, running in parallel like a cluster. Indeed we will see how to configure  
such a scenario in Chapter 11, Tuning GeoServer in a Production Environment.  
When more than one GeoServer publishes the same data, you can't efficiently use  
the integrated GeoWebCache. There is no way to connect all the GeoServers to a  
single GeoWebCache. Anyway it would make no sense as you will introduce a  
single point of failure in your architecture.  
So you have two ways to go: using the integrated GeoWebCache on each  
GeoServer node, duplicating the tiles and wasting a lot of space, or installing an  
external GeoWebCache and linking it to each GeoServer node.  
Installing and configuring an external GeoWebCache is out of the scope of this  
book. You have to turn off the integrated GeoWebCache. You can do this from the  
Caching Defaults page, disabling all services and turning off the automatic  
creation of a cache configuration for each new layer.  
If you used the integrated GeoWebCache before, you may also want to disable each  
layer and remove tiles.  
The standalone GeoWebCache is a Java web application that you can deploy on a  
Tomcat instance, the same as we did for GeoServer in Chapter 2, Installing  
Geoserver. Once installed, you have to manually configure each layer by editing the  
Refer to the project online documentation for detailed instructions and reference  
We explored the integrated GeoWebCache and how it may impact on GeoServer  
performances. Deploying a properly configured production site requires caching,  
unless your planned users are very few.  
Configuring a map cache requires you to act not only on the server side but also on  
the client side. Clients should know how you cached the data and compile proper  
map requests for the benefit of pre-calculated tiles. We used JavaScript and  
OpenLayers to have a look at the client side.  
GeoServer integrates a pretty interface for configuring cache, but as your site grows  
and you find yourself increasingly adding and removing layers, you may wonder if  
a way of automating the configuration exists.  
In the next chapter, we will explore the GeoServer REST interface. REST exposes  
most of the GeoServer interface through HTTP calls. Using a scripting language  
you can build simple procedures that help you in performing repetitive tasks.  
We will see how to use the REST interface to add data stores and workspaces,  
publish layers, and apply changes to your configuration.  
Chapter 9. Automating Tasks:  
GeoServer REST Interface  
In the previous chapters you learned how to connect GeoServer to your data.  
Creating data stores or feature types, configuring layers, and uploading styles  
can be tedious and overwhelming tasks as soon as your site grows from the data  
we used in the examples.  
If your site intends to deliver a professional map service, it will probably be  
replicated on more instances. We will see in detail how this can be done, but for  
now you will probably have guessed that it means more effort to configure and  
synchronize all nodes.  
When you are dealing with a repetitive task, you usually look at how you can  
automate it.  
GeoServer's developers didn't leave you alone in the dark. GeoServer includes a  
REST interface that lets you perform most administrative tasks. In this chapter  
we will see how you can add, update, and delete your data configuration.  
In this chapter we will cover the following topics in detail:  
Defining REST  
Using REST with cURL and Python  
Configuring Workspaces, Data Stores, and Feature Types  
Configuring Styles and Layers  
Introducing REST  
So, what is REST? The acronym stands for REpresentational State Transfer, and  
defines client-server interaction in terms of state transitions. Each request from the  
client is a transition to a new state. The response sent by the server represents the  
application state after the transition.  
Does it sound too complicated? From a theory point of view you may find it  
unconventional, especially if you are used to a client/server with a stateful  
interaction. REST is stateless, and once you get the general idea you will discover  
that it is very simple.  
Although REST is commonly thought of as a web interface, actually it is much  
more. The term REST was defined by Roy T. Fielding—one of the most importan  
people behind HTTP protocol design—in his PhD thesis. REST describes the  
interaction between clients and servers, and does it by abstracting from any  
protocol. It describes a set of operations that a server has to implement and that a  
client can use. Of course in implementations, a protocol, for example, HTTP, has to  
be selected. You could also develop a REST interface without HTTP.  
Refer to the following links to find out more on REST:  
GeoServer's REST interface uses HTTP and defines a set of operations and  
resources. Operations are derived from HTTP so you can perform GET, POST  
PUT, and DELETE operations. Resources are the building blocks of GeoServer'  
configuration, which includes workspaces, data stores, layers, and so on.  
Using REST  
REST defines a set of operations defined from the HTTP protocol; so how can you  
interact with it? Using a browser can be a common way to send HTTP requests to a  
server; you do it almost every day when you browse the Internet and you do it with  
the GeoServer web interface! But using a browser is not a simple way to automate  
tasks; it requires human interaction. We need something that enables us to build  
small programs.  
A lot of different tools exist that enable you to interact with REST. You can use  
programming languages such as Java or PHP, or script languages such as  
PowerShell in Windows or any Linux shell. In this chapter we will see examples in  
the programming language, Python, and with cURL. Python is a programming  
language that leverages on simplicity and code readability, and hence it is very  
easy to create small programs with it. cURLis a library and a command-line tool  
that can be easily incorporated in simple shell scripts. Both of these tools allow  
users to create REST requests in a very simple manner, that is, by writing a few  
lines of code. This avoids you getting distracted by a complex syntax.  
In this chapter, it is assumed that you have a working installation of Python and  
cURL. If you are using a Linux box, it is quite likely that you already have both  
installed and configured, or you can rely on your distribution package system to  
install a recent release.  
For Windows, you can get Python from the project site at  
cURL is available as a source, for the brave, or as a binary package from  
Time for action – installing the  
Requests library  
We stated before that Python mainly aims at simplicity and code readability, but  
unfortunately this is not always the case. Interacting with REST using the standard  
Python libraries can be painfully laborious. Luckily, there is an open source project  
that can solve this. The project produced a library called Requests, and I have to  
say it really is an appropriate name. So let's install it!  
1. As the first step, you need to download the ZIP or TAR archive containing the  
library code:  
~ -O  
$ wget  
drwxrwxr-x 2 stefano stefano 4096 Oct 15 08:01 ./  
drwxr-xr-x 9 stefano stefano 4096 Oct 15 07:41 ../  
$ ls -al  
rw-rw-r-- 1 stefano stefano 720204 Oct 15 08:02 master.tar.gz  
. Now extract the archive content:  
$ tar xvfz master.tar.gz  
. Enter the new folder and install it into your site package:  
$ cd kennethreitz-requests-c03e893  
$ sudo python install  
. Installation is now complete. Check it by opening Python and importing the  
new library in the following manner:  
$ python  
Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39)  
GCC 4.6.3] on linux2  
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more  
>> import requests  
What just happened?  
You installed the Requests library as a site package inside your Python installation.  
You can now use it inside any Python program, leveraging on its powerful objects  
for the purpose of interacting with the HTTP protocol.  
Requests is an open source project started by Kenneth Reitz. You can download  
and use it in a very liberal way. It is released under the ISC license. You can also  
fork it on GitHub and add features. The following link will lead you to the Requests  
download page:  
Managing data  
The core of each map service is data. We need to create workspaces for grouping  
together data sets, connecting databases and folders containing data, adding feature  
types, and configuring their options. GeoServer's REST interface exposes  
resources for each one of them.  
Working with workspaces and namespaces  
A workspace is a logical entity you can use to group data. A workspace is always  
linked to a namespace URI that defines a web reference for it. The REST interface  
defines two resources that you can use to access these elements. They are as  
GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations are defined for both of these resources  
which allows you to view, create, update, and delete workspaces and namespaces.  
Time for action – managing  
We are going to use REST operations with workspaces. In this section, as in the  
others contained in this chapter, we will use both cURL and Python to perform the  
same operation. The examples are shown in a Linux shell, but cURL and Python  
syntaxes are identical in a Windows shell.  
. The first step looks at which workspaces are defined in your GeoServer  
instance. This requires a GET operation. The following code shows you the  
syntax. cURL has a lot of options, you can have a look at all of them running it  
with the curl --help command from Linux and Windows. On Linux you can  
also have a look at the manual with the command man curl. The first option  
we use is –u. It stands for user authentication and you have to insert the user  
ID and password you set inChapter 2, Getting Started with GeoServer, when  
we modified the default password.  
T he -v option tells cURL to run verbosely, so it will output detailed  
information on the request processing. The -X option defines which HTTP  
operation you want to use to send your requests. If you don't insert it, cURL  
assumes GET as its default. You can avoid writing the option, although  
inserting it may make the code clearer. The -H option lets you add headers to  
your requests. You may repeat this option as many times as you need, to  
specify multiple headers. In this case we are using it to make the server know  
that we would accept an XML format as a response. After that, we have the  
URL we want requested. The URL is composed of a base part that will be the  
http://yourhostname:yourport/geoserver/rest, and an operation part that  
specifies the operation. Finally, we add the -o option to write the response to  
a file:  
curl -u admin:password -v -XGET -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces -o  
. A lot of information is displayed. This may be very useful when in trouble,  
and you need to debug what is wrong. A line starting with > means "header  
data sent by cURL", while< means "header data received by cURL". In this  
case, we just look at the status code received from GeoServer; it reports 200,  
that is, the HTTP code for OK:  
About to connect() to localhost port 8080 (#0)  
Trying % Total % Received % Xferd  
Average Speed Time  
Left Speed  
Time Current  
Dload Upload Total Spent  
0 0 0  
0 --:--:-- --:--:-  
Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'  
GET /geoserver/rest/workspaces HTTP/1.1  
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46Y29yZS4yMDEy  
User-Agent: curl/7.22.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.22.0  
OpenSSL/1.0.1 zlib/ libidn/1.23 librtmp/2.3  
Host: localhost:8080  
Accept: text/xml  
HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 19:59:27 GMT  
Server: Noelios-Restlet-Engine/1.0..8  
Content-Type: application/xml  
Transfer-Encoding: chunked  
[data not shown]  
00 1100  
0 1100  
0 18648  
0 --:--:-- --:--:-  
--:--:-- 19642  
Connection #0 to host localhost left intact  
Closing connection #0  
. You may want to check if the workspaces.xml file was created. In order to  
do that, run the following command:  
/REST$ ls -al  
total 12  
drwxrwxr-x 2 stefano stefano 4096 Oct 16 21:59 ./  
drwxr-xr-x 9 stefano stefano 4096 Oct 16 21:11 ../  
rw-rw-r-- 1 stefano stefano 1100 Oct 16 21:59  
. Before analysing the response file content, let's do the same request using  
Python. From your console, launch it and import the requests module as  
/REST$ python  
Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39)  
GCC 4.6.3] on linux2  
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more  
>> import requests  
. Now define a new string variable for the URL:  
>>> myUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces'  
. Also, a Python dictionary for the headers:  
>> headers = {'Accept': 'text/xml'}  
. We are ready to send the request; the requests object has a method for each  
HTTP operation, and in a really "Pythonic" way, the name is the operation.  
You have to call the method by passing the parameters for the URL, headers,  
and authentication:  
>> resp = requests.get(myUrl,auth=  
. So the response was saved in the new variable called resp. The Python  
interpreter didn't throw any exception, so things should be ok; but how can we  
check what GeoServer replied? Theresp variable is indeed a response  
object defined in the requests library, and it has methods to extract information  
about the response. Start by looking at the status code of the response.  
>> resp.status_code  
9. Nice! It succeeded. But what if you would like to extract the response body to  
list it or to save it to a file? The response.text method is what you are  
looking for, so let's save the result in a file:  
file = open('workspaces_py.xml','w')  
0. Now you should have two XML files looking absolutely identical. Open one  
of them and look at its content. It lists the workspaces defined on your  
GeoServer, and it also gives you a URL to reference each one of them. This is  
shown as follows:  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
11. Now use the information from the XML file to retrieve information about the  
first workspace. In cURL, type the following command:  
curl -u admin:password -XGET -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/NaturalEarth -  
o NaturalEarth.xml  
2. Do the same in Python:  
>> myUrl =  
>> headers = {'Accept': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.get(myUrl,auth=  
3. The information retrieved contains the URL to explore data stores linked to the  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
4. Now retrieve information about namespaces in cURL:  
curl -u admin:password -XGET -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/namespaces -o  
5. Retrieve the same in Python:  
>> myUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/namespaces'  
>> headers = {'Accept': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.get(myUrl,auth=  
6. In the response, you can see the namespace list, which is pretty similar to the  
workspace list. As we wrote before, they are bounded together:  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
17. Now have a look at information about a single namespace. First in cURL:  
curl -u admin:password -XGET -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/namespaces/tiger -o  
8. Then in Python:  
>> myUrl =  
>> headers = {'Accept': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.get(myUrl,auth=  
9. The response contains the prefix name for the namespace, that is, the linked  
workspace, the namespace URI, and a URL to retrieve feature types linked to  
the namespace:  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
0. Until now, you have retrieved the information; now try to create a new  
namespace. In cURL, we need to specify a different operation with the -X  
option and send some data to GeoServer, that is, XML code containing the  
information about the namespace to be created. We use the -doption for this:  
curl -u admin:password -XPOST -H 'Content-type: text/xml' -d  
1. To do the same in Python, you can save the XML code beforehand in a file:  
>> myUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/namespaces'  
>> file = open('requestBody.xml','r')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp =, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
>> resp.status_code  
22. Huh! We got an error. 500 is the HTTP code for an internal server error.  
Indeed, you can't create a duplicated namespace. On looking at the GeoServer  
log, you should see something like the following:  
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Namespace with prefix  
newWorkspace' already exists.  
3. Open the GeoServer web interface and look at the workspace list; you can  
now see the one you created, and if you click on it you will see the namespace  
URI you defined:  
24. Now we want to set a more appropriate URI for the new workspace. To do  
so, we will use the PUT operation. In cURL, it is as follows:  
curl -u admin:password -XPUT -H 'Content-type: text/xml' -H  
Accept: text/xml' -d '<namespace>  
5. In Python, it is as follows:  
>> myUrl =  
>> file = open('requestBody.xml','r')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml'}  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
>> resp = requests.put(myUrl, auth=('admin','password'),  
26. This time we didn't get an error. You can update the same namespace as many  
times as you need.  
27. The last operation is DELETE. To remove the new workspace from the  
GeoServer configuration in cURL, run the following command:  
curl -u admin:password -XDELETE -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
8. In Python, run the following code:  
>> myUrl =  
>> headers = {'Accept': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.delete(myUrl, auth=('admin','password'),  
>> resp.status_code  
29. And, of course, you can't remove the same workspace twice; that is why you  
got an error. 404 is the HTTP code for a nonexistent document.  
What just happened?  
You learned how to interact with the REST interface. You did it for namespaces  
and workspaces, but the basic concepts you learned apply to all REST operations.  
It is important that you understand that REST is stateless. Each request you sent in  
the examples were absolutely unaware of what you did previously. You can link  
REST operations in a chain, but is up to you to extract information from the  
responses and build requests accordingly.  
If you were a little confused by the Python code, there are a lot of free resources to  
explore this language. You will learn it very fast and add a powerful tool to your  
GIS skill. The following links will help you learn Python:  
Using data stores  
Data stores connect GeoServer to your data. You can't use data that is not supported  
by GeoServer with a built-in connector or plugin. Of course, the REST interface  
supports all operations on data stores. The resource exposed is in the form shown  
as follows:  
Here, wsstands for the workspace to which the data store is linked.  
Time for action – managing data  
Did you enjoy using cURL and Python? Where we are again with cURL and Python  
since you are now so skilled! So let's get information about data stores:  
1. The GET operation lets you know which data stores are available in the  
configuration. Retrieve the information in Python using the following code:  
>> myUrl =  
>> headers = {'Accept': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.get(myUrl,auth=  
2. In cURL, use the following command:  
curl -u admin:password -XGET -H 'Accept: text/xml  
es -o naturalEarthDataStores.xml  
. The response contains all the data stores linked to the workspace. The only  
attribute is the name and the link to retrieve the detailed information about  
each one:  
name>Natural Earth Shapes</name>  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
If you are wondering what the request is to get a list of all data stores  
configured on GeoServer, I am sorry to tell you it does not exist. You have to  
query each workspace. You may request the workspace list and iterate on  
items to retrieve all data stores.  
. You created the Natural Earth data store in Chapter 6, Styling Your Layers. In  
case you don't remember what it is about, let's request the information in  
>> myUrl =  
>> headers = {'Accept': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.get(myUrl,auth=  
. And in cURL:  
curl -u admin:password -XGET -H 'Accept: text/xml  
es -o naturalEarthShapes.xml  
. Open the XML file. It contains much more information than the previous  
responses. Data stores are more complicated objects than workspaces. Keep  
in mind that data stores are heterogeneous; the connection parameter tag may  
contain very different elements depending on the data store type, for example,  
a PostGIS data store will have user ID, password, and a TCP port:  
name>Natural Earth Shapes</name>  
type>Directory of spatial files (shapefiles)</type>  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
entry key="memory mapped buffer">false</entry>  
entry key="timezone">Europe/Rome</entry>  
entry key="create spatial index">true</entry>  
entry key="charset">ISO-8859-1</entry>  
entry key="filetype">shapefile</entry>  
entry key="cache and reuse memory maps">true</entry>  
entry key="url">file:///home/stefano/naturalEarth</entry>  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
. It is now time to create a new data store. We will start with a single shapefile  
by duplicating tiger counties. You have to provide a lot of information,  
hence create a new XML file, insert the following code, and save it as  
tigerCounties.xml. You should recognize many parameters; you valorised  
them in Chapter 5, Adding Your Data, when adding the data store from the  
WEB interface. The key part is thetype element, where you specify which  
kind of data you are adding. The connection parameters collection is also  
important, where you insert information on how GeoServer could retrieve the  
data from the filesystem or a DB:  
description>tiger counties created from REST</description>  
entry key="memory mapped buffer">false</entry>  
entry key="create spatial index">true</entry>  
entry key="charset">ISO-8859-1</entry>  
entry key="filetype">shapefile</entry>  
entry key="cache and reuse memory maps">true</entry>  
entry key="namespace"></entry>  
8. Now call the REST interface in cURL and add the data store:  
curl -u admin:password -XPOST -T tigerCounties.xml -H  
Content-type: text/xml' -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
9. Open the web interface and list the configured data store. Was your add  
request successful?  
0. Do the same in Python. Note that in a Python dictionary, for example, the  
headers variable, you can add more than a key-value pair. In this case, you  
specify two header values:  
>> myUrl =  
>> file = open('tigerCounties.xml','r')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml','Accept':  
>> resp =, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
>> resp.status_code  
>> 500  
11. And, of course, you can't add two identical data stores; that is why you got an  
internal server error code. In the GeoServer log, you will find the following:  
012-10-20 17:52:56,682 ERROR [] -  
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Store  
tiger_counties_REST' already exists in workspace 'tiger'  
2. Adding a shapefile data store was quite easy. Let's try to add a new PostGIS  
source to our configuration. Again, it is better to create an XML file holding  
all the parameters, name it postgis.xml, and insert the code. The mandatory  
connection parameters are host, port, database, schema, user, and  
password. In this case, we inserted all the default values you would find by  
adding the data store from the web interface:  
description>PostGIS local instance</description>  
entry key="host">localhost</entry>  
entry key="port">5432</entry>  
entry key="database">postgis20</entry>  
entry key="schema">public</entry>  
entry key="user">postgres</entry>  
entry key="passwd">postgres</entry>  
entry key="dbtype">postgis</entry>  
entry key="validate connections">true</entry>  
entry key="Connection timeout">20</entry>  
entry key="min connections">1</entry>  
entry key="max connections">10</entry>  
entry key="Loose bbox">true</entry>  
entry key="fetch size">1000</entry>  
entry key="Max open prepared statements">50</entry>  
entry key="Estimated extends">true</entry>  
3. Now use a cURL call to create your new PostGIS source:  
curl -u admin:password -XPOST -T postgis.xml -H 'Content-type:  
text/xml' -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
4. You can use the following Python syntax to send the same requests. As usual,  
if you already created it with cURL, you will get an HTTP 500 error code:  
>> myUrl =  
>> file = open('postgis.xml','r')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml','Accept':  
>> resp =, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
>> resp.status_code  
>> 500  
5. You can update a data store configuration. If your PostGIS password was  
changed from the DBA, you can send a request to update it on GeoServer.  
Create an XML file with the modified value:  
description>PostGIS local instance</description>  
entry key="host">localhost</entry>  
entry key="port">5432</entry>  
entry key="database">postgis20</entry>  
entry key="schema">public</entry>  
entry key="user">postgres</entry>  
entry key="passwd">new_pwd</entry>  
entry key="dbtype">postgis</entry>  
entry key="validate connections">true</entry>  
entry key="Connection timeout">20</entry>  
entry key="min connections">1</entry>  
entry key="max connections">10</entry>  
entry key="Loose bbox">true</entry>  
entry key="fetch size">1000</entry>  
entry key="Max open prepared statements">50</entry>  
entry key="Estimated extends">true</entry>  
16. Then send it in a PUT request. In cURL, it is as follows:  
curl -u admin:password -XPUT -T updPostGIS.xml -H 'Content-  
type: text/xml' -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
7. And in Python, the syntax is as follows:  
>> myUrl =  
>> file = open('updPostGIS.xml','r')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml','Accept':  
>> resp = requests.put(myUrl, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
18. The last supported operation is DELETE, for dropping a data store. Clean  
your configuration by removing the duplicated data store for the tiger counties  
we created:  
curl -u admin:password -XDELETE -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
9. And the same operation in Python:  
>> myUrl =  
>> headers = {'Accept': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.delete(myUrl, auth=('admin','password'),  
What just happened?  
You learned how to play with data stores, but there is another way of creating it. In  
some cases you may create it implicitly while creating a feature type. We will look  
at it in the very next paragraph.  
Using feature types  
Feature types are strictly related to data stores; the latter are the data containers and  
the former are geometrical homogenous data sets. In some cases there is a one-to-  
one relation among feature types and data stores, as in the data store for the single  
shapefile of tiger counties we created. More often, a data store is connected to  
many feature types. As with other resources, you can use REST operations to list  
information, add and delete items, and modify the configuration.  
The resources are exposed as follows:  
Here, ws means a workspace existing in your system and ft is the feature type on  
which you want to perform the operation.  
Retrieving information about feature types uses the GET operation as used by the  
previous resources. The output is quite long, depending on how many attributes it  
holds. It looks as follows:  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
description>Contents of file</description>  
SPHEROID[&quot;WGS_1984&quot;, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],  
PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;, 0.0],  
UNIT[&quot;degree&quot;, 0.017453292519943295],  
AXIS[&quot;Longitude&quot;, EAST],  
AXIS[&quot;Latitude&quot;, NORTH]]</nativeCRS>  
SPHEROID[&quot;WGS_1984&quot;, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],  
PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;, 0.0],  
UNIT[&quot;degree&quot;, 0.017453292519943295],  
AXIS[&quot;Longitude&quot;, EAST],  
AXIS[&quot;Latitude&quot;, NORTH]]</crs>  
SPHEROID[&quot;WGS84&quot;, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],  
PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;, 0.0],  
UNIT[&quot;degree&quot;, 0.017453292519943295],  
AXIS[&quot;Geodetic longitude&quot;, EAST],  
AXIS[&quot;Geodetic latitude&quot;, NORTH]]</crs>  
store class="dataStore">  
name>Natural Earth Countries</name>  
atom:link xmlns:atom=""  
Time for action – adding a new  
We already added a single shapefile data store, now we want to upload a new  
shapefile and configure it on GeoServer. And, of course, we are going to use only  
HTTP operations to accomplish the task.  
. We will use a new layer from the Natural Earth repository. We will use a  
small shapefile, that is, the small-scale world admin boundaries:  
$ wget  
. Don't uncompress the archive; we will forward it to GeoServer in the ZIP  
format, and we will use a PUT operation. Note that to the header specifying  
the content type, we are transferring a zip file to GeoServer; this way we can  
publish a data set on a remote node without accessing the remote filesystem.  
We are also creating a new data store, Natural+Earth+Countries; the URL  
points to this nonexistent data store:  
curl -u admin:password -XPUT -H 'Content-type:  
application/zip' -T /home/stefano/  
. Of course you can do the same with Python. Note that reading the ZIP file is  
pretty much the same as reading an XML file. Therb parameter specifies that  
we are going to read a binary file:  
>> myUrl =  
>> file = open('','rb')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'application/zip'}  
>> resp = requests.put(myUrl, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
4. Now look at the web interface and list the data stores; there is a new one:  
5. If you look at the details, you can see that the shapefile is now stored in the  
GeoServer data folder:  
. And, of course, GeoServer created a new layer for the feature type, populating  
all parameters and enabling them:  
. According to the geometry type, GeoServer assigns a default style so that you  
can also look at the data preview:  
What just happened?  
You created the data store, the feature type, and the layer with just one operation.  
GeoServer can manage retrievingall the needed information from your data set and  
can manage using many default values. Of course, you may want to use different  
styles, but the REST interface truly makes remote administration very easy.  
Time for action – adding a PostGIS  
PostGIS datastore is one of those connected to many feature types. You will  
probably have new spatial data to add after creating the data store. Let's see how to  
do so:  
. I n Chapter 5, Adding Your Data, you loaded the tiger counties in PostGIS.  
Now do the same with the admin boundaries shapefile from Natural Earth; call  
the table ne_110m_admin. Then use the PostGIS connection to add the table as  
a new feature type in the workspace NaturalEarth. Note that we are  
delivering very little information about the feature type to GeoServer; the table  
name is the only mandatory field:  
curl -u admin:password -XPOST -H 'Content-type: text/xml' -d  
. The Python syntax is as follows:  
>> myUrl =  
>> payload = '<featureType><name>ne_110m_admin</name>  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp =, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
3. Looking at the layers list, we can see the newly added workspace:  
. The new feature type works perfectly, and of course we can add more  
parameters to the XML code to have a better layer configuration. These  
examples add a more detailed description, some keywords, and a style other  
than the default one:  
name>World boundaries</name>  
title>World boundaries</title>  
abstract>World administrative boundaries at small  
. But there's more. Not only can you add an existing table, you can also create a  
new one. When creating a new table, you have to specify all the attributes  
required for the layer:  
title>World River</title>  
. Now you have to send a POST request to create the feature. Of course, you  
have to send it to a PostGIS data store:  
curl -u admin:password -XPOST -T rivers.xml -H 'Content-type:  
. The same request in Python looks like the following code:  
>> myUrl =  
>> file = open('rivers.xml','r')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'text/xml'}  
>> resp =, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
. Now look at the layers list; there is a new item:  
. If you go to the layer's detail page, you can see that the SRS was correctly set  
to 4326. But as an empty feature type, the bounding boxes are inconsistent. The  
attributes mentioned in the following screenshot are the ones you specified:  
What just happened?  
You learned how to manage feature types—the link to your data. A feature type is  
strictly connected to a layer, the map representation. You already implicitly created  
a layer when you added or created a new feature type. To modify the way your data  
is published, you have to manage the publishing elements.  
Have a go hero – create a new shapefile  
It was really simple to create a new table in PostGIS. Now it is time to explore  
other data stores. Create the new shapefile's folder data store and create a new  
shapefile inside it. Use a polygon geometry and three attributes, a date type for the  
object creation date, a Boolean for the validation field, and a string field for the  
object code.  
Publishing data  
Once you have configured your data on GeoServer, it is time to publish it. The  
REST interface gives you resources for managing layers, styles, and layer groups.  
Working with styles  
You learned a lot about styles and SLD inChapter 6, Styling Your Layers.  
Configuring proper visualization requires you to create and publish proper styles.  
REST offers you two resources for managing styles. They are as follows:  
The former points to styles that are not associated to a workspace, while the latter  
contains the workspaces with associated styles.  
Time for action – adding a new style  
Adding a new style is a routine task if you are going to publish data with REST. We  
will retrieve an existing style from GeoServer, update it, and then upload to  
GeoServer as a new one.  
1. We will use PopulatedPlacesLabeled as a template for our new style. Send  
request to GeoServer to retrieve it and save to the  
PopulatedPlacesBlueLabeled.xml file. Please note that we are sending a  
header to tell GeoServer that we want the SLD format. If you specify  
text/xml, you will get only a description of what the SLD is:  
curl -u admin:password -XGET -H 'Accept:  
o PopulatedPlacesBlueLabeled.xml  
. In Python, the code is as follows:  
>> myUrl =  
>> headers = {'Accept: application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml'}  
>> resp = requests.get(myUrl, auth=('admin','password'),  
. Now, open the PopulatedPlacesBlueLabeled.xml file, go to line 46, and  
replace the RGB code for black with that for blue:  
sld:CssParameter name="fill">#0000FF</sld:CssParameter>  
. Go to line 9 and replace the old name with the new name as shown in the  
following line of code:  
. Save the file and close it. Now we will create a new style with this file. Send  
a POST request to create a PopulatedPlacesBlueLabeledstyle.  
curl -u admin:password -XPOST -H 'Content-type:  
application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml' -T PopulatedPlacesBlueLabeled.xml  
. Or in Python:  
>> myUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/styles'  
>> file = open(PopulatedPlacesBlueLabeled.xml','r')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type': 'application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml'}  
>> resp =, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
7. Go to the WEB interface and list the styles; you should see the new one:  
What just happened?  
We review just the GET and POST operations for styles, but you can also use  
DELETE when you want to remove a style from your configuration, or PUT when  
you want to change an existing style. You can mimic the syntax learned in the  
previous sections.  
Working with layers  
Once you are done with configuring styles, you probably want to apply them to  
layers. Creating or modifying styles is the last step for data publication.  
Unsurprisingly, it is possible to perform layer operations with the REST interface.  
Time for action – managing layers  
In the previous section, you created a new style; but it's useless if you can't add a  
layer to it. We will now update the populatedplacelayer by adding the new style.  
1. Retrieve information on the layer ne_50m_populated_places.  
curl -u admin:password -XGET -H 'Accept: text/xml'  
o ne_50m_populated_places.xml  
. In Python, it is written as follows:  
>> myUrl =  
>> headers = {'Accept: text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.get(myUrl, auth=('admin','password'),  
. Open the ne_50m_populated_places.xml file; it starts with a styles  
collection. You need to insert the code for the new style you created. We don't  
need all the elements returned from GeoServer. Modify the file as in the  
following code. (Please note that we inserted the enabledelement; the default  
value being false for it. If you make a PUT and don't explicitly set it totrue,  
your layer will be modified and disabled):  
4. Now save the file as addStyle.xml and send the PUT request to GeoServer,  
to modify the layer's configuration:  
curl -u admin:password -XPUT -H 'Content-type: text/xml' -T  
. In Python, the code is as follows:  
>> myUrl =  
>> file = open(addStyle.xml','r')  
>> payload =  
>> headers = {'Content-type: text/xml'}  
>> resp = requests.put(myUrl, auth=('admin','password'),  
data=payload, headers=headers)  
. Now go to the Layer Preview interface and open the OpenLayers preview  
for the ne_50m_populated_places layer; then open the tools and look at the  
drop-down list for styles. Is the new one there? Select it and your map should  
look like the following screenshot:  
What just happened?  
You added a new style to an existent layer. You can also change the default style  
just by adding the XML code for it in the code sent with the PUT request.  
We covered the essential operation you should know to use GeoServer's REST  
interface. The online documentation covers all of the allowed operations on each  
resource. A good approach, when you are not sure what your XML code should  
look like to perform a request, is to check the syntax with a GET request on the  
same object. When creating your application, you may want to have a look at the  
following reference page:  
Pop quiz – reviewing REST operations  
Q1. Can you use REST for stopping publication of data?  
1. No, you have to remove a layer for it to no longer be visible.  
2. Yes, you can update a layer to "not enabled" with a POST operation.  
3. Yes, you may disable a layer with a PUT operation.  
. You can perform GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT.  
. You can perform GET and POST.  
. You can perform GET and DELETE.  
Q3. Which protocol can you use with GeoServer's REST interface?  
1. Any of the following protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. REST is a  
architectural model implemented on several protocols.  
. HTTP for GET and HTTPS for POST, PUT, and DELETE.  
. The HTTP protocol.  
In this chapter we learned how to automate configuration tasks. Using the REST  
interface, you can publish data from a remote procedure that check for updates,  
extract, transform, and load the data on a filesystem or a spatial database, and then  
send a request to GeoServer for configuring and publishing the data.  
In the next chapter, we will explore security—a real issue if you are going to  
deploy your GeoServer to the Internet.  
We will explore how to create a set of users and link them to security policies.  
Each user can be profiled to access only a set of data. The most important  
keywords are users, groups, and roles. Understanding these topics will enable you  
to fine-tune the GeoServer's security system.  
Chapter 10. Securing GeoServer  
Before Production  
In the previous chapters you've always needed a user ID and password to  
manage the GeoServer configuration. However, you could acquire the layers and  
maps with anonymous access. For GeoServer security, you used the default  
settings that are configured to provide free access to your data for everyone.  
While this is quite understandable when you are developing your application, it  
is not often a good idea for a real site.  
There could be many different reasons for you wanting to hide your services or  
at least a part of them. Your maps could be integrated into a site with a security  
system requiring your user to log on.  
Why should maps be freely available? Users may be linked to different roles,  
with some confidential data only visible from a few of them. GeoServer security  
can help you secure your data, both in simple and complex cases. If you just  
want to publish your maps or if you are going to work with the data of a large  
corporation, you should read this chapter carefully.  
In this chapter we will cover in detail how to do the following:  
Add strong cryptography support  
Add users and set their properties  
Define groups of users  
Define roles and link them to groups  
Filter data access with specific roles  
Basic security settings  
I n Chapter 2, Getting Started with GeoServer, we changed the administrator  
password from the default of "geoserver" while installing GeoServer. Basic  
security settings will move you a little further down the path to building a secure  
On the panel you will find a drop-down list showing you the active role service.  
This time you have just one choice; we will create more role services when we  
deal with users and roles. Note that you may have just one active role service.  
Next there is a section about encryption. Encrypting parameters in a URL is a good  
idea. If you click on the web interface on the styles list and select one, your  
browser's address bar should contain this URL:  
The parameters' names and values are plain text. If you check the flag for  
encryption and browse to the same page, you should see something similar to the  
following URL:  
If there is someone sniffing packets, it is a little bit harder to understand the  
Time for action – enabling strong  
GeoServer can store passwords in an encrypted format. You can select the  
encryption type from the basic security settings page. We will enable strong  
encryption by adding a couple of files to our installation.  
. The first step is getting the files you need. Open your browser and point to  
We are assuming that you are using Oracle Java™ 6; we installed it in  
Chapter 2, Getting Started with GeoServer. If you are using Oracle Java™ 7,  
download at  
32124.html. You should not use Java™ 5 or the previous versions with  
. Accept the license agreement and then the download link will be available.  
Save the archive to a convenient folder and explore it:  
3. There are three files inside the archive. You need to copy the two JAR files to  
your <java-home>/lib/securityfolder:  
/JCE6$ ls -l *jar  
rw-rw-r-- 1 stefano stefano 2500 May 31 2011  
rw-rw-r-- 1 stefano stefano 2487 May 31 2011  
/JCE6$ sudo mv *jar /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_37/lib/security/.  
4. Now restart Tomcat using the following command:  
~/JCE6$ sudo service tomcat restart  
5. Open the Security Setting page in the GeoServer web interface. Now you  
shouldn't see any warning about strong PBE not being available:  
6. Select Strong PBE from the drop-down list and click on the Save button.  
What just happened?  
Passwords are saved on a filesystem or inside a database and should always be  
encrypted to avoid usage by unauthorized users. A stronger encryption makes  
GeoServer safer, but it is not enough for a production site. Go to the next section  
for another hint.  
Time for action changing the master  
You used the admin account on GeoServer to administer it. Silently acting behind  
the scenes is another account in GeoServer, called the root account . It is the real  
super user account and it is present for your safety. If you disable the admin  
account, you may find yourself locked out of GeoServer. In this case you can use  
the root account to log in and restore the admin user.  
By default the root password is equal to that of admin, but you can change it with  
the following steps:  
. Log in as admin or root.  
. Open the Passwords page.  
. On the top of the page, click on the link to change the master password:  
. Insert the current master password, which is the same as the admin password,  
and then a new one. Click on Change Password:  
What just happened?  
We changed the master password. If you are in charge of several GeoServer  
instances and are not the only one performing administrative tasks on them, the  
master password may help you when in need of a disaster recovery.  
Defining users, groups, and roles  
To ensure data security, you need to recognize who is accessing your layers and  
your services. Anonymous access can't be used on secured data.  
Security in GeoServer is based on a role system where each role defines a specific  
function. You can assign roles to users and groups, that is, assigning functions to  
real people using your system.  
To organize your real users, GeoServer provides you with the user, group, and role  
concept. With the first two, you can insert real people into the GeoServer security  
subsystem and with roles you can grant rights to real users.  
User definition  
In GeoServer, a user is someone who can use the system, a real person, or another  
system. GeoServer stores a username, uniquely identifying the user, a password,  
and a set of key/value pairs to store general information about it. A user can be  
Group definition  
A group is a set of users. GeoServer stores a listof usernames belonging to the  
group and a group name, uniquely identifying the group. A group can be disabled,  
but please note that this only removes the roles deriving from the disabled group  
and does not disable the users belonging to the group.  
User/group services  
Users and groups are stored in a user/group service. This defines the storage  
medium, XML files by default or a JDBC Database, the encryption type fo  
passwords, and the password policy. Although you may have more than one  
user/group service, you will usually be fine with the default one.  
Roles definition  
GeoServer roles are associated with performing certain tasks or accessing  
particular resources. Roles are assigned to users and groups, authorizing them to  
perform the actions associated with the role.  
Time for action – creating users and  
In order to fully understand how security works in GeoServer, we will use a  
typical scenario. Consider an organization working with data in the NaturalEarth  
workspace. We want to restrict access to this data only to the organization's  
members. Inside the organization, there are a few people editing data to create new  
data sets or to update existing ones, and many more members who need to read data  
to compose maps. There is also a need for an administrator to keep it all working.  
Lastly, we need to consider that our GeoServer site also contains data that is freely  
available. We are now going to create the security organization from an unsecured  
. We will start creating groups. In the security section of the left pane, select the  
Users, Groups, and Roles link. The following screenshot shows you the User  
Group Services configured. You will find the default service shipped with  
GeoServer. We already changed it to use strong PBE encryption and that's  
fine. Click on the name to edit it:  
2. Select the Groups tab. The list is empty. Click on Add a new group.  
. Enter NE_Publishers as a group name and leave the group enabled. Don't  
assign any role to the new group as we will create specific roles later. Click  
on the Save button:  
4. Repeat the previous step to create NE_Editors and NE_Admins groups. Your  
list now shows the three groups as follows:  
5. Now switch to the Users tab. Obviously it lists the only existing user, that is,  
admin, as shown in the following screenshot:  
. I am pleased to introduce you to Steven Plant, the Natural Earth Data  
Administrator. Click on the Add new user link, and add him with a password  
of your choice:  
7. Add Steven to the NE_Admins group, then click on the Save button:  
. Repeat the previous step to create a user Michael Ford, a member of  
NE_Editors group, and John Smith, a NE_Publishers group member. Your  
list now shows the three users:  
What just happened?  
We just created three users for the three groups and this may seem overkill to you.  
Consider them as templates of the real users. While in the real word, we don't want  
to have too many administrators, we will probably need several Michaels and  
Johns processing the data. Now we need to define what they can do on GeoServer.  
Time for action – defining roles  
A user or a group without any role assigned is useless. It is now time to create  
roles and assign them to our users.  
. From the Users, Groups, and Roles section, select the Roles tab. You will  
find that two roles already exist. They are the administrative roles assigned to  
the admin, and they grant access to all GeoServer configuration. Click on the  
Edit link as shown in the following screenshot:  
2. You entered the Role service definition. Leave the settings untouched and  
switch to the Roles tab. Click on Add new role.  
. Enter NE_VIEWER as a new role name. We don't need a parent role. A child  
role inherits all the grants from the parent role, making it useful when you want  
to extend a basic role with more grants. Indeed we are going to do this in the  
next step:  
. Click on the Save button and then repeat the previous step to create the  
NE_EDITOR role. This time select NE_VIEWER as the parent role as  
shown in the following screenshot:  
. Click on the Save button and then repeat the previous step to create the  
NE_ADMIN role. This time select NE_EDITOR as the parent role. Once  
saved, your role's list should look like the following screenshot:  
. The final step is to associate a role to users or groups. Select the User,  
Groups and Roles page from the left pane, then select the groups list and click  
on the NE_Publishers group to edit it. Add the NE_VIEWER role to the  
group and save it:  
. Now click on the NE_Editors group and associate it to the NE_EDITOR  
. Finally, associate the NE_Admins group to the NE_ADMIN role.  
What just happened?  
By defining roles and associating them to the users, we completed the definition of  
our organization. Now we need to explore how data are bound to roles and users.  
Accessing data and services  
GeoServer supports access and control, both at the service level, allowing for the  
lockdown of service operations to only authenticated users who have been granted  
a particular role, and on a per-layer basis.  
The two approaches can't be mixed. If you lock down a service to a role, you can't  
grant the access on a specific layer to the same role.  
When working with layers, you can define rules that specify what a role can do on  
any specific layer. The operations controlled are the view, write, and admin  
access. When granting read access on a layer, you enable a user to add it on a map;  
while granting write access you enable the user to update, create, and delete  
features contained in the layer. The admin access level enables the user to update  
the layer's configuration.  
Have a go hero – creating a new shapefile  
For the next Time for action section, we need a layer to perform editing. We  
already have a bunch of layers loaded from the Natural Earth data sets, but we will  
need a simpler layer. You will create a new shapefile inside the Natural Earth  
Shapes data store, called myLocations. Use point geometry and EPSG:4326 as the  
SRS. Add a string attribute and call it NAME.  
Time for action – securing layers  
We want to protect the Natural Earth data set from unauthorized access, while  
leaving the remaining layers freely available to all users. In this section we are  
going to associate layers and roles. We will also use the new layer you created for  
. Select Data, under the Security section from the left pane. The rules list  
shows the two shipped with the default GeoServer's configuration. Click on  
the Add a new rule link.  
. In the rule editing page, select NaturalEarth as the workspace. Leave * as a  
layer. Since we want to protect all layers in this workspace, the access mode  
should be Read. Select the NE_READER role and move it to the right list by  
clicking on the arrow. Click on the Save button to create the reading rule:  
3. Repeat the previous step to create a writing rule. SelectWrite as the access  
mode and NE_EDITOR as the role.  
. Then create the administration rule. SelectAdmin as the access mode and  
NE_ADMIN as the role. After saving, you will see a rule list like the one  
displayed in the following screenshot:  
. Now we will log off from the GeoServer web interface. If you try to access  
the layer preview anonymously, you won't see any layer from the Natural  
Earth workspace while all the others are still listed.  
. Now log on as John Smith, with the password you assigned to him. Going  
back to the layer preview, you should see the Natural Earth layers listed. Try  
the Open Layers preview page for the 10m_railroads layer. It works and you  
can use the data to compose maps such as the following:  
. But John Smith can't edit the styles associated to the layer or any other  
property. He would need admin rights granted for it; can you guess who the  
proper user will be?  
. Log on to GeoServer as Steve Plant. Now the left pane is richer than it was  
when you were John, but with fewer features than those visible to the admin.  
Click on the Layer link; you will see only the layers belonging to the Natural  
Earth workspace. You can split the admin responsibilities with GeoServer  
. If you go on layer preview and select the 10m_railroads layer again, can you  
see the map? You can, because of roles inheritance, which you set when  
creating the NE roles. SoNE_ADMIN inherits all the grants from  
NE_EDITOR, and hence from NE_VIEWER.  
10. We now want to check if Michael Ford can really edit the data. Log out from  
11. From the left pane, select the Demos link. It gets you to a page containing links  
to demos applications. We will use the demo requests page to test the security.  
WFS is an OGC standard for services delivering you features instead of their  
representations, which are maps. WFS-T is an extension to add features from  
the client to the server. This way you can perform editing, that is, creating,  
deleting, or updating features. We will cover WFS inChapter 12, Going  
Further: Getting Help and Troubleshooting.  
12. In the demo requests page, select the request for a WFS insert:  
3. Remove the code in the body—it's an XML example for a layer shipped with  
the GeoServer default configuration—and replace it with the following code.  
You don't need to fully understand the code; it basically contains a GML  
fragment defining the feature we want to create:  
wfs:Transaction service="WFS" version="1.0.0"  
gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">  
gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">115.86,-  
Geography Markup Language (GML) is an OGC standard defining an XML  
grammar to describe geographical features. It is often used as an interchange  
format for spatial transactions.  
14. Click on the Submit button. A form showing you the result will appear, shown  
as follows:  
5. The message is not unexpected. We are trying to insert a point in a feature type  
with anonymous access, while we previously defined a rule granting write  
access only to the NE_Editors group's members. In the demo request page,  
enter the proper credentials and try editing again:  
16. This time the response shows us that GeoServer has accepted our insert  
17. Repeat the previous step to insert other locations with the following values:  
Brisbane 153.030 -27.450  
151.210 -33.868  
Melbourne 144.974 -37.812  
Darwin 130.839 -12.455  
8. Now open the myLocations layer's configuration, update its Bounding Boxes,  
and set the style to PopulatedPlacesLabeled. Then open the layer preview for  
it; in the map you should see the five locations you created:  
What just happened?  
We completed the security scenario. By defining rules for data access, we  
restricted what a user can perform on the data and we also tried impersonating the  
users we created. Unless you know the admin password, there is no way to bypass  
the security system and access restricted data.  
Pop quiz – reviewing security  
Q1. Can you set grants on data directly to a user?  
. Yes, you can create a rule and link it to a single user.  
. No, you can only link a rule to a role.  
. Yes, but you have to define a group with a single user and then link the proper  
rule to that group.  
Q2. How many groups can you define in GeoServer?  
. Three groups: one for data reading, one for data creation, and one for data  
. Many groups for data reading but only one for data creation and  
. You can have an unlimited set of groups in GeoServer.  
We took a brief journey through GeoServer security. From the plain installation,  
which ships with a very low security level, we learned how to create users and  
give them grants to access data and perform tasks on GeoServer.  
We have just covered a small subset of the wide range of topics that GeoServer has  
to offer.  
GeoServer can integrate with Enterprise security. You can have users and roles  
defined in an external LDAP repository.  
In the next chapter we will focus on performance, which is a big challenge when  
you eventually deploy your site in production. Users might wait in anticipation for  
your maps, but if it takes too long to download them, they will soon abandon your  
Chapter 11. Tuning GeoServer in a  
Production Environment  
Everyone hates slow websites; web maps are no exception. Your users will look  
for a nice user experience with the map promptly reacting to their input.  
Speed is not the only factor you need to take into account. As a user you will be  
expect that the site is usually available; frequent downtime will make your users  
go away to some other website.  
In this chapter we will cover the configuration of GeoServer to optimize its  
speed and availability. We have already learned how to cache layers for  
optimizing the map speed using GWC. It is a great tool and proper configuration  
can boost your map's performances. However, caching is not always feasible,  
such as in cases of frequently changing data, hence GeoServer offers you other  
tools to increase performance.  
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics in detail:  
Optimizing runtime parameters for JVM  
Improving image manipulation performance using JAI  
Using a proxy  
Creating a GeoServer cluster  
Tuning Java  
When we installed Tomcat, we didn't play with the JVM settings. Tomcat's startup  
script is configured for booting quickly, but of course it can't match all the  
requirements of the application. Tuning your Java runtime parameters can greatly  
increase performance. There are many runtime parameters you can set at JVM  
startup. In the following section you will set the parameters that are most effective  
on GeoServer performances. Note that the values may vary according to the  
hardware configuration on your site.  
Unfortunately, there is no way to cut corners on the path of tuning parameters for a  
Java application. While the options presented in this chapter have been widely  
tested on GeoServer and are recommended by core developers, you should note  
that the best options may vary depending on your scenario. A valuable resource to  
understand at  
Time for action – configuring Java  
runtime parameters  
I n Chapter 2, Getting Started with GeoServer, we created a startup script for  
automated startup of GeoServer onLinux. Now you will edit the script and add  
proper values for the Java runtime parameters. Each parameter will be briefly  
described in the following steps:  
. Open the startup file for editing:  
~$ sudo vi /etc/init.d/tomcat  
vi is one the most famous editors on Linux. System Administrators and  
developers often love it for its flexibility and power. On the other hand it has  
provides a steep learning curve, where newcomers may find its command  
mode/insert mode, dual nature uncomfortable. On Debian distribution you may  
find nano, which is a more user-friendly console editor. And it goes without  
saying that you can use a powerful IDE such as Gedit or Jedit if you can  
access a desktop environment.  
. Locate the following line; if you didn't modify the script created in Chapter 2,  
Getting Started with GeoServer, it should be on line 16:  
export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true"  
. Insert a new line just before it. The first parameter that you are going to tune is  
the HEAP size. It really depends on the available memory on your system. 2  
GB, as indicated, is a good figure. You may want to decrease it if you are  
hosting it on a tiny cloud machine where the total memory size is limited. Type  
the following values on the new line:  
HEAP="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m"  
. Now add a second line and insert the following code. You are reserving space  
for the new objects created by GeoServer. These values shouldn't be more  
than a quarter of the heap size, so reduce them proportionally if you need to  
reduce your heap:  
NEW="-XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m"  
. Add a line and insert a value to avoid the RMI-induced Full GCs from running  
too frequently; once every 10 minutes should be more than enough:  
RMIGC="-Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=600000 -  
6. Add a line to use the Parallel Garbage Collector that enables multithreaded  
garbage collection and improves performance if more than two cores are  
. Now increase the maximum size of the permanent generation (or permgen)  
allocated to GeoServer. This is the heap portion where the bytecode class is  
stored. GeoServer uses lots of classes, and hence it may exhaust that space  
quickly, leading to out of memory errors:  
PERM="-XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"  
. Finally, add some tracing to help us in case things go astray:  
DEBUG="-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution"  
9. Always dump on Out Of Memory (OOM). It does not cost anything unless  
10. The last set is for forcing the server JVM. On most Linux systems, it is the  
default, but having it explicitly set doesn't cause any harm:  
11. Now go to the line XX and add all the values you set in the JAVA_OPTS  
variable. The JVM reads it at startup and will use your values:  
export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true $HEAP $NEW $RMIGC  
12. Save the file and restart your Tomcat.  
What just happened?  
You customized the Java runtime environment hosting GeoServer. If you are on a  
Windows machine, you can insert the values in the Tomcat Configuration Console.  
Go to the Java tab and insert each parameter on a new line in the Java Options  
textbox. You can insert the heap size in the textboxes called Initial memory pool  
and Maximum memory pool.  
Time for action – installing native JAI  
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) is a library developed by Oracle for advanced  
image manipulation. GeoServer can run without it, as it is shipped with a pure Java  
version of JAI. Installing JAI greatly improves performancewhen working with  
images, that is, raster format data. If you are not going to use spatial raster data,  
GeoServer works with image formats when you ask for a map, for example, in a  
WMS GetMaprequest, so it is really worthwhile to have it on your production site:  
. Download the proper package for your system, Linux or Windows, from  
$ wget  
. Copy the file into the folder where you installed the JRE and then run it:  
$ sudo cp jai-1_1_3-lib-linux-amd64-jre.bin  
$ cd /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_04/  
$ sudo sh jai-1_1_3-lib-linux-amd64-jre.bin  
. The program prompts you for the license agreement; scroll down to read it and  
accept the agreement at the end:  
UnZipSFX 5.50 of 17 February 2002, by Info-ZIP (Zip-  
inflating: COPYRIGHT-jai.txt  
inflating: DISTRIBUTIONREADME-jai.txt  
inflating: LICENSE-jai.txt  
inflating: UNINSTALL-jai  
inflating: lib/amd64/  
inflating: lib/ext/jai_core.jar  
inflating: lib/ext/jai_codec.jar  
inflating: lib/ext/mlibwrapper_jai.jar  
. Now copy the JAI-IO package from  
$ wget  
. Again, copy the file into the folder where you installed the JRE and then run it.  
If you are running GeoServer on Ubuntu, you should add an environment  
variable as in the following lines. In this case too you are required to accept  
the license agreement:  
$ sudo cp jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-amd64-jre.bin  
$ cd /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_04/  
$ sudo su  
$ export _POSIX2_VERSION=199209  
$ sh jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-amd64-jre.bin  
UnZipSFX 5.50 of 17 February 2002, by Info-ZIP (Zip-  
inflating: COPYRIGHT-jai_imageio.txt  
inflating: DISTRIBUTIONREADME-jai_imageio.txt  
inflating: ENTITLEMENT-jai_imageio.txt  
inflating: LICENSE-jai_imageio.txt  
inflating: THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME-jai_imageio.txt  
inflating: UNINSTALL-jai_imageio  
inflating: lib/amd64/  
inflating: lib/ext/jai_imageio.jar  
inflating: lib/ext/clibwrapper_jiio.jar  
. You can now remove the two archives you have downloaded:  
$ rm jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-amd64-jre.bin  
$ rm jai-1_1_3-lib-linux-amd64-jre.bin  
7. Stop your Tomcat service:  
~$ sudo service tomcat stop  
. Now remove the pure Java version of JAI:  
$ cd /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/  
$ sudo rm jai_codec-1.1.3.jar  
$ sudo rm jai_core-1.1.3.jar  
$ sudo rm jai_imageio-1.1.jar  
. Restart the Tomcat service:  
~$ sudo service tomcat start  
10. Open the GeoServer web interface and go to theServer status page. You can  
now see that it is using Native JAI:  
What just happened?  
You installed JAI libraries for advanced imaging manipulation. This will make  
your GeoServer faster at writing rasters, for example, when preparing a response to  
a GetMap request. Although tuning Java can greatly improve your server  
performances, there is another little step that is often forgotten: removing unneeded  
Removing unused services  
In this book we mainly used GeoServer as a map server. In fact, GeoServer ships  
with three OGC services enabled:WMS, WFS, and WCS. If you are only going to  
use GeoServer to produce maps, you should disable WCS and WFS, or at least se  
them to read-only mode. We use WFS-T for editing data in the chapter about  
security. If your data is static, the most secure way to avoid accidental updating or  
deleting is to disable WFS-T.  
Web Coverage Services is the analogue of WFS for raster. We will briefly  
introduce it in Chapter 12, Going Further: Getting Help and Troubleshooting, but  
chances are that you won't need it.  
Time for action – disabling unused  
Now you should turn off WMS and WFS, or WFS-T, according to your needs:  
1. Open the GeoServer web interface. On the left pane, you can see theServices  
category and under it WCS, WFS, and WMS are listed. Select WCS.  
2. Remove the flag from the Enable WCS checkbox to disable the service and  
click on the Submit button:  
3. Now select WFS in the Services category. If you don't want to deliver  
features to your users, disable the service as you did for WCS:  
. If you want to give your user an option to download geometry, leave the  
service enabled. Scroll down until you find the Maximum number of  
features textbox. This value limits the number of records returned on a single  
GetFeaturerequest. Lower the default value to 10000:  
5. In the very next section, set the Service Level option. Select Basic and then  
click on the Submit button:  
6. Now select WMS in the Services category. Of course you want to disable the  
WMS service, but you can set some values to optimize map rendering.  
. Scroll down to the Resource consumption limits section. The three values  
limit the amount of memory, time, and errors that GeoServer can use while  
rendering a map. Set the memory to 20480, which is enough for a full screen  
8. Click on the Submit button to save your settings.  
What just happened?  
Disabling unneeded services improves resource usage and helps you to avoid out  
of memory errors. The more features you discard from GeoServer, the fewer  
classes it will need to load in the memory.  
Setting a proxy  
Whether you are using GeoServer on Tomcat or you installed Jetty, it is not a good  
idea to expose it directly to your users, especially if they are on the Internet. A  
safer option is to use a more stable web server, such as Apache httpd—one of the  
most popular and widely used web servers across the Web. To expose GeoServer,  
or more generally, a Java application from the web server, you need to set a proxy  
on the web server. Users will point to an alias and their requests will be redirected  
to Tomcat, more safely deployed in a protected LAN.  
Time for action – configuring a proxy  
We will configure the Apache HTTP web server to act as a proxy for GeoServer  
First of all we need to get it working; you will learn that just like many other open  
source projects, this is surprisingly simple!  
. To install Apache on Linux, you can use the distribution repository. At the  
time of writing, it installs release 2.2.22 for Ubuntu. You can also download  
and install a binary package from The  
following line is the only way if you are on Windows:  
$ sudo apt-get install apache2  
. If your server is not registered on a DNS you should insert the full hostname  
inside the site's configuration file. Open the following file:  
$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default  
. Insert the following code as the first line of the file:  
$ ServerName ubuntu1204x64vm  
Note that if you perform a manual installation of Apache or if you are on a  
Windows machine, the file and folder locations are different from those  
4. Point your browser to http://localhost. If the installation was successful,  
you should see the following It works! message:  
. The proxy capabilities are contained in some optional modules. You can find  
which modules are available on your system:  
$ ls /etc/apache2/mods-available | grep proxy  
. For configuring a proxy, you need the proxy and proxy_ajp modules. Enable  
them using the command line tool a2enmod. After that you need to restart the  
Apache service:  
$ sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_ajp  
$ sudo service apache2 restart  
. Now you will configure a proxy; edit the http.conffile:  
~$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf  
. You have to insert a ProxyPass directive in the Apache configuration file.  
With the following syntax, you are informing the web server that each  
incoming request for /geoserverwill be forwarded to your host on port 8009  
using the ajpprotocol:  
ProxyPass /geoserver ajp://localhost:8009/geoserver  
Location /geoserver>  
Order deny,allow  
Deny from all  
Allow from  
. Now  
10. It works! You can now use GeoServer pointed to your web server and ignore  
where GeoServer is deployed.  
What just happened?  
You learned the basic method of configuring Apache to act as a proxy. Properly  
configuring a web server for security is far out of the scope of this book, but you  
should keep in mind that the HTTP protocol exposed by Tomcat and Jetty is not  
intended for real Internet use. You should always avoid deploying GeoServer in a  
Avoiding service faults  
GeoServer is a great software, and core developers hit bugs every day, enhance  
existing functions, and deliver new capabilities. Despite all of this, and the careful  
configuration of your site, it is just a matter of time before you will encounter a  
failure that prevents your GeoServer from delivering maps. In the simplest of cases,  
it will only affect some specific requests; more often it will halt it for a while, and  
sometimes you will need to restart it to get it working again.  
It happens to almost all the software applications that you will have worked with,  
either proprietary or open source, free of charge or very expensive. Avoiding faults  
is out of your control, but you should learn how you can manage avoiding service  
A high availability or fault tolerant configuration is what you need. Indeed, this a  
very common approach in software deployment and what you will learn here is  
best practice for any kind of software service, not only for the map services.  
So how do you get a fault tolerant configuration? It's all about redundancy, if you  
can't avoid faults you can yet eliminate a single point of failure. In fault tolerant  
configurations, a single point of failure is a part of both hardware and software that  
doesn't have a spare companion to succeed in its job if it fails.  
The basic idea is quite simple but very effective. If you have two GeoServers  
working in parallel, they probably won't break at the same time. So while you, or  
even better, an automated procedure, work to restore the broken instance, the other  
GeoServer will continue to process the users' requests. From the users' point of  
view, there is no fault; he can only experience a slowdown in the response time. Of  
course, this model can be implemented with far more than just two instances of  
GeoServer; you may have a lot of them. This model will not only make your system  
more reliable, but it will also greatly improve your site's performance.  
Of course, having two GeoServers is not enough. First of all, their configuration  
needs to be synchronized; besides, you need a way to share requests among the  
instances. Indeed, you need a load balancer to distribute the request load across a  
pool of servers.  
The previous diagram displays all the components of a fault tolerant configuration.  
Starting from the right, we find two repositories designed with the symbol usually  
used for databases: one holds the configuration files and the other stores the data.  
As you learned in the previous chapters, GeoServer's configuration is contained in  
a folder. This folder is contained inside war; so when you deploy it on Tomcat, it is  
contained in the geoserverfolder. You can put it on an external filesystem to make  
it accessible by all instances.  
Note that to avoid a single point of failure and corruption in access contention, you  
can't simply copy the configuration folder on a server and have all your GeoServers  
pointing to it. You need to copy it on a special filesystem thought to be  
simultaneously mounted on multiple servers; these filesystems are called Cluster  
File System. Of course, the same issue applies to data not in anRDBMS, for  
The data store may be an RDBMS, for example, a PostGIS server, or a folde  
containing shapefiles and georeferenced images.  
Going leftwards, you will find two GeoServers. Note the lines connecting to both  
data and configuration. They are differently styled just to make the connected items  
clear, but their function is the same. Each GeoServer needs to access the same  
configuration store and data store to expose exactly the same layers.  
On the left of the map servers there are a couple of web servers. You learned that  
they act as a proxy for GeoServer, here they also balance the load among them. We  
will see the configuration's details in the Time for action – configuring a cluster  
section; for now you should note that each web server is connected to each  
GeoServer. This way if one of them fails, the other will forward requests to the  
map servers.  
In front of the web servers there is a component called Router. From a logical  
point of view, it is a balancer that associates all your web servers to a single IP  
address. It may be a hardware or a software component; see  
of implementations.  
Eventually we find the users. They are unaware of the architectural complexity;  
they just have an entry point for the map service to forward the requests. The  
cluster configuration takes care of the requests, dispatching them to a GeoServer  
and returning the responses.  
There is an important fact to keep in mind. WMS, WFS, and WCS are stateless  
There is no session state to maintain across the client requests, so you don't need to  
synchronize session data among your servers. A user request may be filled by  
server1 and then dispatched to server2. The request's body contains all the  
information needed by server2 to process the request. This greatly reduces  
complexity and you can cluster your configuration just by implementing load  
balancing and redundancy.  
Time for action – configuring a cluster  
In the configuration schema, we didn't mention the hardware. Of course, having  
software redundancy while deploying all components on a single physical server is  
not a good idea. You can deploy each component on a separate server (and in  
modern server farm they will probably be virtual ones), but the basic idea is that  
you should never have all the instances of a component on a single machine.  
For the sake of simplicity, and to save you having to buy a lot of hardware, we will  
use a single Linux machine in the following section:  
1. As a first step, we will relocate the configuration folder out of the GeoServer  
web archive. Stop the Tomcat service:  
$ sudo service tomcat stop  
. Now move the folder to an external location:  
$ sudo mv /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/webapps/geoserver/data  
3. Now you have to edit the web.xml file to make GeoServer aware of the new  
configuration folder:  
$ sudo vi /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/webapps/geoserver/WEB-  
. Locate the following commented code fragment:  
5. Remove the first and last line to uncomment it and insert the location of the  
new folder in the param-valueelement:  
6. Save the file and then restart the Tomcat service:  
~$ sudo service tomcat start  
7. Log in to GeoServer and check that the configuration was properly read. Now  
we need a second Tomcat instance. Again, stop the Tomcat service, and copy  
it to a new location:  
$ sudo cp -r /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.27 /opt/new_apache-  
. With two different servers you could leave the Tomcat configuration  
untouched and it would work perfectly. But when you have both on the same  
machine and you start them, they will try to bind to the same TCP port (for  
example, 8080 for HTTP protocol), and one of them will fail in doing so.  
Open the server.xmlfile of the new Tomcat with an editor:  
$ sudo vi /opt/new_apache-tomcat-7.0.27/conf/server.xml  
. Locate the following code—it is the first uncommented line—and modify  
Server portto 8105:  
Server port="8105" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">  
10. Now look for the code section where the HTTP connector is configured.  
Change connector portto 8180:  
Connector port="8180" protocol="HTTP/1.1"  
redirectPort="8443" />  
1. Scroll down until you find code for the AJP connector and modify the port  
number to 8109:  
Connector port="8109" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443"  
2. Save the file and close it. Before starting the two Tomcat servers, we need to  
add a couple of parameters for JVM, otherwise integrated GWC will lock the  
datafolder and only one GeoServer will be able to start:  
$ sudo vi /etc/init.d/tomcat  
13. Just after the line setting the -serverparameter, insert the following:  
4. Add the GWCvariable in the line setting JAVA_OPTS:  
export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true $HEAP $NEW $RMIGC  
15. Save the file, then open the startup script for the new Tomcat server:  
$ sudo vi /opt/new_apache-tomcat-7.0.27/bin/  
6. Insert a new line, just after the initial comments, and set the same parameters:  
17. Save the file.  
8. Now we can start the two Tomcat servers. You can start the old one with the  
service command utility. To start the newly created one you will use the  
default startup script:  
$ sudo /opt/new_apache-tomcat-7.0.27/bin/  
9. Now open your browser and point to http://localhost/geoserver, and to  
http://localhost:8180/geoserver. Go to the Layer Preview page; now  
you see the same layers list as expected.  
0. Now we need to set a proxy for both the Tomcat servers and add a balancer.  
This is delivered byapache httpd mod_proxy_balancer. Enable it using  
the following script:  
$ sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer  
$ sudo service apache 2 restart  
21. In order to change the proxy configuration, you have to edit the httpd.conf  
$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf  
22. We need to modify the ProxyPass directive. Comment the lines you inserted  
in the previous Time for action – configuring a proxy section, by inserting a #  
character at line start. Then insert the following code:  
ProxyPass /geoserver balancer://geoserver  
Proxy balancer://geoserver>  
BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/geoserver  
BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8109/geoserver  
Order deny,allow  
Deny from all  
Allow from  
3. Save the file and restart the Apache service. Now open your browser and go  
to http://localhost/geoserver. Apache will forward your request to one  
of the two GeoServers.  
4. You may wonder how the balancer works, how it balances requests, and what  
happens if a server fails. Apache mod_proxy_balancer comes with a  
practical interface to manage and monitor the balancer. You have to explicitly  
expose it in the httpd.conffile:  
$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf  
5. Insert the following code:  
Location /balancer-manager>  
SetHandler balancer-manager  
Order Deny,Allow  
Deny from all  
Allow from  
6. From your browser, open http://localhost/balancer-manager:  
7. From the web interface, you can monitor the main parameters for each node of  
the configuration. The status tells you if the node is working or if it is down.  
Right next to it you can find the number of requests that each node processed  
since the service started. The method field shows you how the requests are  
distributed. The default mode to perform weighted request counting is  
byrequests. You can also modify it to bytraffic, to perform weighted  
traffic byte count balancing. By default each node is assigned an equal load,  
but you can distribute traffic asymmetrically using the loadfactor parameter.  
Let's change our configuration to split 75 percent of the requests to one node  
and the remaining 25 percent to the other:  
Proxy balancer://geoserver>  
BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/geoserver loadfactor=1  
BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8109/geoserver loadfactor=3  
Order deny,allow  
Deny from all  
Allow from  
8. Restart the Apache service, then open the GeoServer web interface, and  
navigate it to send a few requests. If you now open the balancer-manager  
interface again, the page should look as follows:  
9. You can also set a node as a host stand-by. The balancer will fetch requests to  
it in case the node fails. To set a backup, you have to insert the status=+H  
Proxy balancer://geoserver>  
BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009/geoserver status=+H  
BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8109/geoserver  
Order deny,allow  
Deny from all  
Allow from  
What just happened?  
You learned how to configure a simple yet effective high availability configuration.  
In this section we didn't introduce any router; this task is usually performed by  
network engineers and you are safe knowing that it has to be done.  
Pop quiz – production environment  
Q1. How can you tune the environment for JVM?  
. You should use a 64-bit JVM version; it performs much better than the 32-bit  
. You have to launch a console window on your server and set the global  
environment variables.  
. You have to set custom values for JVM startup parameters in the script used to  
start GeoServer.  
Q2. How can you reduce the downtime for your map service?  
. Using an improved hardware.  
. Optimizing your data.  
. Setting redundant items for each component of your configuration.  
In this chapter we discussed basic considerations to safely deploy the GeoServer in  
Deploying a successful configuration requires you to take care of several topics.  
JVM optimization may enhance performances, and a high availability configuration  
can rock your GeoServer. Although, as a beginner, some of the issues may seem out  
of your scope for now, it is important to know where to focus your attention when  
planning a new installation. Most of the times you will be working with system and  
network engineers knowing very little about map servers. You will be expected to  
guide them in identifying the critical details in the configuration.  
In the next chapter, we will focus on the next steps to take once you are confident  
with GeoServer, how to get further help, and what else GeoServer can offer you  
that we didn't cover in this book.  
Chapter 12. Going Further: Getting  
Help and Troubleshooting  
Our journey into GeoServer is coming to an end. What you have learned should  
enable you to create a map service and make your data accessible to everyone on  
the Internet.  
GeoServer is far more complex than what we have covered so far. There are lots  
of advanced features for data sharing and performing spatial analysis.  
In this chapter we will briefly cover some advanced features, for example, other  
standard protocols supported by GeoServer, and how to get help and also how to  
collaborate the project. We will cover the following topics in detail:  
Web Feature Service (WFS)  
Web Coverage Service (WCS)  
Online resources  
Future steps (maybe!)  
Going beyond maps  
We focused on the maps in the book and almost always used the WMS protocol in  
our examples. As you learned in Chapter 1, GIS Fundamentals, a map is a  
representation of data. A map can include vector or raster data, but it always  
represents them as a raster output, that is, an image. While maps are an easy and  
useful way to show your data, there are other scenarios where users need not use a  
representation, but the original data, for example, to process the data on a client-  
side task. Here, two other OGC protocols come into use: WFS and WCS.  
Delivering vector data  
If a user needs to get your vector data, for example, the USA railroads, he can use  
the Web Feature Service (WFS) protocol. It is a standard protocol defined by  
OGC that refers to the sending and receiving of geospatial data through HTTP.  
When delivering data, the most important thing to define is the data format. Vector  
data is usually stored in a binary format—think of a shapefile or a PostGIS table—  
but for practical purposes we need a more standard approach. Indeed, WFS  
encodes and transfers information in Geography Markup Language (GML),  
based on XML.  
There exist a few versions of WFS and GML. The current GeoServer releas  
supports the 1.0.0, 1.1.0, and 2.0.0 WFS versions.  
You can find the full reference for WFS and GML at the OGC repository a  
OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard  
OpenGIS Web Feature Service (WFS) Implementation Specification  
WFS defines a set of operations that a user can perform on data. You used  
transactional operations in Chapter 10, Securing Your GeoServer Before  
Production, for data editing. We will now focus on retrieving data.  
Time for action – retrieving vector  
We will use WFS to get vector data encoded in GML. In case you disabled it, as  
we did in Chapter 11, Tuning GeoServer in a Production Environment, you will  
need to enable the WFS in GeoServer. Open your command-line console; we are  
going to use curlfor sending requests:  
1. The first operation that we will use is GetCapabilities. It describes which  
feature types and operations are available on the server:  
service=wfs&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities" -o  
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost/geoserver/wfs?  
2. The XML returned is quite huge; the following lines show you the brief  
description for a featuretypeelement:  
Keywords>10m_railroads, features</Keywords>  
LatLongBoundingBox minx="-150.08159339101002"  
miny="8.329046942181577" maxx="-59.94810950429127"  
. If you need to use a featuretype element, for example, railroads, you  
probably need the full description. You can get it using the  
DescribeFeatureType operation, which returns an XML code containing a  
description for the featuretype element you requested. Note that you can  
omit the TypeName parameter; in this case you get the full list for the  
featuretypeelement, ordered by workspace:  
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost/geoserver/wfs?  
o railroads.xml  
4. The response contains that feature type's detailed description. You can find the  
nameand typeof each attribute:  
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
xsd:complexType name="10m_railroadsType">  
xsd:extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">  
xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"  
name="the_geom" nillable="true"  
xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"  
name="ScaleRank" nillable="true" type="xsd:int"/>  
xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"  
name="FeatureCla" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>  
xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"  
name="SOV_A3" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>  
xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"  
name="UIDENT" nillable="true" type="xsd:int"/>  
. Now we will retrieve the features. The GetFeature operation retrieves them  
from the GeoServer. To avoid getting a huge number of features, you can limit  
the number of elements returned with the maxFeaturesparameter:  
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost/geoserver/wfs?  
o getFeature.xml  
. The XML code returned contains GML for the single feature that we specified.  
In this case we have a single lineStringelement with a lot of vertices listed  
in the gml:coordinateselement:  
NaturalEarth:10m_railroads fid="10m_railroads.1">  
xmlns:gml="" decimal="." cs="," ts="  
>-147.67979896,64.81824372 -147.69432532,64.83020661 -  
148.96648109,60.85010407 -  
. Limiting the elements returned with maxFeatures is ok for a sample request.  
In general, you want to have more control over the number and types of  
features you want to extract. Indeed, you can filter them with a spatial operator  
or with alphanumerical filtering on attributes. In the following sample, we use  
the bboxoperator to filter the railroad elements that intersect an extent:  
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost/geoserver/wfs?  
16.68,36.29,-111.36,39.90" -o getBboxFeature.xml  
. The request again returns a single feature but the root element is  
FeatureCollection. If your try to extend bbox, more features will be listed  
inside it:  
NaturalEarth:10m_railroads fid="10m_railroads.481">  
xmlns:gml="" decimal="." cs="," ts="  
>-116.86064613,34.86170075 -116.85924232,34.86536286  
112.16722572,40.70233796 -  
What just happened?  
You learned how to use WFS for retrieving data with all the geometrical and  
alphanumerical details. Combining the retrieval with the capabilities to insert or  
update data (WFS-T), you can build an online editing system for vector data.  
Delivering raster data  
When it comes to raster data, Web Coverage Service (WCS) is the equivalent of  
WFS for delivering the original data. Like vector data, raster data may be rendered  
in a proper way on a map and you will get the result with WMS and aGetMap  
request. WCS is intended to get a raster data set or its subset in its original form,  
without any rendering or other processing.  
With WCS you don't have a standard format for data delivery; it depends on the  
original format of your data.  
The current release of GeoServer supports the 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 WCS versions.  
As with WFS, you can find the full reference for WCS at the OGC repository  
OpenGIS Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Specification  
Time for action – retrieving raster  
We will use WCS to get raster data, using the sample data shipped with GeoServer.  
In case you disabled it, as we did in Chapter 11, Tuning GeoServer in a  
Production Environment, you will need to enable the WCS in GeoServer. Like  
WFS examples, we will use cUrlfor sending requests:  
. The first operation we will use is GetCapabilities. As with WFS, it returns  
a list of available featuretypeand operations:  
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost/geoserver/wcs?  
service=wcs&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities" -o  
. The following lines show you the brief description for a coverage, extracted  
from the list returned:  
wcs:description>A very rough imagery of North  
wcs:label>North America sample imagery</wcs:label>  
gml:pos>-130.85168 20.7052</gml:pos>  
gml:pos>-62.0054 54.1141</gml:pos>  
. The DescribeCoverageoperation lets you get a full description of it:  
~$ curl -XGET "http://localhost/geoserver/wcs?  
o describeCoverage.xml  
. Inside the description, the returned code contains a list of the supported data  
formats for the output:  
wcs:supportedFormats nativeFormat="WorldImage">  
. Now we will retrieve coverage. The GetCoverage operation retrieves it  
from GeoServer. Unlike the GetFeatures operation in WFS, a few  
parameters are mandatory. You have to specify the bounding box ( bbox) and  
the width and height parameters. The bbox operator defines the geometrical  
extent you want to extract, while widthand heightdefine the image size:  
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost/geoserver/wcs?  
2.0054,54.1141&width=982&height=597&format=geotiff&bands=1" -  
o coverage.tiff  
6. If you open the coverage.tiff file with a picture viewer, you will see that it  
contains the same data as the original coverage:  
What just happened?  
You learned the basics of retrieving raster data. If your project needs to process the  
raster data on the client side, it is very important that they are not transformed by  
the map server, as with WMS.  
Getting help  
Through this book you have learned a lot about web mapping and GeoServer, but  
being an ultimate reference is far out of this book's scope.  
When you are in trouble or simply curious about the new features, there are a lot of  
online resources that can help you. The project site,, contains a  
lot of information about GeoServer. Besides the basic features, you can find  
descriptions for the community modules that are plugins developed by the  
contributors to address specific requirements. Maybe you will find something  
really useful for you.  
The project blog,, announces new releases, ideas, and  
contributions. Your RSS feed reader can't miss it!  
There are two mailing lists, one user oriented and the other for developers that are  
hosted on Information and links to the subscription point are at  
On both, you can ask for information about the software in general and for specific  
issues. Many core developers read both the lists and you can get an answer that can  
save you from wasting your time. As with any other mailing list, following some  
rules may increase your chances of getting a solution to your problem:  
Be specific: If you write an e-mail stating GeoServer does not seem to work,  
you can be sure that nobody will reply to you. You should describe a clear  
sequence to replicate your issue, also giving details about your configuration.  
Be polite: People on the lists are there to help you but are not at your service.  
Most of the time they will do their best to find a solution for your issue, but  
sometimes this can't be done. It could be that nobody knows how to solve your  
issue or it is too complicated to be solved. If your issue requires a lot of  
coding, you can't expect that someone will start working on it as soon as you  
post it on the lists.  
Be collaborative: If you have got coding capabilities, you might try to build a  
patch for the issue and submit it in the source code repository. It will be  
checked and hopefully committed.  
You need to register. It is free and you only have to insert a valid e-mail address,  
and then you can report a new issue. Browsing for current status is allowed for both  
registered and anonymous users.  
Have a go hero – GeoServer needs you!  
We hope you liked GeoServer. It is a valuable piece of software and it comes to  
you with no license cost, as with any open source project. Several developers,  
power users, and companies work hard every day to make it a better and more  
capable product.  
If you find it useful you may want to consider giving back some of what you  
Join the mailing lists and try not only to learn, but also to give back what you  
learned. GeoServer project is supported by all the people using it; so help to make  
it better.  
Pop quiz - using WFS and WCS  
Q1. How can you filter a feature in a WFS GetFeaturerequest?  
. You can only limit the number of features returned with the maxFeatures  
. You can only filter the features returned by specifying an area of interest with  
the bboxparameter.  
. You may specify an area of interest with the bbox parameter or build a filter  
on attributes, both alphanumerical and geometrical, with the filter operations  
in the request body.  
Q2. Can you resample raster data with WCS's GetCoveragerequest?  
1. No, you can only get data at their native resolution.  
2. Yes, but you can only select among the resolutions included in the  
3. Yes, using a proper combination of the bbox, width, and height values you  
can obtain the desired resolution.  
In this final chapter we gave a brief description of WFS and WCS—two differen  
ways to serve spatial data on the Web. But there's much more than this in the  
GeoServer project.  
We can just mention the main features we didn't cover in the book, such as Web  
Processing Service (WPS), which is a standard protocol for invoking the  
geospatial processing services, CSS styling, which is an alternative way of  
simplifying SLD complexity to style your layers, and time support for vector and  
raster data.  
Whatever your needs in serving spatial data, GeoServer has an answer, or will  
have it soon!  
Appendix A. Pop Quiz Answers  
Chapter 2, Getting Started with  
Pop quiz – setting up Java  
Q1 3  
Q2 3  
Pop quiz – GeoServer security  
Q1 2  
Q2 2  
Chapter 4, Accessing Layers  
Pop quiz – accessing data  
Q1 2  
Q2 3  
Chapter 5, Adding your Data  
Pop quiz – adding data to GeoServer  
Q1 3  
Q2 2  
Pop quiz – adding data  
Q1 3  
Q2 1  
Chapter 6, Styling your Layers  
Pop quiz – SLD basic elements  
Q1 1  
Q2 2  
Pop quiz – styling points  
Q1 2  
Q2 2  
Pop quiz – styling lines and polygons  
Q1 3  
Q2 1  
Q3 2  
Chapter 7, Creating Simple Maps  
Pop quiz – creating mapping apps  
Q1 2  
Q2 3  
Chapter 8, Performance and Caching  
Pop quiz – configuring integrated GeoWebCache  
Q1 2  
Q2 1  
Q3 3  
Chapter 9, Automating Tasks:  
GeoServer REST Interface  
Pop quiz – reviewing REST operations  
Q1 3  
Q2 2  
Q3 3  
Chapter 10, Securing GeoServer  
before Production  
Pop quiz – reviewing security  
Q1 2  
Q2 3  
Chapter 11, Tuning GeoServer in a  
Production Environment  
Pop quiz – production environment  
Q1 3  
Q2 3  
Chapter 12, Going Further: Getting  
Help and Troubleshooting  
Pop quiz – using WFS and WCS  
Q1 3  
Q2 3  
About & Status section  
about / About , About  
Server Status / Server Status  
GeoServer Logs / GeoServer Logs  
contact information / Contact Information  
configuration, loading manually / Time for action manually reloading  
configuration, What just happened?  
additional data sources  
exploring / Exploring additional data sources  
Oracle / Using Oracle  
MySQL / Using MySQL  
Adobe Illustrator  
about / SVG  
Apache Tomcat  
installing / Installing Apache Tomcat  
about / Installing Apache Tomcat  
URL / Installing Apache Tomcat  
installing, on Windows / Time for action installing Apache Tomcat on  
installing, on Ubuntu / Time for action installing Apache Tomcat on  
Ubuntu, What just happened?  
license agreement / Time for action installing Apache Tomcat on  
configuring, on Ubuntu / Time for action configuring Tomcat as a  
service on Ubuntu  
web interface, exploring / Have a go hero – exploring the Tomcat web  
GeoServer, deploying / Time for action deploying GeoServer on  
ArcGIS Online  
URL / Representing the world  
about / WCS, ArcGrid  
AtomPub format  
about / AtomPub  
bbox / Working with tiles  
bug tracker  
exploring / Have a go hero – exploring the bug tracker  
caching defaults  
setting / Setting caching defaults  
direct integration, enabling / Direct integration  
TMS / TMS and WMTS  
default layers options / Default layers options  
default cached gridsets / Default Cached Gridsets  
choropleth maps  
about / Choropleth maps  
configuring / Time for action configuring a cluster, What just  
Cluster File System  
about / Avoiding service faults  
configuration, GeoServer cluster / Time for action configuring a cluster,  
What just happened?  
configuration, proxy / Time for action configuring a proxy, What just  
coordinates in decimal degree  
about / Have a go hero – move around the planet with decimal degree  
coordinate systems  
about / Understanding coordinate systems  
geographic coordinate systems / Understanding coordinate systems  
projected coordinate system / Understanding coordinate systems  
UTM / Universal Transverse Mercator system  
Web Mercator / Web Mercator  
SRID / Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)  
CQL (Contextual Query Language) filters /Have a go hero – selecting a  
features subset with filters  
about / WFS  
CSV format  
about / CSV  
about / Using REST  
URL / Using REST, Time for action installing the Requests library  
custom Google map layer  
creating / Have a go hero creating a custom Google map layer  
custom gridset  
creating / Time for action creating a custom gridset, What just  
about / Data  
Layer Preview / Layer Preview  
workspaces / Workspaces  
stores / Stores  
layers / Layers  
layer groups / Layer groups  
styles / Styles  
configuring / Configuring your data  
filtering / Have a go hero – filtering data  
data, REST interface  
managing / Managing data  
workspaces, working with / Working with workspaces and namespaces  
namespaces, working with / Working with workspaces and namespaces  
workspaces, managing / Time for action managing workspaces  
data access  
shapefile, creating / Have a go hero creating a new shapefile  
layers, securing / Time for action – securing layers, What just happened?  
data publishing, REST interface  
styles, working with / Working with styles  
layers, working with / Working with layers  
data security, GeoServer  
user definition / User definition  
group definition / Group definition  
user/group services / User/group services  
roles definition / Roles definition  
users and groups, creating / Time for action creating users and groups,  
What just happened?  
roles, defining / Time for action – defining roles  
data stores, REST interface  
managing / Time for action managing data stores  
default cached gridsets  
about / Default Cached Gridsets  
default layers options, caching defaults  
about / Default layers options  
Demo requests interface  
about / Demos  
demo requests, exploring / Time for action – exploring Demo requests  
SRS list / SRS List  
projection list, filtering / Time for action – filtering the projection list  
DescribeCoverage operation / Time for action – retrieving raster data  
digital elevation model (DEM) / Configuring raster data sources  
direct integration  
about / Direct integration  
Disk Quota, GeoWebCache  
configuring / Time for action configuring Disk Quota  
DMZ / What just happened?  
about / Measuring the world  
emacs / Editing styles  
about / Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)  
EPSG Geodetic Parameter Registry / Have a go hero explore EPSG registry  
EPSG registry  
exploring / Have a go hero – explore EPSG registry  
URL / Have a go hero – explore EPSG registry  
external GeoWebCache  
using / Using an external GeoWebCache  
external WFS, vector data sources  
configuring / Configuring an external Web Feature Service  
external WMS, raster data sources  
configuring / Configuring an external Web Map Service  
featuretype element / Time for action retrieving vector data  
feature types, REST interface  
about / Using feature types  
shapefile, adding / Time for action adding a new shapefile, What just  
PostGIS table, adding /Time for action adding a PostGIS table, What  
just happened?  
Firebug / What just happened?  
Firefox / What just happened?  
GDAL output  
about / GDAL and OGR output  
geographic coordinate systems  
about / Understanding coordinate systems  
Geography Markup Language (GML)  
about / Delivering vector data  
reference / Delivering vector data  
about / Measuring the world  
about / GeoJSON  
parsing / Time for action – parsing GeoJSON  
geometrical shapes  
representing / Representing geometrical shapes  
using, with OpenLayers / Time for action using GeoRSS with  
GeoRSS format  
about / GeoRSS  
GeoServer / The foundation of any GIS spatial data  
about / Installing Java, Avoiding service faults  
URL / Installing GeoServer, Getting help  
installation options / Installing GeoServer  
deploying, on Tomcat / Time for action deploying GeoServer on  
basic security, implementing / Implementing basic security  
bug tracker / Have a go hero – exploring the bug tracker  
output options / Extra output options  
data, configuring / Configuring your data  
vector data sources, configuring / Configuring vector data sources  
raster data sources, configuring / Configuring raster data sources  
additional data sources / Exploring additional data sources  
Oracle, adding / Using Oracle  
MySQL, adding / Using MySQL  
integrating, with OpenLayers / Time for action integrating GeoServer  
and OpenLayers, What just happened?  
REST / Introducing REST  
REST interface / Introducing REST  
security settings / Basic security settings  
data security / Defining users, groups, and roles  
unused services, disabling / Time for action disabling unused services,  
What just happened?  
proxy, configuring / Time for action configuring a proxy, What just  
service faults, avoiding / Avoiding service faults  
GeoServer bundled styles  
viewing / Time for action – viewing GeoServer bundled styles  
GeoServer cluster  
configuring / Time for action configuring a cluster, What just  
GeoServer Demos  
about / Demos  
demo requests, exploring / Time for action exploring Demo requests,  
What just happened?  
GeoServer interface  
about / Understanding the interface  
About & Status / About  
data / Data  
services / Services  
settings / Settings  
Tile Caching / Tile Caching  
Security / Security  
security / Security  
global security settings / Settings  
Demos / Demos  
GeoServer Logs  
about / GeoServer Logs  
about / GeoTiff  
about / Stores  
exploring / Exploring GeoWebCache  
URL / Exploring GeoWebCache  
storage, configuring / Time for action configuring GeoWebCache  
Disk Quota, configuring / Time for action configuring Disk Quota  
caching defaults, setting / Setting caching defaults  
gridsets, configuring / Configuring gridsets  
tile layers, configuring / Configuring tile layers  
external GeoWebCache, using / Using an external GeoWebCache  
GetFeatureInfo freemarker template  
using / Time for action using the GetFeatureInfo freemarker template,  
What just happened?  
GetFeature operation / Time for action – retrieving vector data  
GetFeature request / Time for action – disabling unused services  
GetMap request / Time for action installing native JAI, What just happened?  
GIF format  
about / GIF  
about / What is GIS about?  
coordinate systems / Understanding coordinate systems  
geometrical shapes / Representing geometrical shapes  
raster data / Modeling the real world with raster data  
GIS software / The foundation of any GIS spatial data  
GitHub project / What just happened?  
about / Installing Apache Tomcat  
global security settings, GeoServer interface  
about / Settings  
global settings, GeoServer interface  
about / Global  
Verbose reporting / Verbose Reporting  
enable Global Services / Enable Global Services  
Proxy Base URL / Proxy Base URL  
logging Profile / Logging Profile  
Log to StdOut / Log to StdOut  
Log location / Log location  
logging configuration, changing / Time for action changing your logging  
logging level, creating / Have a go hero – making your own logging level  
GML (plain text)  
about / GML (plain text)  
gml*coordinates element / Time for action retrieving vector data  
GML2 (compressed GZIP)  
about / GML2 (compressed GZIP)  
about / WFS  
about / Web Mercator  
Google basemap  
customizing / Time for action customizing Google basemap  
Google Earth / Time for action making your thematic map  
Google Maps  
about / Web Mercator  
Google Maps API  
about / Exploring Google Maps API  
GeoServer layer, adding as overlay / Time for action adding a  
GeoServer layer as overlay  
GeoServer layer, adding as base layer / Time for action adding a  
GeoServer layer as a base layer, What just happened?  
pre-calculated maps, using / Time for action adding a GeoServer  
cached layer as overlay, What just happened?  
user, interacting / Interacting with the user  
click event, intercepting / Time for action – intercepting the Click event  
about / Configuring gridsets  
configuring / Configuring gridsets  
custom gridset, creating / Time for action – creating a custom gridset  
group definition  
about / Group definition  
about / Gtopo30  
about / Setting a proxy  
about / ImageMap  
about / ImageMosaic  
about / SVG  
Java / Installing Java  
Apache Tomcat / Installing Apache Tomcat  
GeoServer / Installing GeoServer  
installation, native JAI /Time for action installing native JAI, What just  
interface settings, GeoServer  
about / Settings  
global / Global  
issue tracker  
URL / Getting help  
about / JAI, Time for action – installing native JAI  
JAI-IO package / Time for action installing native JAI  
tuning / Tuning Java  
runtime parameters, configuring / Time for action configuring Java  
runtime parameters, What just happened?  
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)  
about / JAI usage and configurations  
Java installation  
about / Installing Java  
JRE/JDK installation, checking on Windows / Time for action checking  
the presence of Java on Windows  
JRE/JDK installation, checking on Ubuntu /Time for action checking  
the presence of Java on Ubuntu, What just happened?  
JRE, installing on Windows /Time for action installing JRE on  
JRE, installing on Ubuntu /Time for action installing JRE on Ubuntu,  
What just happened?  
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) / Stores  
Java Virtual Machine (JVM)  
about / JVM Version and fonts  
about / Installing Apache Tomcat  
JDK (Java Development Kit)  
about / Installing Java  
about / Setting a proxy  
JPEG format  
about / JPEG  
installing, on Windows / Time for action – installing JRE on Windows  
installing, on Ubuntu / Time for action installing JRE on Ubuntu, What  
just happened?  
JRE (Java Runtime Environment)  
about / Installing Java  
JRE/JDK installation  
cheking, on Windows / Time for action checking the presence of Java  
on Windows  
cheking, on Ubuntu / Time for action checking the presence of Java on  
Ubuntu, What just happened?  
about / WFS  
runtime parameters, optimizing for / Time for action configuring Java  
runtime parameters, What just happened?  
KML (Plain) format  
about / KML (Plain)  
KML preview  
about / Time for action – KML preview, What just happened?  
KMZ (Compressed) format  
about / KMZ (Compressed)  
adding / Adding labels  
points, labeling / Time for action – labeling points  
lines, labeling / Time for action – labeling lines  
styling / Have a go hero – styling labels for lines  
polygons, labeling / Time for action – labeling polygons  
about / Measuring the world  
layer groups  
about / Layer groups  
Layer Preview  
about / Layer Preview  
OpenLayers preview / Time for action OpenLayers preview, What just  
KML preview / Time for action – KML preview, What just happened?  
about / Layers  
styling / Putting it all together  
grouping / Time for action grouping layers  
layers, REST interface  
managing / Time for action managing layers  
about / OpenLayers  
URL / OpenLayers  
explroing / Exploring Leaflet  
using, with GeoServer layers / Time for action using Leaflet with  
GeoServer layers, What just happened?  
lineString element / Time for action – retrieving vector data  
linestring symbols  
about / Linestring symbols  
simple line style, creating / Time for action – creating a simple line style  
centerline, adding / Time for action – adding a border and a centerline  
border, adding / Time for action – adding a border and a centerline  
hatching, using / Time for action using hatching  
dashed lines, using / Time for action – using dashed lines  
dashing lines and markers, mixing / Time for action mixing dashing  
lines and markers  
about / Measuring the world  
building / Representing the world  
symbols / Representing the world  
colors and shading / Representing the world  
memory usage  
about / Memory Usage  
URL / Configuring an external Web Feature Service  
about / Using MySQL  
adding, in GeoServer / Time for action – adding MySQL data source  
namespace URI, REST interface  
about / Working with workspaces and namespaces  
native JAI  
installing / Time for action – installing native JAI, What just happened?  
notepad++ / Editing styles  
OGR output  
about / GDAL and OGR output  
online resources, GeoServer  
about / Getting help  
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)  
about / Representing geometrical shapes  
URL / Representing geometrical shapes  
about / Installing Java  
about / OpenLayers  
options, exploring / Time for action exploring OpenLayers options,  
What just happened?  
tiles, working with / Working with tiles  
filtering / Have a go hero – selecting a features subset with filters  
using / Using OpenLayers  
integrating, with GeoServer / Time for action integrating GeoServer  
and OpenLayers, What just happened?  
GeoRSS, using with /Time for action using GeoRSS with OpenLayers,  
What just happened?  
OpenLayers preview  
about / Time for action OpenLayers preview, What just happened?  
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)  
about / OpenLayers  
about / Time for action exploring OpenStreetMap  
URL / Time for action exploring OpenStreetMap  
using / Time for action exploring OpenStreetMap  
about / Using Oracle  
adding, in GeoServer / Time for action adding Oracle support in  
GeoServer, What just happened?  
Oracle Java™ JRE / Installing Java  
Oracle Locator  
about / Using Oracle  
Oracle Spatial  
about / Using Oracle  
Out Of Memory (OOM) /Time for action configuring Java runtime  
output options, GeoServer  
GDAL / GDAL and OGR output  
OGR / GDAL and OGR output  
Parallel Garbage Collector /Time for action configuring Java runtime  
PDF format  
about / PDF  
pdf Reflect option, WMS Reflector  
exploring / Have a go hero – exploring the pdf Reflect option  
PgAdmin / Have a go hero – filtering data  
PNG format  
about / PNG  
PointSymbolizer / ImageMap  
point symbols  
working with / Working with point symbols  
simple point style, creating / Time for action creating a simple point  
stroke value, adding / Time for action – adding a stroke value  
angles and transparency, dealing with / Time for action dealing with  
angles and transparency  
simple shapes, composing / Time for action – composing simple shapes  
external graphics, using / Time for action using external graphics, What  
just happened?  
composing / Have a go hero – composing your symbol  
polygon symbols  
working with / Working with polygon symbols  
simple polygon style, creating / Time for action creating a simple  
polygon style, What just happened?  
graphic filling, using / Time for action using a graphic filling  
hatching, using / Time for action using hatching with polygons, What  
just happened?  
about / Representing geometrical shapes  
about / Using PostGIS  
installing / Time for action – installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS  
data, loading / Time for action loading data in PostGIS and publishing  
them in GeoServer  
data, publishing in GeoServer / Time for action loading data in  
PostGIS and publishing them in GeoServer  
installing / Time for action – installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS  
pre-calculated maps, Google Maps API  
using / Using pre-calculated maps  
GeoServer cached layer, adding as overlay / Time for action adding a  
GeoServer cached layer as overlay, What just happened?  
Google basemap, customizing / Time for action customizing Google  
basemap, What just happened?  
custom Google map layer, creating / Have a go hero – creating a custom  
Google map layer  
Processing Service (WPS)  
about / Summary  
project blog  
URL / Getting help  
projected coordinate system  
about / Understanding coordinate systems  
about / Projecting a sphere on a plane  
classifying / Projecting a sphere on a plane  
properties file, vector data sources  
configuring / Adding a properties file  
proportional maps  
about / Proportional maps  
setting / Setting a proxy  
configuring / Time for action configuring a proxy, What just happened?  
URL / Using REST  
QGIS / Editing styles  
URL / Editing styles  
raster data  
about / Representing geometrical shapes  
used, for modeling real world / Modeling the real world with raster data  
drawbacks / Modeling the real world with raster data  
delivering / Delivering raster data  
retrieving / Time for action – retrieving raster data, What just happened?  
raster data sources  
about / Configuring raster data sources  
configuring / Configuring raster data sources  
ArcGrid / ArcGrid  
GeoTiff / GeoTiff  
Gtopo30 / Gtopo30  
ImageMosaic / ImageMosaic  
WorldImage / WorldImage  
external WMS, configuring / Configuring an external Web Map Service  
raster formats  
about / Stores  
about / Avoiding service faults  
real world  
modeling, raster data used / Modeling the real world with raster data  
Requests library  
installing / Time for action – installing the Requests library  
Resource Cache  
about / Resource Cache  
about / Introducing REST  
using / Using REST  
Requests library, installing / Time for action installing the Requests  
library, What just happened?  
REST interface, GeoServer  
data, managing / Managing data  
data, publishing / Publishing data  
roles definition  
about / Roles definition  
root account  
about / Time for action changing the master password  
rules, mailing list  
about / Getting help  
runtime parameter  
optimizing, for JVM /Time for action configuring Java runtime  
parameters, What just happened?  
sample maps, building  
Google Maps API, exploring / Exploring Google Maps API  
OpenLayers, using / Using OpenLayers  
Leaflet, exploring / Exploring Leaflet  
security, GeoServer  
implementing / Implementing basic security  
security settings, improving / Time for action improving security  
data access / Accessing data and services  
security settings, GeoServer  
about / Basic security settings  
strong encryption, enabling / Time for action enabling strong encryption  
master password, changing / Time for action changing the master  
security settings, GeoServer interface  
users / Users, Groups, and Roles  
groups / Users, Groups, and Roles  
roles / Users, Groups, and Roles  
data / Data  
catalog security / Catalog security  
services security / Services security  
about / Time for action – seeding a layer  
Server Status  
about / Server Status  
locks / Locks  
connections / Connections  
memory usage / Memory Usage  
JVM / JVM Version and fonts  
JAI / JAI usage and configurations  
update sequence / Update Sequence  
resource cache / Resource Cache  
configuration and catalog / Configuration and catalog  
service faults  
avoiding / Avoiding service faults  
about / Services  
about / WFS  
about / Shapefile  
SLD (styled layer descriptor) / What just happened?  
spatial data  
about / The foundation of any GIS spatial data  
world, measuring / Measuring the world  
sphere, projecting on plane / Projecting a sphere on a plane  
projecting, on sphere / Projecting a sphere on a plane  
about / Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)  
about / Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)  
SRS list  
filtering / Time for action – filtering the projection list  
standard structure, style  
exploring / Exploring the standard structure of a style  
GeoServer bundled styles, viewing / Time for action viewing  
GeoServer bundled styles  
storage, GeoWebCache  
configuring / Time for action configuring GeoWebCache storage, What  
just happened?  
about / Stores  
data formats / Stores  
Styled Layer Descriptor  
about / Understanding Styled Layer Descriptor  
URL / Understanding Styled Layer Descriptor  
about / Styles  
editing / Editing styles  
standard structure, exploring / Exploring the standard structure of a style  
data, loading / Loading data for styling  
styles, REST interface  
managing / Working with styles  
adding / Time for action adding a new style  
SVG format  
about / SVG  
about / TEXT/HTML  
thematic map  
building / Time for action making your thematic map  
thematic mapping  
about / Thematic mapping  
roads, classifying / Time for action – classifying roads  
choropleth road map / What just happened?  
thematic maps  
about / Adding more colors to your maps  
choropleth maps / Choropleth maps  
proportional maps / Proportional maps  
TIFF format  
about / TIFF  
tile caching  
about / Tile Caching  
tile layers  
configuring / Configuring tile layers  
configuring, for caching / Time for action configuring layers and layer  
groups for caching  
using, with OpenLayers / Time for action using tiles with OpenLayers  
client, building for tiger county layer / Have a go hero – building a client  
for tiger county layer  
seeding / Time for action – seeding a layer  
tiles, OpenLayers  
working with / Working with tiles  
TMS (Tiled Map Services) / TMS and WMTS  
about / Tuning Java  
Tomcat web interface  
exploring / Have a go hero – exploring the Tomcat web interface  
Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS-T) / Locks  
Transverse Mercator projection  
about / Universal Transverse Mercator system  
JRE/JDK installation, checking /Time for action checking the presence  
of Java on Ubuntu, What just happened?  
JRE, installing /Time for action installing JRE on Ubuntu, What just  
downloading / Time for action installing JRE on Ubuntu  
Apache Tomcat 7.x, installing / Time for action installing Apache  
Tomcat on Ubuntu, What just happened?  
Tomcat, configuring / Time for action configuring Tomcat as a service  
on Ubuntu  
United States Geological Survey (USGS)  
about / Gtopo30  
unused services  
disabling / Time for action disabling unused services, What just  
user/group services  
about / User/group services  
user definition  
about / User definition  
UTM system  
about / Universal Transverse Mercator system  
vector data  
about / Representing geometrical shapes  
delivering / Delivering vector data  
retrieving / Time for action – retrieving vector data, What just happened?  
Vector data formats  
about / Stores  
shapefile / Stores  
PostGIS / Stores  
properties / Stores  
WFS / Stores  
vector data sources  
configuring / Configuring vector data sources  
about / Configuring vector data sources  
properties file, adding / Adding a properties file  
external WFS, configuring / Configuring an external Web Feature Service  
shapefiles, adding / Adding shapefiles, Time for action adding  
PostGIS, using / Using PostGIS  
vector data store connections / Connections  
vi / Editing styles  
visibility, setting  
about / Setting visibility  
thematic roads map, enhancing / Time for action enhancing thematic  
roads map, What just happened?  
about / WCS, Removing unused services, Delivering raster data  
using / Delivering raster data  
reference / Delivering raster data  
Web Coverage Service (WCS)  
about / JAI usage and configurations  
Web Map Service (WMS)  
about / JAI usage and configurations  
Web Mercator  
about / Web Mercator  
well-known text (WKT) representation  
about / Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID)  
about / WFS, Layer types, Web Feature Service, Removing unused  
using / Delivering vector data  
reference / Delivering vector data  
about / Removing unused services  
WFS output formats  
GML (plain text) / GML (plain text)  
GML2 (compressed GZIP) / GML2 (compressed GZIP)  
Shapefile / Shapefile  
JRE/JDK installation, checking /Time for action checking the presence  
of Java on Windows  
JRE, installing / Time for action – installing JRE on Windows  
Apache Tomcat 7.x, installing / Time for action installing Apache  
Tomcat on Windows  
about / WMS, Removing unused services  
SRS list, limiting /Time for action limiting the SRS list from WMS,  
What just happened?  
about / WMS-C  
WMS output formats  
exploring / Exploring the Web Map Service output formats  
AtomPub / AtomPub  
GeoRSS / GeoRSS  
KML (Plain) / KML (Plain)  
KMZ (Compressed) / KMZ (Compressed)  
WMS Reflector  
using / Using WMS Reflector, What just happened?  
pdf Reflect option, exploring / Have a go hero – exploring the pdf Reflect  
WMTS (Web Map Tiled Services) / TMS and WMTS  
workspace, REST interface  
about / Working with workspaces and namespaces  
managing / Time for action managing workspaces  
about / Workspaces  
creating / Time for action – creating a workspace, What just happened?  
measuring / Measuring the world  
representing / Representing the world  
world image  
about / Stores  
about / WorldImage